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Here are a few images to illustrate the versatility of the Domenator utility
which is a 3D shape generator using OpenGL (used to be a Moray plug-in).
As you can see actual cathedral/church/mosque may be modeled with Domenator
(that was my start point), but you can also model many very different shapes
(sword's blade, umbrella, ice-cream, futuristic building, etc.).
These images are not very nice because I wanted to show Domes and nothing
else (no background, no other objects (but the bottom of the cage which is a
simple cylinder), not a great deal of work on material .).
You can find the exe file in the binaries.utilities forum.
This is a beta-version, so there is room for improvement, thanks to you for
pointing me bugs and desired features.
If some of you are interested, I will also transform my other Moray plug-ins
into stand alone programs (including SeaShell, Knots, Tube .)
Best regards.
Futuristic Building, Waste Paper basket, Asian Hat, Umbrella and Sword's
Blades are made of only one dome.
Rusty Bird's Cage is made of one dome and one cylinder.
Saviour Dome is made of two domes (the main body and the top cone). I also
included a view of this dome "in situ", with a bit more of work.
La Defense Conference Hall is made of two domes (one for the concrete part
and one for the glass part (the very same dome but with no window)).
Ice Cream is made of two domes, one for the cornet and one for the actual
ice-cream (Vanilla - Fudge).
Staring from the Darth Vader helmet, you can model dinner plates ;-)
Sorry for my lousy English ;((.
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Philippe! How good to see you back here! Welcome!
Excellent idea to have Domenator as a stand alone utility. I have great
use for it (Gancaloon of course) but I have been unsure about whether to
reinstall Moray on my new PC or not. It is/was one of my favourite plugins.
Your other plugins would be welcomed too, especially Seashell I think.
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Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your kinds comments.
You will be able to re-create the domes you have created with Moray (just
let the new parameters to their default value, but I hope you will enjoy
There is only one exception: the inverse check box which was equivalent to a
negative height+scale.
Future developpment: use a mesh2 rather than a mesh and use interior texture
PS : there is no documentation so far so, don't hesitate to ask ...
> Philippe! How good to see you back here! Welcome!
> Excellent idea to have Domenator as a stand alone utility. I have great
> use for it (Gancaloon of course) but I have been unsure about whether to
> reinstall Moray on my new PC or not. It is/was one of my favourite
> plugins.
> Your other plugins would be welcomed too, especially Seashell I think.
> Thomas
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On 21-4-2012 10:21, Philippe Gibone wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for your kinds comments.
> You will be able to re-create the domes you have created with Moray (just
> let the new parameters to their default value, but I hope you will enjoy
> them).
> There is only one exception: the inverse check box which was equivalent to a
> negative height+scale.
> Future developpment: use a mesh2 rather than a mesh and use interior texture
> Philippe
> PS : there is no documentation so far so, don't hesitate to ask ...
Well for a start, I am stuck with the msvcr100d.dll. Downloaded it and
put it in Windows\System32 Windows\SysWOW64 and in the Domenator
directory as indicated by the site, and restarted the PC. However, I get
an error message telling me that the dll is missing from my computer.
Checked this with CMD regsvr32 and got the answer that the module may
not be compatible with the version of windows I am running.
Using windows7 x64.
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Thomas de Groot wrote:
> Well for a start, I am stuck with the msvcr100d.dll.
a dependency to this dll is usually a build problem of
the program. It should be built with release configuration
to publish it. Then it will run on any system that has the
VC++ 2010 runtime environment installed (which is usually
present on newer systems but you can also download it
from the website of microsoft).
Also, manually copying msvcr* dlls to windows system directory
may not work on newer version of Windows, they have some protection
against getting corrupted and the simple folder view presented by
explorer is an illusion hiding all the side-by-side versioning issues
(you could still try to place the dll next to the exe, note that you
need the correct bitness depending on whether the application is
compiled for x86 or x64).
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On 21-4-2012 13:53, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> (you could still try to place the dll next to the exe,
Well, that did not work.
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With the sequel of the sequel: glut32.dll is missing.
I have couple of copies (different dates and sizes) of this for the
ancient TesselSphere, Terragen2, and Silo2, in their respective
directories. What should I do?
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Hi Thomas,
I'm really sorry for that, OpenGL seems to be a real mess, this is my first
programm using it, it may be the last.
The DLL on my computer are :
glu32.dll 22/08/2001 21:00 116 736
glut32.dll 27/03/2005 12:10 483 460
Hope that helps
> With the sequel of the sequel: glut32.dll is missing.
> I have couple of copies (different dates and sizes) of this for the
> ancient TesselSphere, Terragen2, and Silo2, in their respective
> directories. What should I do?
> Thomas
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On 22-4-2012 19:32, Philippe Gibone wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I'm really sorry for that, OpenGL seems to be a real mess, this is my first
> programm using it, it may be the last.
> The DLL on my computer are :
> glu32.dll 22/08/2001 21:00 116 736
> glut32.dll 27/03/2005 12:10 483 460
> Hope that helps
It does, Philippe, thanks. I just copied my youngest glut32.ddl from
Silo2 to the Domenator directory. It works now. Going to play ;-)
...later: Works well and hugely enjoyable. A couple of questions:
(1) Not sure what Translation Z does. Now it shears the dome, allowing
an inside view. Is that correct?
(2) Materials: How are they invoked?
(3) Mesh2{} would be great eventually, including the csg objects.
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Hi Thomas,
Very good news.
> (1) Not sure what Translation Z does. Now it shears the dome, allowing an
> inside view. Is that correct?
It is a scaling along the z-axis (in OpenGL and Moray, which happens to be
the y-axis in POV-Ray) this scaling is done before the struts and spheres
are created (it has no particular effect on the "faces").
I enclosed an image of a Dome with no scaling (on the left), with pov-ray
z-scaling (in the middle) and with the Dome z-scaling (on the right)
> (2) Materials: How are they invoked?
I choose materials rather than textures because when you want to use a
texture, you just have to write :
#declare Mat1 = {texture {myFavoriteTexture}}
And you have turn your favorite texture into a material.
> (3) Mesh2{} would be great eventually, including the csg objects.
If you're not the only one to be interested in I will (if you're the only
one, it will take a little bit more of time ;-)).
> On 22-4-2012 19:32, Philippe Gibone wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> I'm really sorry for that, OpenGL seems to be a real mess, this is my
>> first
>> programm using it, it may be the last.
>> The DLL on my computer are :
>> glu32.dll 22/08/2001 21:00 116 736
>> glut32.dll 27/03/2005 12:10 483 460
>> Hope that helps
> It does, Philippe, thanks. I just copied my youngest glut32.ddl from
> Silo2 to the Domenator directory. It works now. Going to play ;-)
> ...later: Works well and hugely enjoyable. A couple of questions:
> (1) Not sure what Translation Z does. Now it shears the dome, allowing
> an inside view. Is that correct?
> (2) Materials: How are they invoked?
> (3) Mesh2{} would be great eventually, including the csg objects.
> Thomas
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