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On 11/27/19 6:55 PM, Ton wrote:
> Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
>> ...
>> Next I have to get it to build in qtcreator, so I can debug it.
>> (I have built and run other qt opengl apps.)
>> --
>> dik
>> Rendered 29,374,617,600 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (58%)
> Well done, Dick!
> Why you don't have the graphics, I don't know. My Qt version here is 5.13, and
> it works. It would be hard to imagine 5.13 works, and 5.9 doesn't.
> qtcreator uses the same commands (cmake and make) like you used in the
> commandline, so that should just work. I'll try later today.
> Cheers
> Ton.
It built first shot in qtcreator! And it runs fine, go figure.
It's um, very mouse-main-menu oriented. It seems like a lot of work to
do a little.
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Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> It built first shot in qtcreator! And it runs fine, go figure.
Can you provide instructions so I can replicate?
> It's um, very mouse-main-menu oriented. It seems like a lot of work to
> do a little.
I figured - but that's why we code. Though some things are very hard to do
_without_ a modeler....
I just did an apt-get upgrade, and while I was helping out jr, I noticed that
qtpovray editor now loses my cursor for a while until I arrow-key up and down.
If I just click on a line, I get a yellow highlight but I have no idea where in
the line the cursor is. :(
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On 11/28/19 10:26 AM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
>> It built first shot in qtcreator! And it runs fine, go figure.
> Can you provide instructions so I can replicate?
0) make build directory
mkdir ~/povmodelerton
cd ~/povmodelerton
1) Clone his repo
git clone https://github.com/eticre/povmodeler.git
2) Make sure you have cmake
sudo apt install cmake
3) In Qtcreator, enable cmake
Menu -> Tools -> Options
Left Menu - Kits
Top Tab - CMake
I called mine cmake-3.10.3
Path: /usr/bin/cmake
I have "Autorun cmake" checked.
Top Tab - Kits
Name: cmake
It should auto-fill in everything else. Important fields:
Device Type: Desktop
CMake Tool: (The one you just created in the cmake tab)
OK to put this mess away
Menu -> Open File
This takes you to the "Projects" screen.
All of the "Build and Run" options are dimmed out.
Click on "cmake" to enable it.
This will create a slew of text boxes for options, and it should
auto-fill the bulk of them.
This is done. There is no "OK" to put it away.
Now, in the grey strip on the far left of the window, click the Edit
button (Above Design). Note the project "qt5-pov".
On the bottom of the grey strip, the monitor icon is surrounded with
"qt5-pov" "Debug"
Build it. Type ^B to build or if you're really brave ^R to build and run :)
The bottom strip buttons "4 Compile Output" will let you follow along.
Go get a beer. Or two. This takes a while.
>> It's um, very mouse-main-menu oriented. It seems like a lot of work to
>> do a little.
> I figured - but that's why we code. Though some things are very hard to do
> _without_ a modeler....
Agreed. But, I'm not seeing any particular benefit to this modeler.
It's a great start, but for me it needs
1. Tree Editor to easily rearrange the nodes in the tree.
2. Better context menus in the tree.
I want to right click in the tree, "Insert -> Simple shapes -> Box"
3. Filtered menus.
Right now every option is always present. So there are a 1000 menu
entries with "Pigment" buried in the 23rd menu of the 23rd menu. If I'm
on a "texture" node in the tree, I don't need "Global Settings", I need
4. Resize object by click-drag in the modeler windows.
(Grabbing in the Camera view would be hard, but Top/Left/Front views
should be easy)
5. Highlight the current object when selected in the tree.
6. A bug. "Render" launches /usr/bin/povray and it and its window just
stay when it's done. One must go to the shell and kill it to terminate it.
7. Hotkeys. I want ^R to render, etc.
> I just did an apt-get upgrade, and while I was helping out jr, I noticed that
> qtpovray editor now loses my cursor for a while until I arrow-key up and down.
> If I just click on a line, I get a yellow highlight but I have no idea where in
> the line the cursor is. :(
This is driving me crazy. I was gonna ask if you started seeing it too.
I am to the point where I need to ask on Qt forums "wtf?".
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Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> 3) In Qtcreator, enable cmake
> Menu -> Tools -> Options
> Left Menu - Kits
Hmmm. I have 3.5.1 I don't see this and that following stuff.
> This is driving me crazy. I was gonna ask if you started seeing it too.
> I am to the point where I need to ask on Qt forums "wtf?".
I was wondering if you were seeing it or had somehow glossed over it.
No breaky the Qt.
If you're gonna ask, I'd love to see the render button moved to somewhere over
the text-editing region (I let the rest of the stuff hang off-screen), and maybe
have the render window gain focus on starting a new render.
Go eat.
Happy Thanksgiving :)
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On 11/28/19 5:06 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> If you're gonna ask, I'd love to see the render button moved to somewhere over
> the text-editing region (I let the rest of the stuff hang off-screen),
Press ^R to start a render?
> and maybe
> have the render window gain focus on starting a new render.
So, you have the Render window set to not-always-on-top and you want it
to pop on top when you start a render?
Hey Jr, are you still using qtpovray? Do you see this missing text
I-beam nonsense with slakware? (BE and I are both Mint; a sample size
of 1.)
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Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> On 11/28/19 5:06 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > ...
