POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Forked for VS2015 Server Time
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  Forked for VS2015 (Message 5 to 14 of 14)  
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From: Benjamin Chambers
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 23 Sep 2015 16:28:12
Message: <56030b5c$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/23/2015 10:13 AM, clipka wrote:
> Am 23.09.2015 um 14:55 schrieb Benjamin Chambers:
>> Given that package managers are pretty much ubiquitous in software
>> development (even Visual Studio has Nuget, which has served me quite
>> well in my {admittedly limited} needs), it may be time to rethink this.
> While package managers may be /becoming/ more common right now in the
> Windows world, there seem to be fundamental differences; for one, in the
> Unix world package management includes distribution of libraries in
> binary form, whereas NuGet seems to operate on the source code level.

I've seen both, actually. SQLite-Net, for instance, injects source 
directly into your project. Most libraries seem to distribute binaries 

> As for being "ubiquitous", there's still quite a way to go; I don't know
> about VS 2015, but in VS 2010 NuGet wasn't an integral part, and people
> still use that version out in the wild.

Fair enough. In newer versions of Visual Studio, both package 
maintenance through Nuget and source control through Github are more 
tightly integrated. However, your point about VS2010 being still rather 
common stands.

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 30 Oct 2015 01:58:54
Message: <MPG.309cd11cedf3b469989682@news.povray.org>
In article <56016377$1@news.povray.org>, ben### [at] outlookcom 
> For anyone interested in following along,

Me! [1]

> I forked POV-Ray and created a 
> new branch targeted just at getting it to compile in VS2015. The fork is 
> here:
> https://github.com/BenjaminChambers/povray/tree/VS2015

Good.  It is not possible to even get a copy of vs10, so a newbie is out 
of luck trying to build.

> I copied the directory windows/vs10 to windows/vs2015. That way, it will 
> continue to compile with previous versions. I then re-targeted all 
> included project files.

Don't you need povray.sln? It is missing.

> My first attempts are to get the ancillary libraries compiling correctly.

It looks like all you did was fix toFloat.h.  I was hoping you'd be 
further along.  I've already hacked in the missing million boost_ptr:: 
in 2 non-functional workspaces.
> Both the Boost libraries give errors, as do the OpenEXR libraries. The 
> jpeg, libpng, tiff, and zlib projects all compile (apparently) correctly.
> For Boost and OpenEXR, I'm going to go to the source and download new 
> versions, then work to integrate them in the current directory structure 
> as it is now. However, is there any reason they aren't simply excluded 
> from the source, with a note that they are dependencies?


[1] I *really* want to get povdos going.  I have a 4 linux box 
renderfarm. My windows box is about 50% faster at povray than those 4 
boxes _combined_. (All praise to whoever added SMP to povray.)

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 12 Nov 2015 17:53:22
Message: <56451862$1@news.povray.org>
FYI, I've just checked in some updates to POV-Ray to improve
compatibility with Visual Studio 2015. According to my own tests, the
official VS 2010 projects should now build flawlessly after automatic
conversion to VS 2015.

The pre-packaged version of the OpenEXR library turned out to contain an
issue that does not affect VS 2010, but causes compile errors with VS
2015. This was solved by upgrading to the latest stable version (2.2.0).
I've also changed the eLut and toFloat projects' custom build steps to
run after the Link step now, rather than the Manifest step that turned
out to cause trouble with VS 2015. The h44LogExpTable project, which
also included a post-Manifest build step, has been dropped entirely, as
the file it would generate is part of the official OpenEXR source
package anyway.

The pre-packaged version of boost also turned out to be problematic, as
it didn't provide a useful compile-time configuration for VS 2015, so
I've upgraded it to the latest stable version (1.59.0) as well. This
turned out to be incompatible with our attempts to suppress VS 2010's
C++0x features, but changing the project settings to re-enable C++0x
showed no ill effects with the current code, so that's what I've done.

There was one last boost-related issue with VS 2015, stemming from the
fact that we were using one and the same .cpp file to generate the
precompiled headers for multiple statically linked libraries (see
https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1260338 for
details of this known quirk); to solve this, each library now has its
own dedicated .cpp file for precompiled header generation.

The only other thing left to do was add settings for VS 2015 to
POV-Ray's compile-time configuration.

Given how flawlessly the VS 2010 projects now seem to compile on VS 2015
after automatic conversion, I guess we'll refrain from including
official VS 2015 projects for a while longer. This way we won't have to
worry about the projects for the different versions getting out of sync,
e.g. when new source files are added.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 12 Nov 2015 18:54:15
Message: <564526a7$1@news.povray.org>
Am 30.10.2015 um 06:58 schrieb Dick Balaska:

> [1] I *really* want to get povdos going.  I have a 4 linux box 
> renderfarm. My windows box is about 50% faster at povray than those 4 
> boxes _combined_. (All praise to whoever added SMP to povray.)

I've just revived the "console" project, which provides a simple console
version of POV-Ray for Windows.

