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Here is another test, this time using the plain Ice texture.
Compare the icicles to the images below:
This one I have not implemented yet, but since I now see it is possible, I
will allow this:
I have another test I am rendering which I will post as a follow up.
Here are the stats for that image:
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 640 x 480
Pixels: 307840 Samples: 440568 Smpls/Pxl: 1.43
Rays: 3642904 Saved: 758077 Max Level: 195/256
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Blob 4774138 2976928 62.36
Blob Component 645177822 320893086 49.74
Blob Bound 2140957151 976546698 45.61
Plane 5483388 1736065 31.66
Torus 4590207 1252790 27.29
Torus Bound 4590207 2496688 54.39
Bounding Box 9493288 8194998 86.32
Light Buffer 9872820 9085769 92.03
Vista Buffer 1643874 1426520 86.78
Roots tested: 6796257 eliminated: 1385936
Calls to Noise: 2758481 Calls to DNoise: 32532091
Shadow Ray Tests: 4406720 Succeeded: 1392478
Reflected Rays: 1885924 Total Internal: 350633
Refracted Rays: 1316412
Smallest Alloc: 18 bytes
Largest Alloc: 6042856 bytes
Peak memory used: 19415958 bytes
Total Scene Processing Times
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 42 seconds (42 seconds)
Photon Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Cloth Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Mechsim Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Render Time: 0 hours 39 minutes 54 seconds (2394 seconds)
Postpr. Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Total Time: 0 hours 40 minutes 36 seconds (2436 seconds)
CPU time used: kernel 1.22 seconds, user 2412.70 seconds, total 2413.91
Render averaged 127.26 PPS over 307200 pixels
Feel free to send me a scene to "snow" on; I need to do a usability test
on this thing with code which deviates from my established patterns.
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Download 'snowtest2011_4_textest.png' (137 KB)
Preview of image 'snowtest2011_4_textest.png'

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> Here is another test, this time using the plain Ice texture.
> Ian
Your doughnut was hit by some freezing rain... ;)
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Yup :) That is exactly the effect I am going for with that texture.
The great part is that this works on even very complex objects relativel
quickly, granting the user a *lot* of control over the output with
relatively few parameters, which I intend to reduce to the bare minimum.
See below:
#declare st0 =
Another very cool thing is that my corrosion, vine and moss macros use t
same core...so for every optimization made to this macro set, a corollar
improvement is made to the others as well...muahahaha!
Release of an initial version of all four is so close I can taste it! :D
On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 19:50:19 -0500, Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
>> Here is another test, this time using the plain Ice texture.
>> Ian
> Your doughnut was hit by some freezing rain... ;)
> Alain
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[GDS|Entropy] wrote:
> Yup :) That is exactly the effect I am going for with that texture.
> The great part is that this works on even very complex objects
> relatively quickly, granting the user a *lot* of control over the output
> with
> relatively few parameters, which I intend to reduce to the bare
> minimum. See below:
> //#macro
> #declare st0 =
> snowTest(Sp,randVectArray,<0,12,0>,objA,0.5,1,false,false,12,2.5*0.5);
> Another very cool thing is that my corrosion, vine and moss macros
> use the same core...so for every optimization made to this macro set, a
> corollary improvement is made to the others as well...muahahaha!
> Release of an initial version of all four is so close I can taste it!
> :D
> Ian
> On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 19:50:19 -0500, Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
>>> Here is another test, this time using the plain Ice texture.
>>> Ian
>> Your doughnut was hit by some freezing rain... ;)
>> Alain
> --
> Using Opera's revolutionary email client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Nice work!
I'm very interested in checking out your vine and moss macros, probably the
corrosion one as well. I seem to be heavily into poving plants and
vegetation atm. Moss would be a very nice addition!
Cheers Dre
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I've seen icicles with small air bubbles inside them, which might look really
cool if you're using photons.
Dave Blandston
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"[GDS|Entropy]" <gdsHYentropyAThotmailDTcom> schreef in bericht
news:op.### [at] gdsentropy nc rr com...
Another very cool thing is that my corrosion, vine and moss macros use the
same core...so for every optimization made to this macro set, a corollary
improvement is made to the others as well...muahahaha!
Are those macros available (e.g. in POVobjects)? They seem interesting, like
your icicles which are almost perfect.
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Thank you :)
No, these macros are not in povobjects yet..I haven't got them to a place
where I feel comfortable calling them a "release" yet, but I expect I will
soon, if nothing more than an "alpha".
