> Only certain objects support uv-mapping, and some of them require
> uv-vectors to work correctly.
> Without seeing how you are using the texture in question it's difficult
> to tell what's wrong.
Ok, excuse me...now I've extract the problem.
In the code below, if you change the
uv_mapping normal
the scene work...use a generic png 200x200 pixel.
The texture.png is RGB, while
the texturebump is grayscale, both made in Gimp.
------------------SAMPLE SCENE UV PROBLEM------------------
#include "finish.inc"
#include "colors.inc"
#declare foo =
uv_mapping pigment { image_map {png "texture.png" map_type 0
interpolate 0}}
uv_mapping normal { bump_map {png "texturebump.png" bump_size 5.0}}
#declare Cube =
triangle {
<1.0, -1.0, 0.999999940395>,
<1.0, -1.0, -1.0>,
<-1.00000011921, -1.0, -0.999999821186>
uv_vectors<0.490000009537, 0.0900000035763>,<0.0599999986589,
0.0900000035763>,<0.490000009537, 0.0900000035763>}
triangle {
<1.0, -1.0, 0.999999940395>,
<-1.00000011921, -1.0, -0.999999821186>,
<-0.999999642372, -1.0, 1.00000035763>
uv_vectors<0.490000009537, 0.0900000035763>,<0.490000009537,
0.0900000035763>,<0.899999976158, 0.0900000035763>}
triangle {
<-1.00000011921, -1.0, -0.999999821186>,
<-1.00000035763, 1.0, -0.999999642372>,
<-0.999999940395, 1.0, 1.0>
uv_vectors<0.490000009537, 0.0900000035763>,<0.490000009537,
0.930000007153>,<0.899999976158, 0.930000007153>}
triangle {
<-1.00000011921, -1.0, -0.999999821186>,
<-0.999999940395, 1.0, 1.0>,
<-0.999999642372, -1.0, 1.00000035763>
uv_vectors<0.490000009537, 0.0900000035763>,<0.899999976158,
0.930000007153>,<0.899999976158, 0.0900000035763>}
light_source {
<0, 0, 0>
color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
fade_distance 10.0
fade_power 2
rotate <-90.0000025045, -90.0000025045, 0.0>
translate <-0.617158889771, -0.680260896683, -0.0853833779693>
light_source {
<0, 0, 0>
color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
fade_distance 10.0
fade_power 2
rotate <-90.0000025045, -90.0000025045, 0.0>
translate <0.996681690216, 1.01759016514, 0.654029071331>
light_source {
<0, 0, 0>
color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
fade_distance 10.0
fade_power 2
rotate <-90.0000025045, -90.0000025045, 0.0>
translate <1.34552943707, -1.31237447262, -0.207159176469>
camera {
location <7, 1.66473960876, -3.36465549469>
look_at <-0.082584125588, 0.339812439545, 0.723255069236>
focal_point <-0.082584125588, 0.339812439545, 0.723255069236>
right <1.33, 0, 0>
up <0, 1, 0>
angle 46.1092074856
object { Cube
scale <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
rotate <0.0, 44.9999978371, 0.0>
translate <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
texture {foo}
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