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"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > and now a snapshot of #3. ...
> another snapshot of #3. ...
posting the last snapshot/wip version #3. both the .inc and demo scene files
are now in their final form, more or less. the .html page needs a little more
work; an example or two to add, and improving the writing. to that end I'd be
grateful for people highlighting errors, and suggesting better English where
enjoy, jr.
[*] though I won't capitalise the first word in each sentence. :-)
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On 4/20/21 4:39 AM, jr wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>>> and now a snapshot of #3. ...
>> another snapshot of #3. ...
> posting the last snapshot/wip version #3. both the .inc and demo scene files
> are now in their final form, more or less. the .html page needs a little more
> work; an example or two to add, and improving the writing. to that end I'd be
> grateful for people highlighting errors, and suggesting better English where
> needed[*].
Quickly on the html.
...to avoid potential name clashes, own key names should be captialised...
should be:
...to avoid potential name clashes, your own key names should be
A vote to avoid the 'otoh' acronym and write out the words.
the '.Walk' examples showed...
Perhaps better as:
the '.Walk' examples show...
At the very bottom of the html I see the word 'bool' ?
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 4/20/21 4:39 AM, jr wrote:
> ...
> Quickly on the html.
> ---
> ...to avoid potential name clashes, own key names should be captialised...
> should be:
> ...to avoid potential name clashes, your own key names should be
> captialised...
> ---
> A vote to avoid the 'otoh' acronym and write out the words.
agree, both.
> ---
> the '.Walk' examples showed...
> Perhaps better as:
> the '.Walk' examples show...
I used past tense because the examples come before and the assumption was/is
that they'd just been read/perused. will have a closer look/re-assessment.
> ---
> At the very bottom of the html I see the word 'bool' ?
that one's "harmless", I have no examples yet for 'void vs bool', only in the
demo scene. :-)
regards, jr.
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posting #4 of 'Foreach()', probably final. the attached zip contains the
include file, a demo scene, and (html) documentation with hopefully no further
errors[*]. I wanted to add another demo/"teaser" scene but run out of time, in
the coming days perhaps.
enjoy, jr.
[*] WFP's correction of "showed" led me to find, and get rid of, another
confusing (egregious :-)) copy+paste error.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ... I wanted to add another demo/"teaser" scene but run out of time, in
> the coming days perhaps.
a kind soul advised me that if I want to get people interested in the
'Foreach()' macro, I need to _sell_ it. hence the teaser below (and attached
for convenience).
enjoy, jr.
/* obfusc.pov */
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
#include "foreach.inc"
#include "logo.inc"
camera {
location <3.25,0,-4.5>
direction z
right x * (4/3)
up y
angle 80
look_at <3.25,0,0>
/* the data. the character codes are obscured 'rot13' style */
#declare A = array {
array mixed {<0, 1, 0>, .75, 0,
array {122, 110, 113, 114, 45, 130, 128, 118, 123, 116}},
array mixed {<0, 0, 0>, 1, 1,
array {93, 92, 99, 58, 95, 110, 134}},
array mixed {<0, -1, 0>, .75, 0,
array {64, 59, 69, 59, 61, 58, 110, 121, 125, 117, 110}}
#declare font_ = array {"comic.ttf", "comicbd.ttf"};
/* make plain text */
#macro m_ch(i_,elem_)
chr(elem_ - 13)
#declare str_ = array [3];
#for (i_,0,2)
#declare str_[i_] = concat(Foreach(A[i_][3], dictionary {.Macro: "m_ch"}));
/* et voila */
object {
texture {
pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>}
finish {ambient 0 emission 1}
scale 1.5
translate <5.3, .3, 0>
#macro m_text(i_,elem_)
text {
ttf font_[elem_[2]] str_[i_], .1, 0
texture {
pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>}
finish {ambient 0 emission 1}
scale (<1,1,1> * elem_[1])
translate elem_[0]
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_text"})
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> posting #4 of 'Foreach()'...
tried to see how many levels of nested calls of 'Foreach()' POV-Ray will do,
given that the documentation[*] does not mention a limit. got to nine. when I
uncomment the line in 'm_l9', the error shown below code (attached) occurs.
this is the "call stack" getting trashed?
regards, jr.
