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I am working on a curvature pattern, inspired by the patina thread,
which would be for textures only(it would return a constant value if
used in media density). It would return a value depending on the amount
the surface the evaluation point is on is curving.
I am doing this by getting the normal at the evaluation point, using
that normal to find a point directly "up" at that point, and firing
several sample rays at the surface. I can either fire the rays in a ring
at an equal angle to the normal at the evaluation point, or randomly
inside a cone.
My question is: what is a good way of calculating the curvature of a
surface given several points on a surface and normals at those
points(and of course, the number of samples)?
I am thinking the pattern should work return a value between 0 for
maximum curvature away from the normal of the evaluation point and 1 for
maximum curvature toward the normal. But I am not even really sure what
"maximum curvature" is. :-)
I have considered using the average vdot of the sample normals with the
normal of the evaluation point, the average distance of the sample
points from the point the samples are shot from, using parallel sample
rays instead of rays originating from a point...
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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Well, this is mostly a guess, and almost certainly isn't representative of
the actual, mathematical curvature of a surface (or one of the curvature
measurements), especially since, if I remember correctly, the curvature of
a 3-D surface is no simple thing. It may, however, suffice for the
purposes of a POV pattern.
For each evaluation point, you have found the normals of n other nearby
points, which are s units away from the evaluation point. For each vector,
the angle between it and the normal vector at the evaluation point is
theta. One way of finding a representation of the average curvature would
then be:
If you find the normals at points which are in a circle around the
evaluation point, then s would be constant so you could simplify this a bit
I hope that this works, and I hope that it is helpful.
Chris Huff wrote:
> I am working on a curvature pattern, inspired by the patina thread,
> which would be for textures only(it would return a constant value if
> used in media density). It would return a value depending on the amount
> the surface the evaluation point is on is curving.
> I am doing this by getting the normal at the evaluation point, using
> that normal to find a point directly "up" at that point, and firing
> several sample rays at the surface. I can either fire the rays in a ring
> at an equal angle to the normal at the evaluation point, or randomly
> inside a cone.
> My question is: what is a good way of calculating the curvature of a
> surface given several points on a surface and normals at those
> points(and of course, the number of samples)?
> I am thinking the pattern should work return a value between 0 for
> maximum curvature away from the normal of the evaluation point and 1 for
> maximum curvature toward the normal. But I am not even really sure what
> "maximum curvature" is. :-)
> I have considered using the average vdot of the sample normals with the
> normal of the evaluation point, the average distance of the sample
> points from the point the samples are shot from, using parallel sample
> rays instead of rays originating from a point...
> --
> Chris Huff
> e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
> Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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> My question is: what is a good way of calculating the curvature of a
> surface given several points on a surface and normals at those
> points(and of course, the number of samples)?
Hello Chris,
first suppose that you have only a 2d curve (any kind of curve, of
Knowing the normals of some points means that you know the derivative of
curve at these points (the normal will be perpendicular to the
So knowing some point and the derivative of the curve at this point,
the best you can do is an interpolation (with polynomials for example).
This also call "spline interpolation". But you cannot be sure that the
curve you obtain by interpolation is the "real" curve! This is easy to
draw some points on a sheet of paper and define the normal of the curve
at these points, it is easy to see that there are an infinity of curve
which will pass by these point with the correct normals!
The problem is well defined only if you know what curve it is. For
example if this is a straight line so knowing two point (without knowing
the derivative) is enough to calculate the equation of the curve.
if this is a second degree curve (parabola for example). Three point are
Generally, if this is a polynomial with a degre n you need n+1 point.
But now if the curve is not a polynomial and/or you don't know the kind
of curve,
you can only do an interpolation! If you believe that the curve is quite
a quadratic or a cubic spline is good. If not, there are two solution:
take a higher
degree for the polynomial or take more points.
Povray already do this kind of thing with lathe and bicubic patch.
Now for a 3D surfaces, the problem is technically more difficult.
I will not explain in detail here but the answer is the same:
if you know some points (even a important number!) and the normal,
in general you cannot know the curve, you must do some interpolation!
I hope this help you.
I have read your proposition to do a .math news group.
