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From: Bill Hails
Subject: FAQ? height_field on a sphere, or uv_mapping => isosurface
Date: 4 Jun 2006 13:59:44
Message: <44831f90@news.povray.org>
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Probably this should go to p.newusers, but I can't seem
to find anything in the manual.
I'm doing a simple moon - sphere, uv_mapping, image_map and bump_map:
#declare Luna = sphere {
0, 1
texture {
pigment {
image_map {
jpeg "albedo.simp750.jpeg"
normal {
bump_map {
jpeg "moonbump4k.jpg"
bump_size 1.8
finish {
ambient VeryDarkBlue
diffuse 1.0
specular 0.1
roughness 0.35
rotate -90 * y
but that just doesn't cut it because at the terminator
the bump map just abruptly stops.
So I want to replace the sphere with either a height_field
(are spherical height fields possible? I can't find any
references) or an isosurface, using the bump map file as data.
I'm sure this question must have been asked a hundered
times before, so please excuse me if I've missed it,
but I can't seem to find anything relevant.
Bill Hails
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From: M a r c
Subject: Re: FAQ? height_field on a sphere, or uv_mapping => isosurface
Date: 4 Jun 2006 14:46:17
Message: <44832a79$1@news.povray.org>
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> Probably this should go to p.newusers, but I can't seem
> to find anything in the manual.
You could want to have a look at this page :-)
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From: Bill Hails
Subject: Re: FAQ? height_field on a sphere, or uv_mapping => isosurface
Date: 4 Jun 2006 14:59:38
Message: <44832d9a@news.povray.org>
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M_a_r_c wrote:
> news:44831f90@news.povray.org...
>> Probably this should go to p.newusers, but I can't seem
>> to find anything in the manual.
> You could want to have a look at this page :-)
> http://www.oyonale.com/ressources/english/sources09.htm
> Marc
Instant bookmark. Thanks!
Bill Hails
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From: Bill Hails
Subject: Re: FAQ? height_field on a sphere, or uv_mapping => isosurface
Date: 4 Jun 2006 16:28:01
Message: <44834251@news.povray.org>
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M_a_r_c wrote:
> news:44831f90@news.povray.org...
>> Probably this should go to p.newusers, but I can't seem
>> to find anything in the manual.
> You could want to have a look at this page :-)
> http://www.oyonale.com/ressources/english/sources09.htm
> Marc
Having tried this, it got me half way there,
The isosurface takes the image_map function and looks
fine, but I needed to duplicate the technique to get
the ambient map to colour the surface.
I now have:
#local hf_fn = function {
pigment {
image_map {
jpeg "moonbump4k"
map_type 1
interpolate 2
#local pg_fn = function {
pigment {
image_map {
jpeg "albedo.simp750.jpeg"
map_type 1
interpolate 2
#local rs = 0.002;
#declare Luna = isosurface {
f_sphere(x, y, z, 1) + rs - hf_fn(x,y,z).gray * rs
// contained_by { sphere { 0, 1.2 } }
max_gradient 1.810
texture {
pigment {
function { pg_fn(x, y, z).gray }
finish {
ambient VeryDarkBlue
diffuse 1.0
specular 0.1
roughness 0.35
rotate -90 * y
Weird thing is the contained_by { sphere 0, 1 } was clipping,
I had to change it to sphere { 1, 1.2 } to reduce that, then
commenting it out altogether seemed to fix it.
I am using megapov, maybe there's a difference in behaviour.
Anyway, I have a moon that looks great, so thanks again for
the pointers.
Bill Hails
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Bill Hails <me### [at] billhails net> wrote:
> Probably this should go to p.newusers, but I can't seem
> to find anything in the manual.
> I'm doing a simple moon - sphere, uv_mapping, image_map and bump_map:
> #declare Luna = sphere {
> 0, 1
> texture {
> uv_mapping
> pigment {
> image_map {
> jpeg "albedo.simp750.jpeg"
> }
> }
> normal {
> bump_map {
> jpeg "moonbump4k.jpg"
> bump_size 1.8
> }
> }
> finish {
> ambient VeryDarkBlue
> diffuse 1.0
> specular 0.1
> roughness 0.35
> }
> }
> rotate -90 * y
> }
> but that just doesn't cut it because at the terminator
> the bump map just abruptly stops.
> So I want to replace the sphere with either a height_field
> (are spherical height fields possible? I can't find any
> references) or an isosurface, using the bump map file as data.
> I'm sure this question must have been asked a hundered
> times before, so please excuse me if I've missed it,
> but I can't seem to find anything relevant.
> --
> Bill Hails
> http://billhails.net/
There is a way to do a spherical height field, and its in the help file.
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