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Is BSSRDF method implemented in POV-Ray? If not,
is it possible to simulate on POV-Ray BSSRDF? Are
similar methods implemented?
In particular should be useful for me to apply
this method for marble translucency...
Best regards.
Antonio Ferrari
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Antonio Ferrari wrote:
> Is BSSRDF method implemented in POV-Ray? If not,
> is it possible to simulate on POV-Ray BSSRDF? Are
> similar methods implemented?
You can do subsurface scattering in POV-Ray using media. In p.b.i. past
postings you will find quite a lot of postings showing examples for this
(just like other faked scattering techniques).
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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In article <ch4150$2ij$1@chho.imagico.de>, chr### [at] gmx de says...
> Antonio Ferrari wrote:
> > Is BSSRDF method implemented in POV-Ray? If not,
> > is it possible to simulate on POV-Ray BSSRDF? Are
> > similar methods implemented?
> You can do subsurface scattering in POV-Ray using media. In p.b.i. past
> postings you will find quite a lot of postings showing examples for this
> (just like other faked scattering techniques).
Not to complain, but media is confusing and complicated, while a
subsurface scattering algorithm would just do what it was designed for
and would thus likely be less complicated to use. Also, while I have
heard lots of claims about how it could be done with media, I am not sure
there is any examples of it being used with organics or other similar
situations where the effect needs to be fairly depth limited and
specific, but the shape of the object doesn't lend itself well to just
stuffing it full of media and hoping it doesn't have any leaks. Something
less container specific would be better for such models, if for no other
reason than to save time in designing and debugging. I am not sure you
can really call it a useless or redundant feature for these reasons, but
that is just my opinion.
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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Patrick Elliott <sha### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Not to complain, but media is confusing and complicated, while a
> subsurface scattering algorithm would just do what it was designed for
> and would thus likely be less complicated to use. Also, while I have
> heard lots of claims about how it could be done with media, I am not sure
> there is any examples of it being used with organics or other similar
> situations where the effect needs to be fairly depth limited and
> specific, but the shape of the object doesn't lend itself well to just
> stuffing it full of media and hoping it doesn't have any leaks. Something
> less container specific would be better for such models, if for no other
> reason than to save time in designing and debugging. I am not sure you
> can really call it a useless or redundant feature for these reasons, but
> that is just my opinion.
I've tried different examples with different configurations, made by me and
also taken from the past messages.
I can say the following:
- the results that can be reached seems very poor, and in any case are only
a rough approximation of BSSRDF real results;
- results can be easily approximated for simple / not_to_much_complicated
objects, but for complicated objects it seems difficult to attach a proper
media (for example using a density based on extrusion with negative offset
of object itslef that must produce sub-surface scattering... this only an
idea, but I don't know if it's appliable);
- a simpler interior description specific for BSSRDF, or similar effects /
algorithms is desiderable.
For these reasons I agree with Patrick. But these are only my opinions...
Maybe I've simply been unable to find an efficent and perfect way to
implement BSSRDF through povray.
Antonio Ferrari
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Antonio Ferrari wrote:
> [...]
> - the results that can be reached seems very poor, and in any case are only
> a rough approximation of BSSRDF real results;
To be frank this argument shown quite well the misconception you have
about this effect. POV-Ray scattering media is much more 'real' than
any commonly used subsurface scattering trick you find advertised in
other programs. The point is of course these tricks can be much faster
than a full media simulation but the above sentence as you wrote it is
simply an inversion of reality.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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In article <chsckk$r7i$1@chho.imagico.de>, chr### [at] gmx de says...
> Antonio Ferrari wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > - the results that can be reached seems very poor, and in any case are only
> > a rough approximation of BSSRDF real results;
> To be frank this argument shown quite well the misconception you have
> about this effect. POV-Ray scattering media is much more 'real' than
> any commonly used subsurface scattering trick you find advertised in
> other programs. The point is of course these tricks can be much faster
> than a full media simulation but the above sentence as you wrote it is
> simply an inversion of reality.
