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Testing things I'll need to build land masses for the Aurora world where the
Singularity travels about.
This is a 1km x 1km chunk. I added a monastery object I had to show scale.
I really need some kick-a** textures for the stone blob base.... anyone have
something that would work better than the granite gray? I'm looking for
something that gives it the impression that it is a chunk of the earth sliced
out and floating about.
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Le 13/04/2012 20:20, Becraft, Robert nous fit lire :
> I really need some kick-a** textures for the stone blob base.... anyone have
> something that would work better than the granite gray? I'm looking for
> something that gives it the impression that it is a chunk of the earth sliced
> out and floating about.
Desert valley like texturing. (horizontal/perturbed bands of
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"Becraft, Robert" <cas### [at] aol com> wrote:
> I really need some kick-a** textures for the stone blob base.... anyone have
> something that would work better than the granite gray? I'm looking for
> something that gives it the impression that it is a chunk of the earth sliced
> out and floating about.
Hi Robert,
look at the old LOTW2 project pages of Christoph Hormann
Here you can find tons of nice procedural textures - but you have to extract the
texture definitions from the files and includes...
Norbert Kern
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On 13-4-2012 20:20, Becraft, Robert wrote:
> Testing things I'll need to build land masses for the Aurora world where the
> Singularity travels about.
> This is a 1km x 1km chunk. I added a monastery object I had to show scale.
> I really need some kick-a** textures for the stone blob base.... anyone have
> something that would work better than the granite gray? I'm looking for
> something that gives it the impression that it is a chunk of the earth sliced
> out and floating about.
A banded texture - slightly inclined - like suggested by Le_Forgeron,
maybe with a vertical gradient too (darker below, lighter top; although
the opposite would probably work well too...)
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On 14-4-2012 8:33, Norbert Kern wrote:
> look at the old LOTW2 project pages of Christoph Hormann
> (http://www.imagico.de/lotw2/history.php).
> Here you can find tons of nice procedural textures - but you have to extract the
> texture definitions from the files and includes...
Nice to play again with those landscapes. They stimulate ideas for
future scenes.
I have "improved" the sky/Sun code for the LOTW scenes (see image
below). The following code can be used for all of them I suppose, just
copy and past the relevant section in the LOTW scene files. You need the
CIE.inc file though, which can be found here:
//start code
// --- part written by skies.inc ---
// ----------------------------------------
// >>>> skysphere sky <<<<
// ----------------------------------------
#include "CIE.inc"
#declare SunColor = Blackbody(2800)*1; //2800=red; 7500=white blue
#declare Azm = 20;
#declare Alt = 5;
#declare fn_horizon=function { max(z, 0) }
#declare fn_sun=
function {
pattern {
scale 3
translate y
rotate x*Alt
rotate z*Azm
sky_sphere {
pigment {
function { pow(fn_horizon(x,y,z)*(1-fn_sun(x,y,z)), 0.400) }
color_map {
[0.000 color SunColor]
[0.426 color rgb <0.200, 0.300, 0.800>]
// --- part written by lighting.inc ---
light_source {
color SunColor
translate 10e5*y
rotate x*Alt
rotate z*Azm
sphere {
0, 1
hollow on
pigment { rgbt 1 }
interior {
media {
emission SunColor/1000
density {
poly_wave 4
density_map {
[0.0 rgb 0]
[0.5 color rgb <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>]
[1.0 color rgb <1, 1, 1>]
samples 100 confidence .1
scale 24000
translate 10e5*y
rotate x*Alt
rotate z*Azm
//end code
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> On 14-4-2012 8:33, Norbert Kern wrote:
> > look at the old LOTW2 project pages of Christoph Hormann
> > (http://www.imagico.de/lotw2/history.php).
> > Here you can find tons of nice procedural textures - but you have to extract the
> > texture definitions from the files and includes...
> >
> Nice to play again with those landscapes. They stimulate ideas for
> future scenes.
> I have "improved" the sky/Sun code for the LOTW scenes (see image
> below). The following code can be used for all of them I suppose, just
> copy and past the relevant section in the LOTW scene files. You need the
> CIE.inc file though, which can be found here:
> http://www.ignorancia.org/en/index.php?page=Lightsys
> //start code
> // --- part written by skies.inc ---
> // ----------------------------------------
> // >>>> skysphere sky <<<<
> // ----------------------------------------
> #include "CIE.inc"
> #declare SunColor = Blackbody(2800)*1; //2800=red; 7500=white blue
> #declare Azm = 20;
> #declare Alt = 5;
> #declare fn_horizon=function { max(z, 0) }
> #declare fn_sun=
> function {
> pattern {
> spherical
> scale 3
> translate y
> rotate x*Alt
> rotate z*Azm
> }
> }
> sky_sphere {
> pigment {
> function { pow(fn_horizon(x,y,z)*(1-fn_sun(x,y,z)), 0.400) }
> color_map {
> [0.000 color SunColor]
> [0.426 color rgb <0.200, 0.300, 0.800>]
> }
> }
> }
> // --- part written by lighting.inc ---
> light_source {
> <0,0,0>
> color SunColor
> translate 10e5*y
> rotate x*Alt
> rotate z*Azm
> }
> sphere {
> 0, 1
> hollow on
> no_shadow
> pigment { rgbt 1 }
> interior {
> media {
> emission SunColor/1000
> density {
> spherical
> poly_wave 4
> density_map {
> [0.0 rgb 0]
> [0.5 color rgb <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>]
> [1.0 color rgb <1, 1, 1>]
> }
> }
> samples 100 confidence .1
> }
> }
> scale 24000
> translate 10e5*y
> rotate x*Alt
> rotate z*Azm
> }
> //end code
> Enjoy!
> Thomas
I tried this Thomas... the scenes come out very grainy and dim. Even moving the
Alt and Azm around, I couldn't get anything very good out of the render.
The other link to Christoph's textures and such gave me a texture I used here...
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On 17-4-2012 21:09, Becraft, Robert wrote:
> I tried this Thomas... the scenes come out very grainy and dim. Even moving the
> Alt and Azm around, I couldn't get anything very good out of the render.
> The other link to Christoph's textures and such gave me a texture I used here...
I did not tell but should have mentioned: The code is for the LOTW
scenes which are oriented with the z-axis *up*!! So this code works for
those scenes but for the conventional left-handed POV-Ray scenes, you
have to switch "z" and "y". Also note that in order to keep the Sun
above the horizon you can either translate the Sun first in the +z
direction and use Alt as a negative multiplicator to x, or translate
towards -z and use Alt as a positive multiplicator to x. The reason why
I have chosen for a negative Alt here is because I also use SunPos.inc
which translates the Sun towards +z. Here is the relevant code for
left-handed scenes:
//start code
#declare fn_horizon=function { max(y, 0) }
#declare fn_sun=
function {
pattern {
scale 3
translate z
rotate -Alt*x
rotate Azm*y
light_source {
color SunColor
translate 10e5*z
rotate -Alt*x
rotate Azm*y
sphere {
0, 1
hollow on
pigment { rgbt 1 }
interior {
media {
emission SunColor/1000
density {
poly_wave 4
density_map {
[0.0 rgb 0]
[0.5 color rgb <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>]
[1.0 color rgb <1, 1, 1>]
samples 100 confidence .1
scale 24000
translate 10e5*z
rotate -Alt*x
rotate Azm*y
//end code
Hope this helps
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