If some need help with math (and IF THE ANSWER DON'T TAKE 10 PAGES!!),
you can post with a title like "math question" or e-mail me, I will do
my best to answer (I am doing a thesis in theoretical physics, and
there are plenty mathematician at the university :)). I know
that there many other users of povray that can also give
a good (or a better) answer. I just propose this to help :).
Chris Huff wrote:
> I am working on a curvature pattern, inspired by the patina thread,
> which would be for textures only(it would return a constant value if
> used in media density). It would return a value depending on the amount
> the surface the evaluation point is on is curving.
> I am doing this by getting the normal at the evaluation point, using
> that normal to find a point directly "up" at that point, and firing
> several sample rays at the surface. I can either fire the rays in a ring
> at an equal angle to the normal at the evaluation point, or randomly
> inside a cone.
> My question is: what is a good way of calculating the curvature of a
> surface given several points on a surface and normals at those
> points(and of course, the number of samples)?
> I am thinking the pattern should work return a value between 0 for
> maximum curvature away from the normal of the evaluation point and 1 for
> maximum curvature toward the normal. But I am not even really sure what
> "maximum curvature" is. :-)
> I have considered using the average vdot of the sample normals with the
> normal of the evaluation point, the average distance of the sample
> points from the point the samples are shot from, using parallel sample
> rays instead of rays originating from a point...
> --
> Chris Huff
> e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
> Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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In article <387028BC.31573882@tapestry.tucson.az.us>, Kevin Wampler
<kev### [at] tapestry tucson az us> wrote:
> For each evaluation point, you have found the normals of n other nearby
> points, which are s units away from the evaluation point. For each
> vector,
> the angle between it and the normal vector at the evaluation point is
> theta. One way of finding a representation of the average curvature
> would
> then be:
> K=1/n*sigma(theta/s)
Ok, I mostly understood that-but what is sigma, other than a greek
If I understand this correctly, I should divide the angle between the
normal of each sample and the normal at the evaluation point by the
distance of the sample from the evaluation point, total these up, and
divide by the number of samples. Um, never mind, easier for me to think
this way(pseudocode follows):
SPoint = sample point
EPoint = evaluation point
total = 0;
while(taking N samples)
S = distance of SPoint from EPoint
theta = angle between normal at SPoint and normal at EPoint
total += theta/S;
result = total/N;
Is this right?
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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Chris Huff wrote:
> Ok, I mostly understood that-but what is sigma, other than a greek
> letter?
I just meant summation, but was unsure how to notate it.
> If I understand this correctly, I should divide the angle between the
> normal of each sample and the normal at the evaluation point by the
> distance of the sample from the evaluation point, total these up, and
> divide by the number of samples. Um, never mind, easier for me to think
> this way(pseudocode follows):
> SPoint = sample point
> EPoint = evaluation point
> total = 0;
> while(taking N samples)
> {
> S = distance of SPoint from EPoint
> theta = angle between normal at SPoint and normal at EPoint
> total += theta/S;
> }
> result = total/N;
> Is this right?
Well, I don't know if the formula itself is right, but you certainly did
understand what I said correctly. I wonder if there might be a way that
would require less samples though? Oh well, I'm not going to be able to
find it.
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On Thu, 02 Dec 1999 19:27:01 -0500, Chris Huff wrote:
>I am working on a curvature pattern, inspired by the patina thread,
>which would be for textures only(it would return a constant value if
>used in media density). It would return a value depending on the amount
>the surface the evaluation point is on is curving.
Given what you're trying to do, you only need the maximum curvature at
that point. Depending on direction of evaluation, the radius of
curvature of the surface can vary from zero (a ridge) to infinity (a
flat surface.) A cube, for example, will have infinite radius of
curvature everywhere on its faces, and the edges will have either
zero or infinite radius of curvature depending on where your sample
point falls. The vertices will have zero radius of curvature in all
directions, ideally (though precision errors will give you infinite
radii for them, too.)
