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This has likely been asked before, and likely in a different forum,
Glows were a fantastic feature of MegaPov. I understand they weren't
"included" in Povray3.5, but has anyone come up with a way to fake them,
or recreate them accurately using just Povray3.5 code? If so, I'd love
to hear how, and learn. I want to stick with 3.5, but I really miss the
simplicity of "glow objects"...
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Ghost <flu### [at] duratechindustries net> wrote:
> Glows were a fantastic feature of MegaPov. I understand they weren't
> "included" in Povray3.5, but has anyone come up with a way to fake them,
> or recreate them accurately using just Povray3.5 code? If so, I'd love
> to hear how, and learn. I want to stick with 3.5, but I really miss the
> simplicity of "glow objects"...
#macro Glow(GlowColor, Scale)
{ 0, 1 hollow no_shadow
pigment { rgbt 1 }
{ media
{ emission 1/Scale
{ spherical density_map
{ [0 rgb 0][.5 rgb GlowColor*.5][1 rgb 1]
samples 1,1 intervals 1 confidence .1
scale Scale
camera { location -z*10 look_at 0 angle 35 }
plane { y,-2 pigment { checker rgb 1, rgb .5 } }
{ <-1.5,1,0>, <1,.5,0>
looks_like { Glow(<1,.5,0>, .5) }
{ <2,.5,0>, <0,.5,1>
looks_like { Glow(<0,.5,1>, 1) }
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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In article <3E9338D0.465D8046@duratechindustries.net>,
Ghost <flu### [at] duratechindustries net> wrote:
> Glows were a fantastic feature of MegaPov. I understand they weren't
> "included" in Povray3.5, but has anyone come up with a way to fake them,
> or recreate them accurately using just Povray3.5 code? If so, I'd love
> to hear how, and learn. I want to stick with 3.5, but I really miss the
> simplicity of "glow objects"...
They were included in the new MegaPOV, which is based on 3.5.
If you want plain official POV 3.5, the exact effect isn't possible. The
effect glows simulated is possible by filling the scene with a thin
scattering media and placing light sources where you want glows. This is
actually more accurate than the glow patch, just a lot slower.
Another possibility is to put a light source in the center of a fully
transparent sphere with a highlight. The highlight on the sphere lines
up with the camera, making a fairly fast glow effect. This isn't perfect
though, the sphere gets highlights from other light sources. You might
be able to use light groups to avoid this.
You can also use spheres filled with emitting media with a spherical
density pattern. This is fairly fast, you don't need very CPU intensive
settings for emitting media with such a simple pattern, and you can get
a lot of other effects with media.
And finally, you could use partially transparent textured planes or disc
objects. This is what most lens flare includes do, in fact you might
want to check them out. One problem: it won't look right in reflections
or refractions...the "glows" are flat and have to be aligned to the
point of view.
Only the first option, full-scene scattering media, actually simulates
the same effect of the glow patch, but the other techniques are still
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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On Tue, 08 Apr 2003 16:02:09 -0500, Ghost wrote:
> This has likely been asked before, and likely in a different forum,
> but....
> Glows were a fantastic feature of MegaPov. I understand they weren't
> "included" in Povray3.5, but has anyone come up with a way to fake them,
> or recreate them accurately using just Povray3.5 code? If so, I'd love
> to hear how, and learn. I want to stick with 3.5, but I really miss the
> simplicity of "glow objects"...
> -Lawrence
My solution was to look at the entire scene through a mirror and declare
the camera inside a macro. You would give the mirror a finish{reflection 1
specular SomeBrightnessValue roughness GlowSize} and place light sources
wherever you want your glows to be. I made an include file but it was
incredibly awkward and not very accurate (since it used a plane mirror). I
might revisit it if Real Life would ease off for a little while.
I posted an animation of my system in action a while ago:
light_source#macro G(E)sphere{z+E*y*5e-3.04rotate-z*E*6pigment{rgbt#end{
20*y-10#local n=162;1}#while(n)#local n=n-.3;G(n)x}}G(-n).7}}#end//GregE
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