In the segnalation of bug in povray.bugreports,
I see the phrase:
"When the second 'uv_mapping' is uncommented in the code below,
instead of giving an error message, the pigment is reset (POV-Ray
warns that "No pigment type given")."
This mean the uv_mapping bump after uv_mapping pigment
must give an error message?
If yes, why in the povray manual, in the section 6.7.7, the
legal sintax is:
------------------------QUOTE FROM MANUAL--------------------
texture {
uv_mapping pigment{PIGMENT_BODY} | pigment{uv_mapping PIGMENT_BODY}
uv_mapping normal {NORMAL_BODY } | normal {uv_mapping NORMAL_BODY }
uv_mapping texture{TEXTURE_BODY} | texture{uv_mapping TEXTURE_BODY)
------------------------END QUOTE--------------------It seem legal a second
uv_mapping declaration.I'm confused.Thanks, and excuse me for my multiple
post of UVbug.Regards, Manuel
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