POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Latest UVMapper Pro rocks Server Time
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  Latest UVMapper Pro rocks (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Jim Charter
Subject: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 13 Jan 2005 12:02:00
Message: <41e6a988$1@news.povray.org>
As usual when I went to reinstall UVMapper Pro recently I discovered I 
had not saved my copy and key correctly so I had to contact Steve Cox 
for help.  Steve graciously furnished me with a new key and a current 
release of UVMapper Pro.  I was stunned by the upgraded capabilities.  I 
had always thought Pro to be well worth the price but now, with the 
interactive mapping and preview abilities, the thing just rocks!

-Jim Charter

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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 16 Jan 2005 23:00:04
Message: <41eb3844@news.povray.org>
Would you like to post some screenshots (somewhere)?  I'd be interested to 
see what's possible.  I've read the Web page, but honestly, I got lost in 
the tech-talk.

I'm still learning UV-mapping, and I haven't been real successful at this 
point.  Anything to make it easier would be great.  I'm still using UVmapper 
Classic.  :-(


"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message 
> As usual when I went to reinstall UVMapper Pro recently I discovered I had 
> not saved my copy and key correctly so I had to contact Steve Cox for 
> help.  Steve graciously furnished me with a new key and a current release 
> of UVMapper Pro.  I was stunned by the upgraded capabilities.  I had 
> always thought Pro to be well worth the price but now, with the 
> interactive mapping and preview abilities, the thing just rocks!
> -Jim Charter

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 17 Jan 2005 11:41:19
Message: <41ebeaaf$1@news.povray.org>
Jeremy M. Praay wrote:
> Would you like to post some screenshots (somewhere)?  I'd be interested to 
> see what's possible.  I've read the Web page, but honestly, I got lost in 
> the tech-talk.
> I'm still learning UV-mapping, and I haven't been real successful at this 
> point.  Anything to make it easier would be great.  I'm still using UVmapper 
> Classic.  :-(
The Pro version I was used to was pretty much like the Classic but there 
was a zoom and pan navigation with the mouse which was a lot more usable 
than the keyboard based navigation of Classic.  But for me that made a 
huge difference in usability.  What ever else it had I didn't use it. I 
can't even remember if it had a preview feature.

But the latest Pro adds significantly more functionality *because of 
its split-screened preview*.

The preview makes two major things possible:
An ability to interactively apply different projection methods, and 
rotate and translate the axis for whatever projection method you are 
mapping with, while you see the changes to the "template" in real time.

An ability to save a "template", do some work on it with your image 
editor, then import and apply it as texture, and preview the result.

There is more that I have yet to explore, the polar mapping looks 
intriguing, for instance, but these two preview features alone put the 
Pro tool on another level from the Classic.

I'll post some screenshots in p.b.tutorials

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 17 Jan 2005 12:41:30
Message: <41ebf8ca$1@news.povray.org>
Jim Charter wrote:
> I'll post some screenshots in p.b.tutorials

Correction, I put them here:

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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 18 Jan 2005 07:54:26
Message: <41ed0702$1@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
> Jim Charter wrote:
>> I'll post some screenshots in p.b.tutorials
> Correction, I put them here:
> http://www21.brinkster.com/jrcsurvey/tutorials/uvmapper/tut01.html

Wow!  Thanks!   I hope I didn't make you go through too much trouble.

That's pretty much what I wanted to see/hear.  When reading about features,
I sometimes wonder if I'm being misled.  Apparently not, in this case. :-)

You've convinced me that I need to buy it.  Unfortunately, I just promised
myself to stop spending money frivolously.  $60 isn't bad, but I've said
that about a few things recently.  *sigh*  Perhaps in a few weeks.  In the
mean time, I have enough other toys that I should be playing with.  hehe.
So much that I want to do.  I've got my fingers in too many pies, as the
expression goes...


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Latest UVMapper Pro rocks
Date: 18 Jan 2005 09:21:31
Message: <41ed1b6b$1@news.povray.org>
Jeremy M. Praay wrote:
> "Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
> news:41ebf8ca$1@news.povray.org...
>>Jim Charter wrote:
>>>I'll post some screenshots in p.b.tutorials
>>Correction, I put them here:
> Wow!  Thanks!   I hope I didn't make you go through too much trouble.
> That's pretty much what I wanted to see/hear.  When reading about features,
> I sometimes wonder if I'm being misled.  Apparently not, in this case. :-)
> You've convinced me that I need to buy it.  Unfortunately, I just promised
> myself to stop spending money frivolously.  $60 isn't bad, but I've said
> that about a few things recently.  *sigh*  Perhaps in a few weeks.  In the
> mean time, I have enough other toys that I should be playing with.  hehe.
> So much that I want to do.  I've got my fingers in too many pies, as the
> expression goes...
He upgraded me to 3.0
3.2 looks like it has even more tantalizing stuff.  UV-relax? hmmmmm.

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