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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 2 Dec 2004 15:40:00
Message: <41af7da0$1@news.povray.org>
Just curious if anyone has used Shade 7.  I downloaded the demo recently, 
but since it doesn't export/save, it's pretty hard to say if it would be 
real useful.

It's fairly cheap if you are a Poser 5 owner, and allegedly, it's very 
popular in Japan.

Incidentally, I noticed that if you're a Poser 5 owner, you can buy the LE 
version of Shade and then upgrade to the Standard version, and you'd save 
$15 as opposed to buying the Standard version directly (funny).  I'm at the 
point where I've played around with several 3D modellers (most recently, 
Wings3D), but really haven't become very familiar with any of them.  I 
wouldn't mind spending some money on a worthwhile product, as long as it's 
not hundreds of $$$ (i.e. Cinema4D, 3DS, etc.)  On the other hand, if 
Wings3D is much more effective, why buy something else...


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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 2 Dec 2004 15:59:08
Message: <41af821c@news.povray.org>
Try Silo!

It's the best modeller there is.


"Jeremy M. Praay" <jer### [at] questsoftwarecom> wrote in message 
> Just curious if anyone has used Shade 7.  I downloaded the demo recently, 
> but since it doesn't export/save, it's pretty hard to say if it would be 
> real useful.
> It's fairly cheap if you are a Poser 5 owner, and allegedly, it's very 
> popular in Japan.
> Incidentally, I noticed that if you're a Poser 5 owner, you can buy the LE 
> version of Shade and then upgrade to the Standard version, and you'd save 
> $15 as opposed to buying the Standard version directly (funny).  I'm at 
> the point where I've played around with several 3D modellers (most 
> recently, Wings3D), but really haven't become very familiar with any of 
> them.  I wouldn't mind spending some money on a worthwhile product, as 
> long as it's not hundreds of $$$ (i.e. Cinema4D, 3DS, etc.)  On the other 
> hand, if Wings3D is much more effective, why buy something else...
> -- 
> Jeremy
> www.beantoad.com

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From: Ross
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 2 Dec 2004 18:36:44
Message: <41afa70c$1@news.povray.org>
"Mick Hazelgrove" <mic### [at] mhazelgrovefsnetcouk> wrote in message
> Try Silo!
> It's the best modeller there is.
> Mick

show us some of what you've done! ;)

seriously though, i havn't seen many images from you as of late. If I recall
you posted a nice WIP a while back that had some amazing clouds. This:


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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 3 Dec 2004 20:18:11
Message: <41b11053$1@news.povray.org>
"Mick Hazelgrove" <mic### [at] mhazelgrovefsnetcouk> wrote in message 
> Try Silo!
> It's the best modeller there is.

I played around with Shade some more.  I guess I assumed that it would 
integrate with Poser better than it appears to (I only have the demo).  I 
quit playing around shortly after...

I'm back to Wings3d for now.  I'm still discovering that it's a lot more 
powerful than I had given credit.

As long as we're having this discussion here (assuming anyone else is 
responding), what are the benefits of Silo over Wings?  I downloaded the 
trial version, but never really gave it a shot before it expired (my bad).


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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 4 Dec 2004 13:09:16
Message: <41b1fd4c@news.povray.org>

>show us some of what you've done! ;)

I loath to post pics of my silo work as it's not Pov related but if there's 
enough interest I will.>

> seriously though, i havn't seen many images from you as of late. If I 
> recall
> you posted a nice WIP a while back that had some amazing clouds. This:
> drool.

Thanks but I'm embarassed to say I'm still trying to find time to finish 
it - soon.


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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 4 Dec 2004 13:14:52
Message: <41b1fe9c@news.povray.org>
> As long as we're having this discussion here (assuming anyone else is 
> responding), what are the benefits of Silo over Wings?  I downloaded the 
> trial version, but never really gave it a shot before it expired (my bad).

It's easy, fast to learn, smooth in operation, can be configured easily to 
suit your style. It has a good tool set that is growing all the time and 
while it doesn't have all the tools Wings has, it is still in development 
whereas Wings has come to a stop. It also has the topograhy brush. Grab it 
now while it's still cheap because many in the industry are looking hard at 
it and the price WILL rise. In development are bones, sophisticated uv 
mapping and a lot more.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 6 Dec 2004 15:55:56
Message: <41b4c75c@news.povray.org>
"Jeremy M. Praay" <sla### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 

> I'm back to Wings3d for now.  I'm still discovering that it's a lot more 
> powerful than I had given credit.

     Yes, it 'is' powerful. (Or, it seems like it to me).

> As long as we're having this discussion here (assuming anyone else is 
> responding), what are the benefits of Silo over Wings?

    I haven't tried Silo, and I really don't want to. That's not a put-down 
of Silo, (as I haven't tried it), but from what I've learnt from Wings, I 
don't think I could handle learning another program with what I've produced 
in Wings so far...

  But, I'll tell you now Jeremy, Wings is worth learning and sticking with. 
Remember, I've just lost 6gigs of models and related files, but I'm 
confident that I can do them again using Wings, and 'hopefully', better now.

I downloaded the
> trial version, but never really gave it a shot before it expired (my bad).

   ''it happens... ;)


> -- 
> Jeremy
> www.beantoad.com

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 6 Dec 2004 23:36:44
Message: <41b5335c@news.povray.org>
St. wrote:

The thing is, Wings is awkward for use with Poser.  It's the winged-edge 
paradigm that is the problem.

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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 7 Dec 2004 14:12:39
Message: <41b600a7@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message 
> The thing is, Wings is awkward for use with Poser.  It's the winged-edge 
> paradigm that is the problem.

I was thinking that Shade would interface with Poser, but apparently 
whatever interface it has doesn't work in the demo.  Or if it does, I 
couldn't find it.  Anyway, I really couldn't see anything that made it 

I guess this kind of brings up a sore point with me.  There is all of this 
Poser stuff out there, created in very expensive modelling programs.  I 
really wish Daz or Curious Labs could come up with something that would 
easily allow the user to create clothing, do modelling, paint uv-textures, 
etc.  It seems like they already have half of the problem solved (posing), 
and many other people have the other half solved (modelling, uv-texturing). 
If you could "paint" on the 3D Poser models (rather than map a 2D texture), 
that would really rule (like Body Paint, I guess).  But then I suppose it 
wouldn't be relatively cheap, either.

Since I'm still just a Wings beginner, I recently used your "women's shoe" 
tutorial for creating something similar (not a woman's shoe), as part of my 
POVComp entry.  Very nice tutorial.  Very helpful.  :-)


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From: St 
Subject: Re: Shade 7 (anyone?)
Date: 7 Dec 2004 17:59:24
Message: <41b635cc@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message 
> St. wrote:
> The thing is, Wings is awkward for use with Poser. It's the winged-edge 
> paradigm that is the problem.

 Awkward maybe, but not impossible?

 Anyway, I won't be using Poser for some time yet, (if at all), so I'll 
stick with what I know.


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