Speaking of reality.. There is 'the right way' and there is the
'practical way'. Sometimes it simply isn't practical to do things the
'right' way. A good example would be using an organic model design by
someone else. There is no 'practical' way to make sure that the model is
solid, especially if you used it for animation, where each frame runs the
risk of added unexpected holes in the object. Media cannot function with
such uncertainty to produce subsurface scattering. Not without applying
an insane amount of impractical work into testing the media on every
frame, then tweaking each frame of that model to 'fix' the problem. There
may even be circumstances where you 'intend' to produce cutaways or other
effects that may make the use of media nearly impossible for that
application. You would want sss on the parts that are not cut away, but
media and sss absent from the part you cut into. You can't do that in any
practical sense with media. I don't think that for some specific cases
'fast' with respect to the algorithm is the point, so much as that using
media in some circumstances is simply far more complicated and time
consuming to use than stimulating the effect.
This may be a hobbyist program, but some people would like to use it for
more practical applications. That isn't feasible when you adhere strictly
to 'do it the correct way or not at all' ideas. For most uses of media
that philosophy is perfectly reasonable, for this specific use.... it is
questionable imho. For it to be practical requires a dependence on
everyone else making a product to 'get it right' as well and they have no
incentive to cater to POV-Ray's limitations, even if we see it the other
way around. I think it would make a simpler and easier option for some
applications. Those that want to do it 'right' can still do so and good
for them. Anyone else can save time and aggravation by doing it the other
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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Patrick Elliott wrote:
> Speaking of reality.. There is 'the right way' and there is the
> 'practical way'. Sometimes it simply isn't practical to do things the
> 'right' way. A good example would be using an organic model design by
> someone else. There is no 'practical' way to make sure that the model is
> solid, especially if you used it for animation, where each frame runs the
> risk of added unexpected holes in the object. Media cannot function with
> such uncertainty to produce subsurface scattering. [...]
What makes you think that a dedicated subsurface scattering feature
(which in any case is an approximation of scattering media simulation)
would lead to good results where media does not?
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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In article <chvhs4$vp1$1@chho.imagico.de>, chr### [at] gmx de says...
> Patrick Elliott wrote:
> >
> > Speaking of reality.. There is 'the right way' and there is the
> > 'practical way'. Sometimes it simply isn't practical to do things the
> > 'right' way. A good example would be using an organic model design by
> > someone else. There is no 'practical' way to make sure that the model is
> > solid, especially if you used it for animation, where each frame runs the
> > risk of added unexpected holes in the object. Media cannot function with
> > such uncertainty to produce subsurface scattering. [...]
> What makes you think that a dedicated subsurface scattering feature
> (which in any case is an approximation of scattering media simulation)
> would lead to good results where media does not?
I am just looking at it logically. Since media must be completely
contained to prevent it from spilling into parts of the scene that it
does not belong in, the probability of a flaw completely screwing it up
in complex meshes is quite high. There is also the issue where you want
the scattering to take into account a second 'surface', such as a
simulation of blood vessels, etc. under skin. This could be accomplished
by placing a texture or map at an arbitrary 'depth' where the scattering
is supposed to happen using BSSRDF, or you have to apply it as a texture
to a smaller version of the same mesh, inside the original. The problem
is that there 'may' be cases where simply scaling the model by some small
factor to produce such a layer wouldn't work. The scaling might cause
unintended overlaps or other complications. Yes, if everything works 100%
perfectly, then media is just as good for both cases, but life and CG is
never perfect. In the cases of something like skin, the scattering needed
is a lot easier to fake with certainty that it should work, than try to
implement using media, which can go wrong if the mesh has defects. It is
as simple as that.
I am not saying it doesn't work, just that for some applications it seems
like it would prove more complicated and failure prone, which makes it a
bit less practical to try to get working correctly.
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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Unfortunately I haven't got the book "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon
Mapping" of Henrik Wann Jensen... Something must be written in chapter 10
or 11... Have anyone read it?
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