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From: Andreas Kreisig
Subject: Image texture with alpha channel in POV?
Date: 18 May 2003 10:47:33
Message: <3ec79d05@news.povray.org>
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I use Blender for my scenes so the exported output is in mesh2 format. Now I
need an (uv-mapped) image texture for a logo, but the finish under that
should still be visible and it should not be influenced by the texture. Is
this possible? A TGA-texture with alpha channel doesn't work properly
because the finish is then invisible, too.
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> Hi,
> I use Blender for my scenes so the exported output is in mesh2 format. Now
> need an (uv-mapped) image texture for a logo, but the finish under that
> should still be visible and it should not be influenced by the texture. Is
> this possible? A TGA-texture with alpha channel doesn't work properly
> because the finish is then invisible, too.
Try an image_pattern, like in this page :
This is not exactly the same problem but I guess it should work.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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From: Andreas Kreisig
Subject: Re: Image texture with alpha channel in POV?
Date: 18 May 2003 12:43:21
Message: <3ec7b829@news.povray.org>
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Gilles Tran wrote:
> Try an image_pattern, like in this page :
> http://www.oyonale.com/ressources/english/xfrog2.htm
> This is not exactly the same problem but I guess it should work.
Hi Gilles!
Thanks for your response. I just have a question regarding your texture
definition. You wrote on your website:
image_pattern{jpeg "autleaf_tr"} // used for the transparency
[0 pigment{Clear}finish{ambient 0 diffuse 0}] // transparent part,
no highlights or reflections
[1 pigment{image_map{jpeg "autleaf"}} finish{ambient 0 diffuse 1}]
// leaf pigment
What does "{Clear}" mean?
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From: Andreas Kreisig
Subject: Re: Image texture with alpha channel in POV?
Date: 18 May 2003 13:31:38
Message: <3ec7c379@news.povray.org>
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Andreas Kreisig wrote:
> ==========
> texture{
> image_pattern{jpeg "autleaf_tr"} // used for the transparency
> texture_map{
> [0 pigment{Clear}finish{ambient 0 diffuse 0}] // transparent part,
> no highlights or reflections
> [1 pigment{image_map{jpeg "autleaf"}} finish{ambient 0 diffuse 1}]
> // leaf pigment
> }
> }
> ==========
> What does "{Clear}" mean?
Okay, If "Clear" means something like "color rgbt <1,1,1,1>" I have the same
problem as before. The whole mesh is invisible except the image wich is
mapped on it.
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> Okay, If "Clear" means something like "color rgbt <1,1,1,1>" I have the
> problem as before. The whole mesh is invisible except the image wich is
> mapped on it.
In the example, the clear pigment is necessary to make the transparent part
really transparent. In your case, you need to use your regular texture
#declare T_mat=texture{
image_pattern{ jpeg "mylogo_blackandwhite" interpolate 2}
// pigment_pattern{image_map{jpeg "mylogo_blackandwhite" interpolate 2}}
// for more control
[0.5 T_MainTexture]
[0.5 T_Logo]
Of course, if there several logotypes, it may not be very easy... It's true
that there's no "decal" feature in POV-Ray to do this.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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From: Andreas Kreisig
Subject: Re: Image texture with alpha channel in POV?
Date: 20 May 2003 10:37:05
Message: <3eca3d90@news.povray.org>
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Gilles Tran wrote:
> In the example, the clear pigment is necessary to make the transparent
> part really transparent. In your case, you need to use your regular
> texture instead.
> #declare T_mat=texture{
> image_pattern{ jpeg "mylogo_blackandwhite" interpolate 2}
> // pigment_pattern{image_map{jpeg "mylogo_blackandwhite" interpolate
> 2}} // for more control
> texture_map{
> [0.5 T_MainTexture]
> [0.5 T_Logo]
> }
> }
> Of course, if there several logotypes, it may not be very easy... It's
> true that there's no "decal" feature in POV-Ray to do this.
Well, I think I'll try to copy the appropriate part of the mesh, move it
(very) slightly and try to map the image on it - like your description on
your website, so that the mesh itself is completely transparent. I hope
that there are no edges visible when I prevent the object to cast shadows.
Thanks so far,
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