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Hello everyone,
Can anyone point me in the direction of some ideas (or pref
some source) to achieving animated flames.
Ideally, what I am looking for is some animated flame, as in
what burning oil would look like if it were in an open pot or small
WarpSpeed Computers - The Graham Utilities for OS/2.
Voice: +61-3-9307-0611 PO Box 212 FidoNet: 3:632/344
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chr### [at] warpspeed com au wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Can anyone point me in the direction of some ideas (or pref
> some source) to achieving animated flames.
> Ideally, what I am looking for is some animated flame, as in
> what burning oil would look like if it were in an open pot or small
> plate.
> -Chris
Ken Tyler
See my 700+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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A bit on the inferno side of fire I'd say, small flames from a dish of
lamp oil type of thing would be more smoothly rounded out like a
turbulent sinewaved surface and stretched mostly in the upward
direction. And therein would be the difficulty of texturing it
appropriately I think. A spherical media, centered below the
container, might do okay; so long as the turbulence goes right with
the flame object. I don't know if isosurfaces can be mediaed(sp?,
gr??) but that's a possibility if so.
Glad I saw this link to Dans web page again, I snatched up a picture
of that bicycle right away. Where is he these days anyhow? Well, maybe
he reads but doesn't post much any more.
Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote in message
> chr### [at] warpspeed com au wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > Can anyone point me in the direction of some ideas (or
> > some source) to achieving animated flames.
> >
> > Ideally, what I am looking for is some animated flame, as
> > what burning oil would look like if it were in an open pot or
> > plate.
> >
> > -Chris
> http://www.flash.net/~djconnel/POV/index.html
> --
> Ken Tyler
> See my 700+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
> http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html
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Isosurfaces can have media applied to them, and an isosurface function
can also be used as a density pattern(or any other pattern). This would
probably be the best approach, but would require the Superpatch. Or you
could wait until POV 3.5, whenever that comes out, and if it contains
those isosurface features.
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Chris Huff wrote:
> Isosurfaces can have media applied to them, and an isosurface function
> can also be used as a density pattern(or any other pattern).
I remember seeing something that could potentially be used as a beginning
for this in Samuel Benge's gallery. Look at:
I have no idea what isosurface function he used though.
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Bob Hughes wrote:
> A bit on the inferno side of fire I'd say, small flames from a dish of
> lamp oil type of thing would be more smoothly rounded out like a
> turbulent sinewaved surface and stretched mostly in the upward
> direction.
It was meant as a general reference and not as a full solution. Can't take
all of their fun away now can I ?
> Glad I saw this link to Dans web page again, I snatched up a picture
> of that bicycle right away. Where is he these days anyhow? Well, maybe
> he reads but doesn't post much any more.
> Bob
I emailed Dan a few months ago about his absence and he related that he
got more involved with his bicycle hobby and his job duties increased to
the point where pov and the newsgroups became cumbersome to keep up with.
He also mentioned something about addiction to raytracing and that is of
course entirely understandable. I wished him well and left it at that.
Ken Tyler
See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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<chr### [at] warpspeed com au> wrote:
> Can anyone point me in the direction of some ideas (or pref
> some source) to achieving animated flames.
> Ideally, what I am looking for is some animated flame, as in
> what burning oil would look like if it were in an open pot or small
> plate.
I have a small animation of a flame of this sort, under my Current Projects:
As the description explains, no media was used at all: the flame is simply
created using two textured discs (and one of those discs is only used for
the circular glow).
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