To build it, search the file `windows/povconfig/syspovconfig.h` for the
line reading `// #define _CONSOLE`, and change it to `#define _CONSOLE`,
then build the "console" project instead of the "GUI" project. This will
create a binary named "povconsole64.exe" (presuming you're building the
64-bit non-debug version).

There are a few caveats to it, for instance it doesn't automatically
read any master .ini file, nor will it be able to automatically locate
the default include files, so you'll have to specify some additional
command-line options to work around this. Also, it doesn't seem to do a
good job at guessing how many cores you have, so you may want to use the
"+wt" command-line setting to manually specify the number of threads to use.

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 13 Nov 2015 11:05:53
Message: <MPG.30afd4544e3d49f0989684@news.povray.org>
In article <564526a7$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
> I've just revived the "console" project, which provides a simple 
> console version of POV-Ray for Windows.


> To build it, search the file `windows/povconfig/syspovconfig.h` for the
> line reading `// #define _CONSOLE`, and change it to `#define _CONSOLE`,
> then build the "console" project instead of the "GUI" project. This will
> create a binary named "povconsole64.exe" (presuming you're building the
> 64-bit non-debug version).

Er, well I'm still not building anything at the moment. :(
Can you dropbox it to me?
> There are a few caveats to it, for instance it doesn't automatically
> read any master .ini file, nor will it be able to automatically locate
> the default include files, so you'll have to specify some additional
> command-line options to work around this. Also, it doesn't seem to do a
> good job at guessing how many cores you have, so you may want to use the
> "+wt" command-line setting to manually specify the number of threads to use.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 13 Nov 2015 13:38:31
Message: <56462e27$1@news.povray.org>
Am 13.11.2015 um 17:05 schrieb Dick Balaska:
> In article <564526a7$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
>> I've just revived the "console" project, which provides a simple 
>> console version of POV-Ray for Windows.
> Sweet!
>> To build it, search the file `windows/povconfig/syspovconfig.h` for the
>> line reading `// #define _CONSOLE`, and change it to `#define _CONSOLE`,
>> then build the "console" project instead of the "GUI" project. This will
>> create a binary named "povconsole64.exe" (presuming you're building the
>> 64-bit non-debug version).
> Er, well I'm still not building anything at the moment. :(
> Can you dropbox it to me?

I'm afraid I'm rather short on time these days (that, plus I don't even
have a dropbox account ;)), so maybe someone else can step in?

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 27 Nov 2015 14:59:41
Message: <MPG.30c27d8f63471b50989685@news.povray.org>
In article <56462e27$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
> Am 13.11.2015 um 17:05 schrieb Dick Balaska:
> > In article <564526a7$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
> >> I've just revived the "console" project, which provides a simple 
> >> console version of POV-Ray for Windows.
> > 
> > Sweet!
> > 
> >> To build it, search the file `windows/povconfig/syspovconfig.h` for the
> >> line reading `// #define _CONSOLE`, and change it to `#define _CONSOLE`,
> >> then build the "console" project instead of the "GUI" project. This will
> >> create a binary named "povconsole64.exe" (presuming you're building the
> >> 64-bit non-debug version).
> > 
> > Er, well I'm still not building anything at the moment. :(
> > Can you dropbox it to me?
> I'm afraid I'm rather short on time these days (that, plus I don't even
> have a dropbox account ;)), so maybe someone else can step in?

Woo hoo. I got github/master to build and run, out of the box using 
VS2015 community edition!

Now, haha, my renderfarm server program (windows version) doesn't want 
to talk to my windows client. 

Inching closer...


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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 28 Nov 2015 03:04:14
Message: <MPG.30c329f9f219b89d989686@news.povray.org>
In article <MPG.30c27d8f63471b50989685@news.povray.org>, 
dic### [at] buckosoftcom says...
> Woo hoo. I got github/master to build and run, out of the box using 
> VS2015 community edition!
> Now, haha, my renderfarm server program (windows version) doesn't want 
> to talk to my windows client. 
> Inching closer...

I have increased my RenderFarm from 42Ghz to 70Ghz.
I'm a pov happy guy :)

As expected my Windows box is about equal to my 4 linux boxes combined.
For a specific set of frames, I get a render time of 8.5 minutes vs.
22, 27, 27, 78 minutes for my linux boxes.

Yeah, that Celeron's pretty slow, but she's my firewall and is otherwise 
pretty idle, so I might as well use it.  Maybe she gets retired from pov 


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From: Benjamin Chambers
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 11 Dec 2015 17:50:58
Message: <566b5352$1@news.povray.org>
Hey, look what happens when I get distracted for a few months :-D

Checking out the /master branch now...

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 11 Dec 2015 18:36:24
Message: <566b5df8$1@news.povray.org>
Am 11.12.2015 um 23:50 schrieb Benjamin Chambers:
> Hey, look what happens when I get distracted for a few months :-D

Maybe you should get distracted more often ;)

> Checking out the /master branch now...

Let me know how the changes work out for you.

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