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Some more fun with Bullet physics, stacking the old CGRender.com lighting
challenge #4 Bottle Collection into a recycle bin. Gobo tree shadows via an
image_pattern mask. Ground is a height_field with misc. mesh plants.
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On 22/09/12 18:03, Robert McGregor wrote:
> Some more fun with Bullet physics, stacking the old CGRender.com lighting
> challenge #4 Bottle Collection into a recycle bin. Gobo tree shadows via an
> image_pattern mask. Ground is a height_field with misc. mesh plants.
Very very nice... what did you use as collision shapes?
BTW, the floor is the best HF job I've ever seen!
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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> Some more fun with Bullet physics, stacking the old CGRender.com lighting
> challenge #4 Bottle Collection into a recycle bin. Gobo tree shadows via an
> image_pattern mask. Ground is a height_field with misc. mesh plants.
Great rendering, Rob! Are we having fun yet? :D
So how many different bottle types are in there? I'm counting at least four. Did
you place the plants by hand, or randomly test the height pattern for areas
likely to allow growth?
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Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote:
> Very very nice... what did you use as collision shapes?
Thank you :)
The bottles are all convex hull collision and the box is triangle mesh
> BTW, the floor is the best HF job I've ever seen!
Thanks again, but the image map has to take most of the credit for that - it's a
16-bit PNG that's 4300 x 3000 px. I used an image_pattern mask to break it up
for some "forced" realism:
#declare P_Cracked = pigment { image_map { png "cracked" interpolate 2 } }
height_field { png "cracked_bump"
translate -0.5
//pigment { rgb 0.5}
texture {
image_pattern { png "cracked_bump" interpolate 2 }
texture_map {
//pigment { srgb <1,0,0> }
pigment { P_Cracked }
finish { diffuse 0.2 specular 0 reflection 0 }
//pigment { srgb <0,0,1> }
pigment { P_Cracked }
finish { diffuse 0.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.5
reflection {0, 0.25 fresnel on } conserve_energy
translate -0.5 rotate x*90
interior { ior 1.8 }
scale <43/30, 0.0015, 1>
scale 300
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Preview of image 'concrete_heightfield.jpg'

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"Samuel Benge" <stb### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Great rendering, Rob! Are we having fun yet? :D
Thanks Sam :)
> So how many different bottle types are in there? I'm counting at least four.
There are 15 different bottle types. I've attached a Silo screenshot of the raw
models before subdivision/smoothing.
> you place the plants by hand, or randomly test the height pattern for areas
> likely to allow growth?
No, I just rendered an orthographic view from above with a checkerboard overlay
and & used the grid to place them (somewhat tediously) by hand. That
auto-crevice-growth idea sounds like a cool Benge project though ;)
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Here's a gobo shadows test without textures or height_field
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On 22-9-2012 23:28, Robert McGregor wrote:
> No, I just rendered an orthographic view from above with a checkerboard overlay
> and & used the grid to place them (somewhat tediously) by hand. That
> auto-crevice-growth idea sounds like a cool Benge project though ;)
Why not using eval_pigment(map, pos)? Especially with your blue/red
image_map that would be a breeze. I did that for my Acres of Diamonds
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As always, a perfect image, Robert.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Why not using eval_pigment(map, pos)? Especially with your blue/red
> image_map that would be a breeze. I did that for my Acres of Diamonds
> contribution.
Well, actually it's an image_pattern, not a blue/red image map (although I now
realize I mistakenly typed pigment_pattern in the image descriptions above), but
I see your point. I'll need to play with that idea a bit.
> As always, a perfect image, Robert.
Well, I certainly keep /trying/ for perfection; maybe one day. But thank you
very much :)
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