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"Rick [Kitty5]" wrote:
> > I gave up the trick with the discs.
> > This is the result. Is this better?
> much :)
Really? :)
I must admit that I think they look rather similar myself. Besides the
shadow, how's the new one better? And is it worth it?
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Rune wrote:
> I gave up the trick with the discs. This is the result. Is this better?
Depends on the render time :-) I cannot see too much difference between the two;
the both look good (ie. rendering itself is good), but the explosion itself lacks
a certain something. In other words...
technical: 10
realism: 7
Explosions like this (if Hollywood is anything to go by :-) give blacker smoke,
secondary fires, and debris. Computer game explosions in general don't have these
things, which is why your explosion reminds people of them.
If all you were after was a demonstation of your system's capabilities though,
you have achieved it.
light_source{9*(y#macro A(H,B,R,T)prism{0,1H+4,0u*9,9v*9,0#local I=1;#while(I<H)
#local V=asc(substr(B,I,1))-33;<div(V,10)mod(V,10)>#local I=I+1;#end pigment{rgb
y}rotate-<90,R>translate-T}#end-z)rgb 9}A(14",6;MWmhryXN3,"60<15,0,8>)box{-99(x+
z)*99pigment{rgb 1}}fog{distance 11}camera{location(y-z)*25look_at 0}A(8"6hiAG=6
"-60x*-10)A(16"/.@VZno=<PLA89/"0x*5) // MJL
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How about making that media much more dense... so it loses its transparency
until the smoke has well dissipated?
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> I must admit that I think they look rather similar myself. Besides the
> shadow, how's the new one better? And is it worth it?
this one looks a little less videogame
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"Mark James Lewin" wrote:
> I cannot see too much difference between the two;
Honestly - I can't either...
Still, I gave the particles more of a 3d feel (don't know if that's really
visible), I made the colors more intense, and of course I added shadows.
> technical: 10
> realism: 7
Ok, that's fair enough. :)
> Explosions like this (if Hollywood is anything to go by :-)
> give blacker smoke, secondary fires, and debris.
I'll look into those!
> Computer game explosions in general don't have these
> things, which is why your explosion reminds people of them.
I think you're right.
> If all you were after was a demonstation of your system's
> capabilities though, you have achieved it.
Well, the point of my system is to create satisfactory results, so if the
demonstration doesn't show that properly, it has only partly succeeded at
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"Skip Talbot" wrote:
> How about making that media much more dense...
> so it loses its transparency until the smoke
> has well dissipated?
I'll try it out and see if it looks better.
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 20)
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From: Rune
Subject: Re: Particle System Explosion 2 (reply to Tim Nikias)
Date: 14 Feb 2002 20:13:04
Message: <3c6c60a0@news.povray.org>
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"Tim Nikias" wrote:
> Well, you've used spheres and mapped the
> textures on them, right?
Ok, yes I do, but in a very special way. I use procuderal textures that
don't look the same from all angles, but rotate together with the particles
to give it a 3d feel. I think I managed to trick a few people to think that
it was media this time... ;)
> It does look better, but if you look closely
> at the shadows, you'll notice that there are
> "jumps": suddenly a spherical shadow disappears
> as the object (already totally transparent at
> the time) is taken out of the scene.
I hadn't noticed that but you're right! Looking at the code I can't see the
problem right now, but I'll try to find out why it happens.
> I know this kind of problem, I had it too sometimes.
> Perhaps your spheres don't end up 100% transparent,
> due to the image-map (as I think it is) you're using?
I don't use image_maps of any kinds.
> As suggested on the first animation, I think adding some
> twisting and swirling would look a lot better, but as
> also mentioned, using image-maps and not real 3D clouds
> makes that impossible...
I can easily do twisting and curling of the particles with the texturing
system I use, but I don't know in what way to do it. Real explosions and
smoke twists and curls due to complex air flows that I can't simulate. I
don't know around what axis each particle should be rotated, and even if *I*
knew, I'd still to find a way to make the *particle* know, which is not so
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 20)
POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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Rune wrote:
> "Mark James Lewin" wrote:
> > If all you were after was a demonstation of your system's
> > capabilities though, you have achieved it.
> Well, the point of my system is to create satisfactory results, so if the
> demonstration doesn't show that properly, it has only partly succeeded at
> most.
If my systems ever get released, my demos will not be flashy. Rather, they will
show the capabilities, and maybe make those more artistic than myself think
"yeah, that's sort of what I want. I wonder whether I can make it do that, but
with more smoke and... and... and..." and anything else they can think of.
text{ttf"timrom.ttf"concat(#local O=1;#while(O<7)chr(val(substr(concat(#local Q=
1;#while(Q<7)str(asc(substr("???<?>",Q,1))-56,0,0),#local Q=Q+1;#end""),O,2))),#
local O=O+2;#end"").1,0pigment{rgb 9}translate-<1,.3,-2>} // MJL
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Rune wrote:
> [...]
> > What's seriously missing is the interaction with the
> > environment, meaning how the path of the explosion is
> > influenced by the surrounding objects
> Uh, I wouldn't know where to start with that. Could you verbally give an
> example of how the path of an explosion could be affected by its
> surroundings?
If you for example have some wall near the explosion facing it, the
explosion will be kept away from the back side of it, it will somehow
spread across the facing surface, unless the wall is destroyed by the
explosion of course.
> > and also how the objects are damaged by the explosion.
> I'll leave that to Chris Colefax's object exploder for now. I might
> integrate something into my own particle system at one point, but not in the
> first version.
You could start making a hole with some stuff scattered around at the
explosion origin. This would not need to be well animated since it is
covered by the explosion when it occurs.
POV-Ray tutorials, IsoWood include,
TransSkin and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Feb. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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"Mark James Lewin" wrote:
> If my systems ever get released, my demos will not be flashy.
> Rather, they will show the capabilities, and maybe make those
> more artistic than myself think "yeah, that's sort of what I
> want. I wonder whether I can make it do that, but with more
> smoke and... and... and..." and anything else they can think of.
That's sort of the case with my demos too, but I'd still like to make them
just a little flashy. And if it doesn't make the demos too complicated, it
doesn't hurt if they're very flashy.
There's a little marketing man hidden inside me. He wants to make things
look good and appealing to people's feelings rather than their common
sense... ;)
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 20)
POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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