It is a macro pack utilizing trace() for all (vines, moss, corrosion,
snow/icicle) and a CA implementation for vines/moss. I have another large
group of utility macros (switches, randomizers, vector utilities, etc..)
which I use which I will probably release too.
Its funny...but I seem to enjoy figuring out problems in SDL more than I
do making stuff with the solutions. I think I would like best to see the
macros used by other artists..but first I must get them to a place that I
feel would honor my fellow pov artists time spent in using them.
On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 03:14:50 -0500, Thomas de Groot
<tDOTdegroot@interdotnlanotherdotnet> wrote:
> "[GDS|Entropy]" <gdsHYentropyAThotmailDTcom> schreef in bericht
> news:op.### [at] gdsentropy nc rr com...
> Another very cool thing is that my corrosion, vine and moss macros use
> the
> same core...so for every optimization made to this macro set, a corollary
> improvement is made to the others as well...muahahaha!
> Are those macros available (e.g. in POVobjects)? They seem interesting,
> like
> your icicles which are almost perfect.
> Thomas
Using Opera's revolutionary email client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
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I will be more than happy to oblige; there are test images up for them
from roughly 1 year ago, showing the last place I left them. Just searc
for my handle in p.b.i.
There are but a few more things I wish to do with the snow and ice macro
before I move on to improving the corrosion and vine/moss set, but if yo
would like, I can send you a pre-alpha of the ones you would like. Perha
you will see improvements that I have not, and I could sure use some alp
testing. Feel free to e-mail me: HY = -, AT = @, DT = .
I usually only work in pov from 0ct-Mar of any given year.
Once I get this macro pack complete I intend to release it completely in
the hands of the pov team/pov community, as far as rights and usage goes
If they decide to include it in 3.7, cool. If not, cool. After all, I am
not so very important. ;)
My next projects, some concurrent, will be Christmas string lights, icic
lights, net lights, continued adaptation of the standard pov-ray texture
to work properly with radiosity (should be done soon), and the whopper o
them all, adaptive implicit surface tessellation (this will be the most
On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:52:15 -0500, Dre <and### [at] gmail com> wrote
> [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
>> Yup :) That is exactly the effect I am going for with that texture.
>> The great part is that this works on even very complex objects
>> relatively quickly, granting the user a *lot* of control over the out
>> with
>> relatively few parameters, which I intend to reduce to the bare
>> minimum. See below:
>> //#macro
>> snowTest(ctr,vectorArray,testVector,testObject,radVal,strVal,useTextu
>> #declare st0 =
>> snowTest(Sp,randVectArray,<0,12,0>,objA,0.5,1,false,false,12,2.5*0.5)
>> Another very cool thing is that my corrosion, vine and moss macros
>> use the same core...so for every optimization made to this macro set,
>> corollary improvement is made to the others as well...muahahaha!
>> Release of an initial version of all four is so close I can taste it!
>> :D
>> Ian
>> On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 19:50:19 -0500, Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
>>>> Here is another test, this time using the plain Ice texture.
>>>> Ian
>>> Your doughnut was hit by some freezing rain... ;)
>>> Alain
>> --
>> Using Opera's revolutionary email client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
> Nice work!
> I'm very interested in checking out your vine and moss macros, probabl
> the
> corrosion one as well. I seem to be heavily into poving plants and
> vegetation atm. Moss would be a very nice addition!
> Cheers Dre
Using Opera's revolutionary email client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
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"[GDS|Entropy]" <gdsHYentropyAThotmailDTcom> schreef in bericht
news:op.### [at] gdsentropy nc rr com...
> Thank you :)
> No, these macros are not in povobjects yet..I haven't got them to a place
> where I feel comfortable calling them a "release" yet, but I expect I will
> soon, if nothing more than an "alpha".
> It is a macro pack utilizing trace() for all (vines, moss, corrosion,
> snow/icicle) and a CA implementation for vines/moss. I have another large
> group of utility macros (switches, randomizers, vector utilities, etc..)
> which I use which I will probably release too.
> Its funny...but I seem to enjoy figuring out problems in SDL more than I
> do making stuff with the solutions. I think I would like best to see the
> macros used by other artists..but first I must get them to a place that I
> feel would honor my fellow pov artists time spent in using them.
Well then I believe the POV Object repository is the right place to go :-)
You are doing great work and I definitely see possibilities in using your
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