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  Scattering media help (Message 15 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:35:18
Message: <56a69516$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2016 4:22 PM, clipka wrote:
>> Because it differs from the original image. Can I lower the density
>> without changing the color?
> I thought I had given a clear enough answer, but here it is again in a
> nutshell:
> Yes, you /can/ do that by reducing the "extinction" parameter. /But/
> tampering with the setting will void your warranty (read: break physical
> realism).

I've lowered extinction to 1/100000000 and it has zero effect. Here is 
the code I am using now.


#declare atmos_material = material
	texture {pigment {color rgbt 1}}
				4, rgb <0.2,0.4,1.0>/10000
				extinction	1/100000000
			samples	10

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:37:07
Message: <56a69583$1@news.povray.org>
Am 25.01.2016 um 22:15 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 1/25/2016 4:00 PM, Mike Horvath wrote:
>> Because it differs from the original image. Can I lower the density
>> without changing the color?
>> Mike
> Can I use a density statement? How do I make a density function that
> simply lowers the density to 1/10 everywhere?

Of course you can use a density statement -- you're already doing that.
To lower the density to 1/10 everywhere, all you need to do is divide
all the values in the color_map by 10 (but use rgb instead of srgb instead).

/But/ by lowering the density you not only make the background more
visible again -- you also reduce the scattering effect.

Think of it this way: If you reduce the density of a gas, you reduce the
probability that any given light ray hits a gas molecule and is diverted
from its original direction to a new one: Light en route to the camera
from the background has less chance of being diverted /away/ from the
camera, while light en route to anywhere in the scene from a light
source has less chance of being diverted /towards/ the camera.

I might also add that dividing the scattering media colour by 10 has
exactly the same effect as dividing the density values by 10.

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:46:19
Message: <56a697ab$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2016 4:37 PM, clipka wrote:
> Think of it this way: If you reduce the density of a gas, you reduce the
> probability that any given light ray hits a gas molecule and is diverted
> from its original direction to a new one: Light en route to the camera
> from the background has less chance of being diverted /away/ from the
> camera, while light en route to anywhere in the scene from a light
> source has less chance of being diverted /towards/ the camera.

I still don't understand why lowering the density of the gas darkens the 
scene more than not having any media at all.


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:46:25
Message: <56a697b1$1@news.povray.org>
Am 25.01.2016 um 22:35 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 1/25/2016 4:22 PM, clipka wrote:
>>> Because it differs from the original image. Can I lower the density
>>> without changing the color?
>> I thought I had given a clear enough answer, but here it is again in a
>> nutshell:
>> Yes, you /can/ do that by reducing the "extinction" parameter. /But/
>> tampering with the setting will void your warranty (read: break physical
>> realism).
> I've lowered extinction to 1/100000000 and it has zero effect. Here is
> the code I am using now.

Then I must confess I have no idea what you are talking about when you
say you want to "lower the density without changing the colour" because
it is "too dark" when "properly dense".

If extinction doesn't have any noticeable effect, it means that the "too
dark" effect you observe is not due to a lack of light from the
background getting through to the camera.

I must consequently assume that the "too dark" effect you observe is
instead due to a lack of light /scattered to/ the camera, but to get
more of this light you need a /higher/ density rather than a lower one.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:49:01
Message: <56a6984d$1@news.povray.org>
Am 25.01.2016 um 22:46 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 1/25/2016 4:37 PM, clipka wrote:
>> Think of it this way: If you reduce the density of a gas, you reduce the
>> probability that any given light ray hits a gas molecule and is diverted
>> from its original direction to a new one: Light en route to the camera
>> from the background has less chance of being diverted /away/ from the
>> camera, while light en route to anywhere in the scene from a light
>> source has less chance of being diverted /towards/ the camera.
> I still don't understand why lowering the density of the gas darkens the
> scene more than not having any media at all.

Are you absolutely sure it does, and you're not seeing the effect from
any other difference?

