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This maybe a dumb question...
I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've tried
to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even if
I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB RAM
and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same object
they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov trying to
use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
Any help would be much appreciated
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I'm sorry, but it is okay. You need trees out of meshes. Then you can reduce
memory load. Trees made out of spheres or cones need exact multiples of
I'm not sure with splines for Splinetree, but most of the memory need comes
from the leafes,which are mostly made out of spheres...
Christoph Hormann made a special version of MakeTree which generates memory
Tek wrote:
>This maybe a dumb question...
>I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
>placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've tried
>to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even if
>I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB RAM
>and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
>I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
>both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same object
>they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
>Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov trying to
>use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
>Any help would be much appreciated
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Excellent. Thanks for your help I was starting to panic.
I think I can come up with some nice trees using meshes, or maybe modify
maketree myself. Panic over :)
"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-online de> wrote in message
> I'm sorry, but it is okay. You need trees out of meshes. Then you can
> memory load. Trees made out of spheres or cones need exact multiples of
> memory.
> I'm not sure with splines for Splinetree, but most of the memory need
> from the leafes,which are mostly made out of spheres...
> Christoph Hormann made a special version of MakeTree which generates
> Norbert
> Tek wrote:
> >This maybe a dumb question...
> >
> >I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
> >placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've
> >to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even
> >I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB
> >and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
> >
> >I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
> >both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same
> >they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
> >
> >Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov trying
> >use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
> >
> >Any help would be much appreciated
> >--
> >Tek
> >http://www.evilsuperbrain.com
> >
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Wasn't it Tek who wrote:
>This maybe a dumb question...
>I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
>placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've tried
>to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even if
>I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB RAM
>and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
>I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
>both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same object
>they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
>Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov trying to
>use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
>Any help would be much appreciated
Paul T Dawson once released meshtree.inc that creates a tree as a mesh.
If you arrange for there to be only a few actual different mesh trees
you can create an image with a large number of copies of those few trees
quite efficiently. Randomly scale and rotate the copies and they look
reasonably different.
I ran a quick test on my 850 MHz machine, and 8000 copies of the same
highly detailed tree rendered in 59 seconds at 800x600 without AA. Peak
memory used was 29.6 Mb.
In my test, each tree had 584 branches and 6144 leaves, so the entire
orchard had over 49 million leaves.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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POV-Ray needs object referencing. Maybe something for POV-Ray 4.0 or 3.6 ?
#declare Thing = intersection {
sphere {<-10.000, 0.000, 0.000> 11.000}
sphere {< 10.000, 0.000, 0.000> 11.000}
#declare Clone = \Thing;
#declare Clone = reference(Thing);
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Help needed! Forest memory problems
Date: 18 Dec 2002 15:28:24
Message: <3e00da68@news.povray.org>
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In article <3e00d424@news.povray.org> , "Apache"
<apa### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> POV-Ray needs object referencing. Maybe something for POV-Ray 4.0 or 3.6 ?
> #declare Thing = intersection {
> sphere {<-10.000, 0.000, 0.000> 11.000}
> sphere {< 10.000, 0.000, 0.000> 11.000}
> }
> #declare Clone = \Thing;
> or
> #declare Clone = reference(Thing);
> or
> whatever
You not only missed that it is already done for meshes transparently, but
also that there is zero need for a user controlling something POV-Ray can do
automatically. So not need to mess up the syntax. Anyway, this has been
discussed to death in recent month anyway...
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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Mike Williams wrote:
>Paul T Dawson once released meshtree.inc that creates a tree as a mesh.
>If you arrange for there to be only a few actual different mesh trees
>you can create an image with a large number of copies of those few trees
>quite efficiently. Randomly scale and rotate the copies and they look
>reasonably different.
>I ran a quick test on my 850 MHz machine, and 8000 copies of the same
>highly detailed tree rendered in 59 seconds at 800x600 without AA. Peak
>memory used was 29.6 Mb.
Ooooh! <drool!> Where can I find it?
RG - I'm not lost, I'm just on a random path to a random destination
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Try here:
> Ooooh! <drool!> Where can I find it?
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Having failed to find any really good mesh tree systems (ptdtree doesn't look
right for my purposes) I finally gave up and changed maketree to use meshes.
It took half an hour to modify the code! I wish I'd just done that in the first
place! :)
Unfortunately all my vector maths has had a sever impact on the parse time, but
I reckon I can fix that...
Thanks for your help everyone :)
Tek <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote in message news:3e004f42@news.povray.org...
> This maybe a dumb question...
> I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
> placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've tried
> to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even if
> I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB RAM
> and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
> I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
> both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same object
> they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
> Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov trying to
> use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
> Any help would be much appreciated
> --
> Tek
> http://www.evilsuperbrain.com
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ahem... make that 2 hours... and counting... I just discovered that I need
to change the union of all the leaves into a mesh...
"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote in message
> Having failed to find any really good mesh tree systems (ptdtree doesn't
> right for my purposes) I finally gave up and changed maketree to use
> It took half an hour to modify the code! I wish I'd just done that in the
> place! :)
> Unfortunately all my vector maths has had a sever impact on the parse
time, but
> I reckon I can fix that...
> Thanks for your help everyone :)
> --
> Tek
> http://www.evilsuperbrain.com
> Tek <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote in message
> > This maybe a dumb question...
> >
> > I'm trying to create a forest for my IRTC entry. I initially put in
> > placeholders (8000 cones and spheres) which worked fine, but now I've
> > to replace them with proper trees and I keep running out of memory. Even
> > I reduce it to only 80 trees it still runs out (despite me having 512MB
> > and a 2Gig virtual memory file).
> >
> > I've tried using Splinetree and MakeTree and I get the same problem with
> > both. I thought that with pov if you had multiple copies of the same
> > they didn't take up loads of memory, or is that only meshes?
> >
> > Does anyone know how I can make a forest of 8000 trees without pov
trying to
> > use 8000 times the memory it needs for one tree?
> >
> > Any help would be much appreciated
> > --
> > Tek
> > http://www.evilsuperbrain.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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