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Hello Folks,
well my hats off to whoever wrote the color maps for the woods in
I've been trying to imitate a wood that I've been working with lately called
I found a grain pattern that is verry close in T_Wood14.But modifying the
colors has
proved to be....imposible :-) oh I can modify the colors alright, just not
to what I want...
Could someone give me a hand with this?
its in oranges and orange browns.....
there's a pice of the colorations in this auction(not mine,although I might
buy these pieces)
Any help apreciated!
Gary Blessing
Have Laptop, Will Travel.
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Gary Blessing wrote:
Maybe a little more on what you see the difference is to be gapped and
what you have tried
For instance the most noticeable difference to me is the way the large
grain in your target wood acts more like a ramp_wave with a fairly crisp
chage in color between extreme light and extreme dark. Wood by default
uses a triangle_wave
So I tried these changes:
#declare M_Wood14A =
colour_map {
[0.00 0.10 color rgb < 0.80, 0.232, 0.115 >
color rgb < 0.80, 0.232, 0.115 >]
[0.10 0.90 color rgb < 0.80, 0.232, 0.115 >
color rgb < 0.45, 0.115, 0.060 >]
[0.90 1.0 color rgb < 0, 0, 0 > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
color rgb < 0.45, 0.115, 0.060 >]
#declare P_WoodGrain14A =
pigment {
ramp_wave <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
colour_map { M_Wood14A }
turbulence 0.065
octaves 2
scale <0.15, .15, 1>
translate < -1 0 0 >
rotate <-3, -3, 0>
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Apon rereading your post I see that perhaps it was getting the exact
colors that was your concern.
When dealing with compound colors like orange I sometimes find it
helpful to compose macros which isolate how the color is varied, if for
no other reason than to organize my mind
One such macro I find useful goes something like this:
#macro Desaturate ( Color, Factor )
#local Compliment = <1,1,1>-Color;
#local Compliment = Compliment*Factor;
#local NewColor = Color+Compliment;
#local Numerator = Color.red + Color.green + Color.blue;
#local Denominator = NewColor.red + NewColor.green +
#local NewColor = NewColor*Numerator/Denominator;
This macro is intended to desaturate a color while maintaining its basic
level of brightness. Advanced users might wince but I find macros like
these can help me zero in on a color.
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> Could someone give me a hand with this?
> its in oranges and orange browns.....
The way I work with colours is to sample them from photographs... Of course
it's not that simple, since the colours in the photographs are influenced by
the lighting, but it's a start. In any case, it's amazing how the intuitive
perception we have of colours is different of the actual rgb values.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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"Gary Blessing" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
> I can modify the colors alright, just not
> to what I want...
If you use MSWindows get a wonderful little program called Irfanview
http://irfanview.com (it is free for non-commercial use) and display a
picture of the wood. Now click on the part that you want the color of and
irfanview will show the color codes in the title bar. It is a simple
process to enlarge the image and click on parts of the picture and note
down all the values.
If you use Linux, Gimp has a similar capability.
As Gilles said our eyes are subject to the most amazing set of optical
illusions which make it surprisingly difficult to assess colors.
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Wasn't it miriam english who wrote:
>"Gary Blessing" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
>> I can modify the colors alright, just not
>> to what I want...
>If you use MSWindows get a wonderful little program called Irfanview
>http://irfanview.com (it is free for non-commercial use) and display a
>picture of the wood. Now click on the part that you want the color of and
>irfanview will show the color codes in the title bar. It is a simple
>process to enlarge the image and click on parts of the picture and note
>down all the values.
What I tend to do is to use Irfanview to decrease the number of colours
in the image to something manageable and then use Image=>Export_Palette.
This creates a .PAL file which is an ASCII text file containing three
header lines (Identifier, version, number of colours) then a list of the
RGB values. Grab the list of RGB values and divide by 256.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Yes, getting the colors is easy.....I've had irfanview for a while now...
although I didn't know about exporting to a .PAL file...
Its putting them together in the right way in pov code thats the hard part
for me. I got a rather nice blood-wood though...
"Mike Williams" <nos### [at] econym demon co uk> wrote in message
news:JtU### [at] econym demon co uk...
> Wasn't it miriam english who wrote:
> >"Gary Blessing" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
> >
> >> I can modify the colors alright, just not
> >> to what I want...
> >
> >If you use MSWindows get a wonderful little program called Irfanview
> >http://irfanview.com (it is free for non-commercial use) and display a
> >picture of the wood. Now click on the part that you want the color of and
> >irfanview will show the color codes in the title bar. It is a simple
> >process to enlarge the image and click on parts of the picture and note
> >down all the values.
> What I tend to do is to use Irfanview to decrease the number of colours
> in the image to something manageable and then use Image=>Export_Palette.
> This creates a .PAL file which is an ASCII text file containing three
> header lines (Identifier, version, number of colours) then a list of the
> RGB values. Grab the list of RGB values and divide by 256.
> --
> Mike Williams
> Gentleman of Leisure
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The eyedropper tool in most paint programs (I use Paint Shop Pro) can be
used for this purpose. Simply grab the color with the eyedropper and click
on the color swatch, which in PSP is part of the color palette. This brings
up a color picker window with your color's RGB and/or HSV values already in
the text boxes. It works for any type of color you want to pluck out. I
like to use this trick for color matching from digital photographs,
especially of rocks, plants, and fungi.
PSP has an automatic image magifier for precise pixel plucking ;)
"miriam english" <mir### [at] werple net au> wrote in message
> "Gary Blessing" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
> > I can modify the colors alright, just not
> > to what I want...
> If you use MSWindows get a wonderful little program called Irfanview
> http://irfanview.com (it is free for non-commercial use) and display a
> picture of the wood. Now click on the part that you want the color of and
> irfanview will show the color codes in the title bar. It is a simple
> process to enlarge the image and click on parts of the picture and note
> down all the values.
> If you use Linux, Gimp has a similar capability.
> As Gilles said our eyes are subject to the most amazing set of optical
> illusions which make it surprisingly difficult to assess colors.
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