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Hi again,
How can I accomplish the following?
I have a 240 frames animation. In it I have several lights. I'm using
one of those lights to simulate the bright flash of an explosion which
starts at frame 100 and dies out a couple of frames later. I've studied
the clock features (including the My_Clock one) but still haven't found
a solution. Can anyone help me out?
Rob Verweij.
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Rob Verweij wrote:
> Hi again,
> How can I accomplish the following?
> I have a 240 frames animation. In it I have several lights. I'm using
> one of those lights to simulate the bright flash of an explosion which
> starts at frame 100 and dies out a couple of frames later. I've studied
> the clock features (including the My_Clock one) but still haven't found
> a solution. Can anyone help me out?
> Rob Verweij.
I'm not very experienced in animations, but how about:
#if ((clock >= 240/100) & (clock <= 240/105))
light_source {
color rgb (240/105 - clock)*10 // or whatever
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
Homepage: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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in povray.advanced-users, Christoph Hormann says...
> I'm not very experienced in animations, but how about:
> #if ((clock >= 240/100) & (clock <= 240/105))
> light_source {
> [position]
> color rgb (240/105 - clock)*10 // or whatever
> }
> #end
> Christoph
Should't that rather be:
#if ((clock >= 100/240) & (clock <= 105/240))
En dan een exponentieel aflopende intensiteit van de lichtbron??
Regards - groeten, Sander
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Sander wrote:
> Should't that rather be:
> #if ((clock >= 100/240) & (clock <= 105/240))
> etc.
Ooops, sure it should, sorry.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
Homepage: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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From: Chris Colefax
Subject: Re: Starting and ending an action on specified frames.
Date: 21 Nov 2000 18:14:21
Message: <3a1b01cd@news.povray.org>
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Rob Verweij <rg.### [at] worldonline nl> wrote:
> How can I accomplish the following?
> I have a 240 frames animation. In it I have several lights. I'm using
> one of those lights to simulate the bright flash of an explosion which
> starts at frame 100 and dies out a couple of frames later. I've studied
> the clock features (including the My_Clock one) but still haven't found
> a solution. Can anyone help me out?
The Automatic Clock Modifier macros allow you to keyframe values like this
very simply:
#include "autoclck.mcr"
#declare ExplosionBrightness = (From (99/240, 0) To (100/240, 1) To_Using
(110/240, 0, "Decel"));
#if (ExplosionBrightness > 0)
light_source {rgb ExplosionBrightness*<3, 2.5, 2> location ... }
The macro file package can be downloaded from:
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Hey Chris!
Thanx, I already have your ACM macro installed but forgot all about it. In
fact I downloaded all of your stuff more then a year ago (and when upgrades
came available I downloaded them again). Your stuff is cool. I'm no math whiz
and those include and macro files really help a lot.
For this particular animation I'm doing I'm using your Lens-FX and Galaxy
include files as well. It's gonna be cool and I'll upload an image and an
animation into their respective binary group when the complete animation is
Thanks for your reply.
PS.: Although I haven't showed you much, I 'm still working on that
pyrotechniques with POV-Ray stuff we E-mailed about some time ago. Actually
this animation has got something to do with that!
Chris Colefax schreef:
> Rob Verweij <rg.### [at] worldonline nl> wrote:
> > How can I accomplish the following?
> >
> > I have a 240 frames animation. In it I have several lights. I'm using
> > one of those lights to simulate the bright flash of an explosion which
> > starts at frame 100 and dies out a couple of frames later. I've studied
> > the clock features (including the My_Clock one) but still haven't found
> > a solution. Can anyone help me out?
> The Automatic Clock Modifier macros allow you to keyframe values like this
> very simply:
> #include "autoclck.mcr"
> #declare ExplosionBrightness = (From (99/240, 0) To (100/240, 1) To_Using
> (110/240, 0, "Decel"));
> #if (ExplosionBrightness > 0)
> light_source {rgb ExplosionBrightness*<3, 2.5, 2> location ... }
> #end
> The macro file package can be downloaded from:
> http://www.geocities.com/ccolefax/clockmod.html
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From: Matt Giwer
Subject: Re: Starting and ending an action on specified frames.
Date: 22 Nov 2000 19:06:24
Message: <3A1C5F80.DD6BC3CE@ij.net>
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Rob Verweij wrote:
> Hi again,
> How can I accomplish the following?
> I have a 240 frames animation. In it I have several lights. I'm using
> one of those lights to simulate the bright flash of an explosion which
> starts at frame 100 and dies out a couple of frames later. I've studied
> the clock features (including the My_Clock one) but still haven't found
> a solution. Can anyone help me out?
Make your own frame counter in a separate file.
#fopen counter, frame
Index frame and have that run the explosion. That way you can call it
France sent Inspector Clouseau to assist Lt. Frank Drebbin
in the investigation of Waco.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 305
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