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Nothing fancy, at the moment. Just a static point emitter with trace and
eval_pigment thrown in.
I still have quite a bit to do: The scattering is Rand_Normal from rand.inc
Mu = 0.0
Sigma = 1.0
using a spherical angle system (random phi and theta to give particle
Eventually, the emitter will move along a path dictated by one spline, and aim
at a path dictated by another spline -- at least, that's the plan for now.
the stencil image will be optional, so it will be fairly versatile, perhaps even
useful for animations...
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On 12-10-2012 10:13, Anthony D. Baye wrote:
> comments/suggestions?
Looking good indeed. A close-up would be fine too ;-)
I believe this could become an interesting macro for the Object
Collection eventually.
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I hope you don't mind, but your post inspired me to try this in an entirely
different way: Instead of placing spray particles through a mask, I just draw
the mask as an object pigment with some turbulence to create the spray effect.
Obviously this is far less realistic, but it's very quick to trace.
Here's the code in case you want to give it a try:
pigment {
object {
union {
sphere_sweep {
<-1,1>, .1,
<-.5,0>, .2,
// move away from the surface to thin out the spray
<1,0,-.1>, .1,
<2,1,-.2>, .1,
<2,2,-.3>, .0
difference {
cylinder { -z, z, 1 }
cylinder { -z, z, .7 }
#for ( a, 0, 360-45, 45 )
box { -z, <.15,1,1> translate -x*.7 rotate z*a }
rgb 1, rgb <1,0,1>
#local noiseScale = .004;
scale 1/noiseScale
warp { turbulence .1/noiseScale octaves 2 lambda 4 }
scale noiseScale
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"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote:
> I hope you don't mind, but your post inspired me to try this in an entirely
> different way: Instead of placing spray particles through a mask, I just draw
> the mask as an object pigment with some turbulence to create the spray effect.
> Obviously this is far less realistic, but it's very quick to trace.
> Here's the code in case you want to give it a try:
> pigment {
> object {
> union {
> sphere_sweep {
> cubic_spline
> 5,
> <-1,1>, .1,
> <-.5,0>, .2,
> // move away from the surface to thin out the spray
> <1,0,-.1>, .1,
> <2,1,-.2>, .1,
> <2,2,-.3>, .0
> }
> difference {
> cylinder { -z, z, 1 }
> cylinder { -z, z, .7 }
> #for ( a, 0, 360-45, 45 )
> box { -z, <.15,1,1> translate -x*.7 rotate z*a }
> #end
> }
> }
> rgb 1, rgb <1,0,1>
> }
> #local noiseScale = .004;
> scale 1/noiseScale
> warp { turbulence .1/noiseScale octaves 2 lambda 4 }
> scale noiseScale
> }
> --
> Tek
> http://evilsuperbrain.com
of course, I don't mind. I'm only doing it this way because I can't use a
pigment... (see my post in p.general for details)
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Tek wrote:
> Obviously this is far less realistic, but it's very quick to trace.
you can also use object pattern with two textures, this allows
for a more sprinkled interior without destroying the outline
#declare T1 = texture {pigment {color White}}
#declare T2 = texture
bozo scale 0.1
[0.3 White]
[0.7 rgb <1,0,1>]
texture {T1}
texture {T2}
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and the image ...
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