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 16:56:24
Message: <56a69a08@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2016 4:48 PM, clipka wrote:
> Am 25.01.2016 um 22:46 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>> On 1/25/2016 4:37 PM, clipka wrote:
>>> Think of it this way: If you reduce the density of a gas, you reduce the
>>> probability that any given light ray hits a gas molecule and is diverted
>>> from its original direction to a new one: Light en route to the camera
>>> from the background has less chance of being diverted /away/ from the
>>> camera, while light en route to anywhere in the scene from a light
>>> source has less chance of being diverted /towards/ the camera.
>> I still don't understand why lowering the density of the gas darkens the
>> scene more than not having any media at all.
> Are you absolutely sure it does, and you're not seeing the effect from
> any other difference?

I've attached two renders. One is with no media at all. The other is 
with the media, but the scattering color set to rgb 0.


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Download 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_no_media.png' (91 KB) Download 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_zero_density.png' (77 KB)

Preview of image 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_no_media.png'

Preview of image 'gh_scene_spinner_cutaway_e_zero_density.png'


From: clipka
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 17:14:24
Message: <56a69e40$1@news.povray.org>
Am 25.01.2016 um 22:56 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 1/25/2016 4:48 PM, clipka wrote:
>> Am 25.01.2016 um 22:46 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>>> On 1/25/2016 4:37 PM, clipka wrote:
>>>> Think of it this way: If you reduce the density of a gas, you reduce
>>>> the
>>>> probability that any given light ray hits a gas molecule and is
>>>> diverted
>>>> from its original direction to a new one: Light en route to the camera
>>>> from the background has less chance of being diverted /away/ from the
>>>> camera, while light en route to anywhere in the scene from a light
>>>> source has less chance of being diverted /towards/ the camera.
>>> I still don't understand why lowering the density of the gas darkens the
>>> scene more than not having any media at all.
>> Are you absolutely sure it does, and you're not seeing the effect from
>> any other difference?
> I've attached two renders. One is with no media at all. The other is
> with the media, but the scattering color set to rgb 0.

This is seriously odd, entirely unexpected, and to my present knowledge
as a developer only explicable by a bug.

As I cannot reproduce the behaviour here with a simple scene, I would
kindly ask you to post some minimalistic version of your scene as an
attachment in povray.binary.scene-files so I can have a closer look at it.

Also, please let me know exactly which version of POV-Ray you are using.

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 17:14:46
Message: <56a69e56$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2016 4:46 PM, clipka wrote:
> I must consequently assume that the "too dark" effect you observe is
> instead due to a lack of light /scattered to/ the camera, but to get
> more of this light you need a /higher/ density rather than a lower one.

I found the problem. It had to do with the gas container object having 
the same radius as the outer metal shell. When I increased the radius so 
that the surfaces were not touching, the darkness went away and the 
scene rendered normally.

Sorry for the trouble.


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 25 Jan 2016 17:35:14
Message: <56a6a322$1@news.povray.org>
Am 25.01.2016 um 23:15 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 1/25/2016 4:46 PM, clipka wrote:
>> I must consequently assume that the "too dark" effect you observe is
>> instead due to a lack of light /scattered to/ the camera, but to get
>> more of this light you need a /higher/ density rather than a lower one.
> I found the problem. It had to do with the gas container object having
> the same radius as the outer metal shell. When I increased the radius so
> that the surfaces were not touching, the darkness went away and the
> scene rendered normally.

Still a bit odd, but I guess the coincident surface problem can cause
any number of side effects.

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Scattering media help
Date: 28 Jan 2016 18:32:21
Message: <56aaa505$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2016 5:35 PM, clipka wrote:
> Am 25.01.2016 um 23:15 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>> On 1/25/2016 4:46 PM, clipka wrote:
>>> I must consequently assume that the "too dark" effect you observe is
>>> instead due to a lack of light /scattered to/ the camera, but to get
>>> more of this light you need a /higher/ density rather than a lower one.
>> I found the problem. It had to do with the gas container object having
>> the same radius as the outer metal shell. When I increased the radius so
>> that the surfaces were not touching, the darkness went away and the
>> scene rendered normally.
> Still a bit odd, but I guess the coincident surface problem can cause
> any number of side effects.

It would be cool if, instead of messing with the sizes of objects, you 
could flag one or another object as dominant. I.e. when they touch, the 
dominant object's textures take precedence.


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