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Using the iso_csg.inc I was experimenting with the following.
Basically I wanted to substitute iso_csg triangles for mesh elements
which in this case I am getting from arrays ( Verts Faces ). I was
getting what appeared to be memory errors. That lead to the following
script which is an attempt to bite off and process subsets of the mesh
elements. The error I am getting is on the attempt to load the array,
IsoMeshArray, on the second pass. The message is that I cannot redefine
a function definition; that I must #undef it first. But the #undef
instructions are being exercised. If, after you get done laughing,
anyone could point to the problem, it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks, Jim
#declare IsoMeshArray = array [ 16 ];
#local i=0;
#declare indx=0;
#if (mod(i,16)=0)
#if ( i )
#declare fn_mesh [indx] = IC_Merge_Array ( IsoMeshArray )
#local j=0;
#undef IsoMeshArray[j]
#local j=j+1;
#undef IsoMeshArray
#declare IsoMeshArray = array [ 16 ];
#declare indx=indx+1;
#if ( indx > 0 )
#declare IsoMeshArray [i/(indx+1)] =
IC_Triangle( Verts[Faces[i].x],
Verts[Faces[i].z], 0.1);
#declare IsoMeshArray [i] =
IC_Triangle( Verts[Faces[i].x],
Verts[Faces[i].z], 0.1);
#local i=i+1;
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: iso_csg.inc, #undef, and an array of functions
Date: 28 Jul 2004 00:58:17
Message: <41073269$1@news.povray.org>
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Jim Charter wrote:
Nevermind, now I see :(
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On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 21:33:58 -0400, Jim Charter <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote:
> Basically I wanted to substitute iso_csg triangles
Ah, I thought nobody will ever use triangle function :-)
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Wasn't it Jim Charter who wrote:
>Using the iso_csg.inc I was experimenting with the following.
>Basically I wanted to substitute iso_csg triangles for mesh elements
>which in this case I am getting from arrays ( Verts Faces ). I was
>getting what appeared to be memory errors. That lead to the following
>script which is an attempt to bite off and process subsets of the mesh
>elements. The error I am getting is on the attempt to load the array,
>IsoMeshArray, on the second pass. The message is that I cannot redefine
>a function definition; that I must #undef it first. But the #undef
>instructions are being exercised. If, after you get done laughing,
>anyone could point to the problem, it would be very much appreciated.
>Thanks, Jim
That chunk of code ran without error (once I'd added a wodge of
#declares and #includes of stuff that it expected to find). I guess your
error might not be in this code. Perhaps some other part of your scene
outside this code fragment is inadvertently redeclaring IsoMeshArray.
Perhaps you could post a small complete scene that exhibits the problem,
rather than a code fragment that doesn't run stand-alone.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: iso_csg.inc, #undef, and an array of functions
Date: 28 Jul 2004 11:17:29
Message: <4107c389$1@news.povray.org>
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Mike Williams wrote:
> That chunk of code ran without error (once I'd added a wodge of
> #declares and #includes of stuff that it expected to find). I guess your
> error might not be in this code. Perhaps some other part of your scene
> outside this code fragment is inadvertently redeclaring IsoMeshArray.
> Perhaps you could post a small complete scene that exhibits the problem,
> rather than a code fragment that doesn't run stand-alone.
Sorry about that.
I believe this line was the error:
#declare IsoMeshArray [i/(indx+1)] =
It's not just that it lead to the error. It made no sense.
Should have been:
#declare IsoMeshArray [i/(indx*16)] =
I could have developed that part of the code without using the
unfamiliar stuff, then added the iso_csg syntax. So I am embarrassed
all round. Jim
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: iso_csg.inc, #undef, and an array of functions
Date: 28 Jul 2004 11:34:34
Message: <4107c78a$1@news.povray.org>
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ABX wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 21:33:58 -0400, Jim Charter <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote:
>>Basically I wanted to substitute iso_csg triangles
> Ah, I thought nobody will ever use triangle function :-)
I works very well, but only in low volumes it seems so far.
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