For the sake of determining accessibility, the smallest radius of
curvature is the indicator: it doesn't matter that the surface is
perfectly flat in the X direction if it's so sharply curved in the
Y direction that you can't get your cleaning implements into the
Another consideration is that accessibility depends on which side
of the surface you're looking at. You can't clean the outside
surface of that groove, because it's too narrow to fit your cleaning
tools, but you could clean the inside surface of the groove (i.e.
the other side of the sheet of metal) with any size tools, because
it bulges out from the surrounding surface. This would generally
be handled by the texture map that's applied to the surface, but
your code may have to consider the possibility that surface normals
might be inverted (i.e. pointing into the surface) which would cause
some texturing wierdness.
These are my opinions. I do NOT speak for the POV-Team.
The superpatch: http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/superpatch/
My other stuff: http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
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I think that for the curvature pattern it might be best to allow the user
to specify the way in which the curvature is evaluated, probably by a
choose from maximum, minimum and average. For example, you might want the
corners of a rounded cube to return a different curvature than the edges,
in which case returning the maximum curvature wouldn't work. On the other
hand, there are times in which you would want to have it return the maximum
It might also be useful to have an "accessibility" or "exposed" surface
texture function. How I would see this working is that at an evaluation
point, several rays would be shot at the object (very much like the
proximity pattern). A value would then be returned based on what
proportion of them hit the object (with possibly the distance until they
did so factored in as well). So, the more exposed a part of the object is,
the more of the sampling rays will hit it, and a different value will be
I also wonder, that if it looks like there might be enough surface based
patterns being added to Pov, if a surface{...} statement might be a good
thing to add, since these patterns are really different from texture and
interior in that they are not defined except at the surface of the object.
But then again, they function in pretty much the same was as texture, so it
might be unnecessary. Just a thought.
Ron Parker wrote:
> Given what you're trying to do, you only need the maximum curvature at
> that point. Depending on direction of evaluation, the radius of
> curvature of the surface can vary from zero (a ridge) to infinity (a
> flat surface.) A cube, for example, will have infinite radius of
> curvature everywhere on its faces, and the edges will have either
> zero or infinite radius of curvature depending on where your sample
> point falls. The vertices will have zero radius of curvature in all
> directions, ideally (though precision errors will give you infinite
> radii for them, too.)
> For the sake of determining accessibility, the smallest radius of
> curvature is the indicator: it doesn't matter that the surface is
> perfectly flat in the X direction if it's so sharply curved in the
> Y direction that you can't get your cleaning implements into the
> groove.
> Another consideration is that accessibility depends on which side
> of the surface you're looking at. You can't clean the outside
> surface of that groove, because it's too narrow to fit your cleaning
> tools, but you could clean the inside surface of the groove (i.e.
> the other side of the sheet of metal) with any size tools, because
> it bulges out from the surrounding surface. This would generally
> be handled by the texture map that's applied to the surface, but
> your code may have to consider the possibility that surface normals
> might be inverted (i.e. pointing into the surface) which would cause
> some texturing wierdness.
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On Mon, 03 Jan 2000 16:34:07 -0700, Kevin Wampler
<kev### [at] tapestry tucson az us> wrote:
>It might also be useful to have an "accessibility" or "exposed" surface
>texture function. How I would see this working is that at an evaluation
>point, several rays would be shot at the object (very much like the
>proximity pattern). A value would then be returned based on what
>proportion of them hit the object (with possibly the distance until they
>did so factored in as well). So, the more exposed a part of the object is,
>the more of the sampling rays will hit it, and a different value will be
Accessibility in the sense that I was using it is not the same. I was
using it in the sense it is used in a 1994 SIGGRAPH paper by Gavin
Miller. In that sense, it is the radius of the largest sphere that
can get to the surface at that point, which determines how easy that
point is to clean, and thus how much "dirt" should accumulate there.
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I'll toss a thought into the ring, although this is a bit out of my
I was thinking about the patina problem too, and with my tendency to shy
away from the 3D math, was considering the possibility of doing a
planetary z-buffer image of the relevant object, differentiating it and
reapplying the result as a texture map. Note that I was not initially
considering a change in the code. However, is it feasible do do
something similar, given that the surface normals have been acquired and
apply a finite-differencing scheme to get the second derivative? (This
may double up on what Kevin Wampler was talking about.)I have no idea
what the implications are in 3D with a non uniform sampling grid.
One of the caveats of this approach, however, would be sampling density
v. feature frequency resolution trade off.
Anyone tell me how far off the wall I am with this?
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