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After struggling with *REALLY* slow SSLT w/Radiosity renders for the last couple
of weeks I thought I'd wait until RC4 to try anything more with it. But I was
wrong; wrong-thinking about the entire issue, that is.
Christoph has provided us with this /amazing/ new feature, but subsurface with
radiosity almost seems like a brute force approach in its slowness (yes, due to
the many SSLT samples stacked upon many radiosity samples, with all the
mega-math, area lights, focal blur, etc., it's inevitably going to be slow).
Using radiosity my SSLT dragon scene took 17.5 hours to render; with standard
lighting it took about 45 minutes (and the scene really looks pretty awful
/without/ the radiosity). I'm a radiosity junkie, most scenes just look better
with it.
The guys from Mental Images and Autodesk can't be /that/ much smarter than we
are, right? So how do the high-end packages render stuff so fast?? Multiple
render passes composited on the fly, that's how!
I started thinking how cool it would be for POV-Ray to have all the benefits of
radiosity and global illumination right alongside the speed of standard ray
traced lighting (for say, subsurface and reflections) in a single shot, just
like Maya or 3DS Max using different "shaders;" to have the ability to render
multiple passes using different lighting models and composite them directly
within POV-Ray into a final seamless shot!
Some of you will recall that a couple of years ago I implemented a basic ambient
occlusion setup that adds additional realism to my shots (okay, that's "fake"
realism, but it's good enough for ILM, so...) via a multiple-render-pass
w/SDL-compositing approach. Well, I spent a few hours modifying my macros and
scene switches and set up two POV scenes in my file queue; one for rendering
multiple passes via animation frames, and one for compositing them via animation
frames. And this technique stays within IRTC and TC-RTC guidelines too :)
As a test I re-rendered my SSLT dragon using 4 separate render passes: beauty
(radiosity), ambient occlusion (radiosity), reflection (standard lighting), and
subsurface (standard lighting, and FAST). After all four frames were rendered
the second scene file auto-composited the various render passes using some
simple SDL macros over a few more animation frames. The entire process took only
50 minutes versus 17.5 hours! And the end result is virtually identical to the
"brute-force" render that took ~18 times longer. This method also provides the
flexibility to re-adjust lighting, reflections, etc. without re-rendering the
shot, just by changing a few parameters in the compositing macros. Take *that*
So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes. After I clean up my
code a bit I'll make it available; I'm pretty excited about this, so I'm also
planning to write a how-to for the wiki. Comments, thoughts, etc. regarding this
technique are greatly appreciated.
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Preview of image 'blobrenderpasses.png'

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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
> pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes.
And here are full-size versions of the ambient occlusion (radiosity) and SSLT
(standard) passes...
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Preview of image 'blobrenderpasses_ao_sslt.png'

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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
> pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes.
And here's the final SDL composite :)
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Preview of image 'ssltmultipasscomposite5.png'

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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> "Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> > So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
> > pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes.
> And here's the final SDL composite :)
> -------------------------------------------------
> www.McGregorFineArt.com
Wow, just wow! Sounds promising. Would it work with media and focal blur?
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Here's a similar test using Buddha and some balls, AO and SSLT.
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Preview of image 'buddha_balls_ao_sslt.png'

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And here's the Buddha Balls final comp
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Preview of image 'ssltmultipasscomposite5.png'

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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> "Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> > So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
> > pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes.
> And here's the final SDL composite :)
Here's a version with no image maps or HDR - completely SDL procedural.
I only needed to re-render the beauty and reflection passes, then run the
composite animation again. Perfect for gigs where the picky art director keeps
changing his mind about some little details like ground texture...
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Preview of image 'multipasscomposite5.png'

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On 09/03/2011 4:46 AM, Robert McGregor wrote:
> And here's the Buddha Balls final comp
I really like this one but I wish you had called it Buddha Spheres or
something. ;-)
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Multi-pass rendering and compositing in POV-Ray
Date: 9 Mar 2011 04:02:26
Message: <4d774222$1@news.povray.org>
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Well, Mister POVxar, you did it again it seems! Very smartly done.
I used your ao techniques several times and it added much to my scenes.
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"SafePit" <ste### [at] reids4fun com> wrote:
> "Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> > "Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> wrote:
> > > So, here's an example shot of the "blob with negative strength" from the
> > > pvengine64 "Insert" menu, using five separate render passes.
> >
> > And here's the final SDL composite :)
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > www.McGregorFineArt.com
> Wow, just wow! Sounds promising. Would it work with media and focal blur?
Yes, that's the beauty of it, it works with anything available in POV-Ray. And
you have the choice of using radiosity and/or standard lighting in a scene;
whichever makes objects/effects look best and render fastest.
And actually these example shots all make use of subtle focal blur using:
camera {
location Cam_Loc
look_at Cam_At
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 50
#if (Use_Focal_Blur)
aperture 2
blur_samples 7*Focal_Blur_Factor
focal_point <10, 0, -2>
confidence 0.9
variance 1/200
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