/* nesting.pov */
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
#include "foreach.inc"
#declare A = array [4] {1, 2, 3, 4};
#macro m_l10(i_,n_)
#debug concat("----------> level 10, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
#macro m_l9(i_,n_)
#debug concat("---------> level 9, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
//Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l10"})
#macro m_l8(i_,n_)
#debug concat("--------> level 8, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l9"})
#macro m_l7(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-------> level 7, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l8"})
#macro m_l6(i_,n_)
#debug concat("------> level 6, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l7"})
#macro m_l5(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-----> level 5, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l6"})
#macro m_l4(i_,n_)
#debug concat("----> level 4, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l5"})
#macro m_l3(i_,n_)
#debug concat("---> level 3, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l4"})
#macro m_l2(i_,n_)
#debug concat("--> level 2, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l3"})
#macro m_l1(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-> level 1, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l2"})
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l1"})
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10064268.unofficial
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
-> level 1, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 1.
---> level 3, n = 1.
----> level 4, n = 1.
-----> level 5, n = 1.
------> level 6, n = 1.
-------> level 7, n = 1.
--------> level 8, n = 1.
---------> level 9, n = 1.
----------> level 10, n = 1.
----------> level 10, n = 2.
----------> level 10, n = 3.
----------> level 10, n = 4.
File '/tmp/parse_fore.tmp' line 1: Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive',
) found instead
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
Render failed
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > posting #4 of 'Foreach()'...
> tried to see how many levels of nested calls of 'Foreach()' POV-Ray will do,
> given that the documentation[*] does not mention a limit. got to nine. when I
> uncomment the line in 'm_l9', the error shown below code (attached) occurs.
> this is the "call stack" getting trashed?
I don't know.
I just made a macro call itself - and then I got this error after about 99
"Parse Error: Too many nested symbol tables"
This was with POV-Ray in Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS:
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version (g++ @
This is an unofficial version compiled by:
Dimitri John Ledkov <xno### [at] ubuntucom> for Debian <www.debian.org>
Since you don't get the same error message: Could this possible be some other
problem in your code ?
Tor Olav
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"Tor Olav Kristensen" <tor### [at] TOBEREMOVEDgmailcom> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > tried to see how many levels of nested calls of 'Foreach()' POV-Ray will do,
> > given that the documentation[*] does not mention a limit. got to nine. when I
> > uncomment the line in 'm_l9', the error shown below code (attached) occurs.
> > this is the "call stack" getting trashed?
> >...
> ...
> I just made a macro call itself - and then I got this error after about 99
> calls:
> "Parse Error: Too many nested symbol tables"
> This was with POV-Ray in Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS:
> Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version (g++ @
> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
> This is an unofficial version compiled by:
> Dimitri John Ledkov <xno### [at] ubuntucom> for Debian <www.debian.org>
thanks for checking.
> Since you don't get the same error message: Could this possible be some other
> problem in your code ?
unsure. there are, now, two problems. on the nesting issue + error - I read
(but forgot to take notes) that Debian maintainers do not use the '-ffast-math'
flag, so wonder whether it's an optimisation thing. second prob - I only have a
Debian VM, pre-installed on the Chromebook, v compiled by Andreas B.
that does not like the .inc, parse errors when it hits the '#ifndef (global...)'
etc; which changes did you (have to) make to the file(s), other than version
regards, jr.
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On 4/26/21 3:59 PM, jr wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> posting #4 of 'Foreach()'...
> tried to see how many levels of nested calls of 'Foreach()' POV-Ray will do,
> given that the documentation[*] does not mention a limit. got to nine. when I
> uncomment the line in 'm_l9', the error shown below code (attached) occurs.