> Hey Jr, are you still using qtpovray? Do you see this missing text
> I-beam nonsense with slakware? (BE and I are both Mint; a sample size
> of 1.)
v quick try (haven't really gotten into using it yet[*]). no, I do not see the
"I-beam nonsense" :-) (Slackware. reliable. ;-)) switching focus between
panes, always get the insertion thing; line highlighting too works as it should.
v 3.80.0, built mid July last year.
[*] if you could integrate eticre's code base with qtpovray, _that_ would change
everything. :-)
regards, jr.
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On 12/3/19 4:54 AM, jr wrote:
> hi,
> Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
>> On 11/28/19 5:06 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
>>> ...
>> Hey Jr, are you still using qtpovray? Do you see this missing text
>> I-beam nonsense with slakware? (BE and I are both Mint; a sample size
>> of 1.)
> v quick try (haven't really gotten into using it yet[*]). no, I do not see the
> "I-beam nonsense" :-) (Slackware. reliable. ;-)) switching focus between
> panes, always get the insertion thing; line highlighting too works as it should.
> v 3.80.0, built mid July last year.
Yeah, I expect that one to work. It's something recent that made it go
kablooey. It's hard because I switched from Ubuntu to Mint at about the
same time I noticed it.
> [*] if you could integrate eticre's code base with qtpovray, _that_ would change
> everything. :-)
I played with this a bit more. It's not as bad as I originally thought.
I built a bathtub in it.
I'm thinking of two changes to it.
1) Integrate povrayws, my websocket povray. Right now, he calls
/usr/bin/povray lots, waits for user to terminate it, and reads the
results. povmodeler *could* just display the texture preview, rather
than go through those hoops to get it.
Or, I have libpovray.a built. Maybe I should use that. (That would be
trickier because I'd need to make a public API out of the VFE in the pov
source tree.)
2) Exporting SDL is primitive. Right now, after exporting a scene, one
must cut/paste the useful object into their own code. I want
#declare Bathtub=union {...}
and then be able to use that file directly.
My files are organized so that I can either render them directly, or
include them in another file:
#version 3.7;
#ifndef (True)
#declare True=1;
camera { blah blah }
light_source { test lights }
#declare Bathtub = union {}
object {Bathtub}
> regards, jr.
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Hi Dick, if you edit pmpovrayrenderwidget.cpp, and change the +D and +P into -D
and -P (line 122), povray doesn't show the render window, and it doesn't pause.
That whole messagebox for changing the arguments could be removed as well, not
very useful.
I assume you know that you have to recompile povmodeler. Changing the text file
by itself is not enough.....
To copy one object into a text file, you can just select that particular object,
press Ctrl-C, and then in the text file Ctrl-V, and that object appears,
magically, in your text.
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Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> On 12/3/19 4:54 AM, jr wrote:
> > Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> >> On 11/28/19 5:06 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> >>> ...
> >> Hey Jr, are you still using qtpovray? Do you see this missing text
> >> I-beam nonsense with slakware? (BE and I are both Mint; a sample size
> >> of 1.)
> >
> > v quick try (haven't really gotten into using it yet[*]). no, I do not see the
> > "I-beam nonsense" :-) (Slackware. reliable. ;-)) switching focus between
> > panes, always get the insertion thing; line highlighting too works as it should.
> > v 3.80.0, built mid July last year.
> Yeah, I expect that one to work. It's something recent that made it go
> kablooey. It's hard because I switched from Ubuntu to Mint at about the
> same time I noticed it.
> > [*] if you could integrate eticre's code base with qtpovray, _that_ would change
> > everything. :-)
> I played with this a bit more. It's not as bad as I originally thought.
> I built a bathtub in it.
> I'm thinking of two changes to it.
> 1) Integrate povrayws, my websocket povray. Right now, he calls
> /usr/bin/povray lots, waits for user to terminate it, and reads the
> results. povmodeler *could* just display the texture preview, rather
> than go through those hoops to get it.
> Or, I have libpovray.a built. Maybe I should use that. (That would be
> trickier because I'd need to make a public API out of the VFE in the pov
> source tree.)
> 2) Exporting SDL is primitive. Right now, after exporting a scene, one
> must cut/paste the useful object into their own code. I want
> #declare Bathtub=union {...}
> and then be able to use that file directly.
looks to me like Ton's copy+paste info indicates that integration (sorry to bang
on about it) with you own editor should be straightforward. I really think that
a single UI/frontend would work.
> My files are organized so that I can either render them directly, or
> include them in another file:
I've started having '#if (0) ... #end' guards around each scene element, and
switch most things off while tuning some bit. crazy. :-)
regards, jr.
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Am 11/28/19 10:26 AM, also sprach Bald Eagle:
> Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
>> It built first shot in qtcreator! And it runs fine, go figure.
> Can you provide instructions so I can replicate?
Hey Baldy, try this:
sudo apt install libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt install libqt5x11extras5
sudo apt install libqt5x11extras5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5opengl5
sudo apt install libqt5opengl5-dev
cd goodplace
mkdir qtpovmodeler
cd qtpovmodeler
git clone https://github.com/dickbalaska/qtpovmodeler.git
cd qtpovmodeler
make -j4
(get a beer)
That's what I had to install extra to get it to build. (And I made a
qmake file). I don't know if I had other things installed already that
you don't. Let me know.
I renamed my clone of the project because I want to make a .deb and
there is already a povmodeler.deb .
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