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For creation and a coloring of this curve I used while
I want to learn, whether it is possible to paint so sphere_sweep? I can't.
Povray doesn't want to create 4000 curves using while: it is a big problem at
creation of hair. :(
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Sphere_sweep: gradient along a curve.
Date: 22 Jan 2014 13:49:26
Message: <52e012b6@news.povray.org>
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Le 22/01/2014 18:02, LanuHum nous fit lire :
> Hi!
> Sorry!
> For creation and a coloring of this curve I used while
> I want to learn, whether it is possible to paint so sphere_sweep? I can't.
> Povray doesn't want to create 4000 curves using while: it is a big problem at
> creation of hair. :(
One rule of povray: the pattern/color is 3D distributed, the shape is
just immersed in the pattern.
(forget about UV-mapping)
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Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> One rule of povray: the pattern/color is 3D distributed, the shape is
> just immersed in the pattern.
> (forget about UV-mapping)
I understood nothing :(
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"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandex ru> wrote:
> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> >
> > One rule of povray: the pattern/color is 3D distributed, the shape is
> > just immersed in the pattern.
> > (forget about UV-mapping)
> I understood nothing :(
Let me try; the sphere_sweep is not UV mapped, it only displays patterns that
are distributed across it through 3D world space. That means a gradient won't
work like it would on a UV map.
You could normalize the texture distribution on the sweep first, over a certain
axis, then transform it into position to maintain those colors...
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"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandex ru> wrote:
> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> >
> > One rule of povray: the pattern/color is 3D distributed, the shape is
> > just immersed in the pattern.
> > (forget about UV-mapping)
> I understood nothing :(
Could also save UV mapped parametric mesh representations of the sweeps and
render those just as one normally would expect the hair to be textured.
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> Hi!
> Sorry!
> Povray doesn't want to create 4000 curves using while: it is a big problem at
> creation of hair. :(
> Thanks!
If I understand you want to create more than 4000 curves using while and
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> One rule of povray: the pattern/color is 3D distributed, the shape is
> just immersed in the pattern.
> (forget about UV-mapping)
That's right. It's just like that object intersect the pattern.
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On 22-1-2014 22:03, Robert McGregor wrote:
> Could also save UV mapped parametric mesh representations of the sweeps and
> render those just as one normally would expect the hair to be textured.
Interesting, but I am lost about your two solutions ;-) would you mind
to give us a little piece of code?
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From: FractRacer
Subject: Re: Sphere_sweep: gradient along a curve.
Date: 23 Jan 2014 07:01:46
Message: <52e104aa@news.povray.org>
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>> Hi!
>> Sorry!
>> Povray doesn't want to create 4000 curves using while: it is a big
>> problem at
>> creation of hair. :(
>> Thanks!
> If I understand you want to create more than 4000 curves using while and
> sphere_sweep?
This image contains 5000 curves made with sphere_sweep and a while loop.
It is that you want?
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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Hair in a blender are presented by the array from splines.
Developers of the official version of the Blender2Povray exporter used these
splines for sphere_sweeps array creation.
Povray counts sphere_sweep enough, but,
I had an idea to streak hair, to decolour tips of hair as it is done by some
people in beauty shops or hairdressing salons.
I tried to paint sphere_sweep as necessary.
At me it didn't turn out.
Therefore I addressed to other way to use the array of splines of the Blender:
But, I can't use the second way to receive all hair: the system hangs.
Therefore here I asked a question of opportunity correctly to paint sphere_sweep
From all comments I understood that such opportunity isn't present.
I can't make transformation of hair after texturing
Maximum of hair by means of while
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