> this is the "call stack" getting trashed?
Short on time today, but maybe something with turning and starting back
up the macro stack? The parse_fore.tmp file looks to contain the last
m_l10 'execution string'. Is it somehow getting run an extra time on the
If I change m_l8 to call m_l10, I get the same error and it happens
after all four calls to m_l10 at a depth of 8.
Aside: I don't think any v3.7 version will work to debug this as the
dictionary feature is new to v3.8.
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 4/26/21 3:59 PM, jr wrote:
> > tried to see how many levels of nested calls of 'Foreach()' POV-Ray ...
> Short on time today, but maybe something with turning and starting back
> up the macro stack? The parse_fore.tmp file looks to contain the last
> m_l10 'execution string'. Is it somehow getting run an extra time on the
> ascent?
thanks for the quick look. (I don't know the code base) all foreach calls use
the only array in scene. no idea where an extra run/invocation [cw]ould come
> If I change m_l8 to call m_l10, I get the same error and it happens
> after all four calls to m_l10 at a depth of 8.
neat. never even occurred to me. the 'nesting.pov' "evolved", copy+paste
style, by level, so the "last" macro always was just a '#debug concat', to tie
in with above.
the output below was done with an alpha with three of your patches, plus
clipka's to get it to build. just .. strange.
> Aside: I don't think any v3.7 version will work to debug this as the
> dictionary feature is new to v3.8.
interestingly, after rigging version and removing the 'global' in line 73 (I
think), the parser does not object to the .inc, in spite of my using 'dict.key'
notation throughout. may have a play with this Debian build (todo list. :-))
regards, jr.
Script started on Tue 27 Apr 2021 11:23:30 BST
jr@swift:1:foreach$ tail -n15 nesting.pov
#macro m_l2(i_,n_)
#debug concat("--> level 2, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
// Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l3"})
// Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l10"})
#macro m_l1(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-> level 1, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l2"})
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l1"})
jr@swift:2:foreach$ povparse nesting.pov
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10064268.unofficial
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
-> level 1, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 2.
--> level 2, n = 3.
--> level 2, n = 4.
-> level 1, n = 2.
--> level 2, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 2.
--> level 2, n = 3.
--> level 2, n = 4.
-> level 1, n = 3.
--> level 2, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 2.
--> level 2, n = 3.
--> level 2, n = 4.
-> level 1, n = 4.
--> level 2, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 2.
--> level 2, n = 3.
--> level 2, n = 4.
File 'nesting.pov' line 327: Parse Warning: No objects in scene.
jr@swift:3:foreach$ tail -n15 nesting.pov
#macro m_l2(i_,n_)
#debug concat("--> level 2, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
// Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l3"})
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l10"})
#macro m_l1(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-> level 1, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l2"})
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l1"})
jr@swift:4:foreach$ povparse nesting.pov
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
-> level 1, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 1.
----------> level 10, n = 1.
----------> level 10, n = 2.
----------> level 10, n = 3.
----------> level 10, n = 4.
File '/tmp/parse_fore.tmp' line 1: Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive',
) found instead
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
Render failed
jr@swift:5:foreach$ tail -n15 nesting.pov
#macro m_l2(i_,n_)
#debug concat("--> level 2, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l3"})
// Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l10"})
#macro m_l1(i_,n_)
#debug concat("-> level 1, n = ",str(n_,0,0),".\n")
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l2"})
Foreach(A, dictionary {.Macro: "m_l1"})
jr@swift:6:foreach$ povparse nesting.pov
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
-> level 1, n = 1.
--> level 2, n = 1.
---> level 3, n = 1.
---> level 3, n = 2.
---> level 3, n = 4.
--> level 2, n = 4.
---> level 3, n = 1.
---> level 3, n = 2.
---> level 3, n = 3.
---> level 3, n = 4.
File 'nesting.pov' line 327: Parse Warning: No objects in scene.
(the last with foreach in 'm_l3' commented out)
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