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For a while now I have been seeing cars* with paint jobs such that if you
look at them from one angle & then from another the colour changes. The ones
I have seen are purple at the front, fading to orange around the sides (not
sure if this the best way to describe this). It is like the colour is
dependent on the difference between the angle of the observer and the
surface normal?
Anyone else seen these cars/know how they do it?
Maybe something similar to iridescence?
I'm thinking that in POV u might be able to get this effect by some
combination of fresnel & metallic & metallic reflection.
*in fact one of my neighbours has one in their driveway
either ford or commodore - not sure & not big on cars
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"Pabs" <pab### [at] NOzSiPpA Mto> wrote in message
> For a while now I have been seeing cars* with paint jobs such that if you
> look at them from one angle & then from another the colour changes. The
> I have seen are purple at the front, fading to orange around the sides
> sure if this the best way to describe this). It is like the colour is
> dependent on the difference between the angle of the observer and the
> surface normal?
> Anyone else seen these cars/know how they do it?
> Maybe something similar to iridescence?
> I'm thinking that in POV u might be able to get this effect by some
> combination of fresnel & metallic & metallic reflection.
My Moms car is a Buick and it has the purplish color over dark green. I
noticed it right away when I first saw it several years ago.
It can be done, about like you said but use a two layer texture containing
reflections that have opposing min, max values with different color vectors.
Trying to remember if those can go into the min,max directly or if metallic
is needed for the vector. Could be either way maybe.
bob h
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From: Simon Adameit
Subject: Re: Color changes depending on direction
Date: 8 Feb 2002 07:48:56
Message: <3c63c938@news.povray.org>
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> It can be done, about like you said but use a two layer texture containing
> reflections that have opposing min, max values with different color
You can do it with one texture:
reflection{red 1, blue 1 }
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On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 13:49:05 +0100, "Simon Adameit" <gom### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> You can do it with one texture:
> reflection{red 1, blue 1 }
AFAIK, You also need at least 3.5 beta 1
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On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:31:12 +0800, Pabs wrote:
> Anyone else seen these cars/know how they do it?
> Maybe something similar to iridescence?
It's just like the ink on the new US $20, $50, and $100 bills (and maybe
the $10, too, but I don't think so.) The ink is essentially transparent,
and it contains lots of little colored flat particles. They have some
sort of process by which they can cause all of those particles to align,
changing the color of the ink for angles near the common normal of all
the particles. You can actually buy this stuff for your own projects;
see http://www.krylon.com/product/mystique.asp
plane{-z,-3normal{crackle scale.2#local a=5;#while(a)warp{repeat x flip x}rotate
z*60#local a=a-1;#end translate-9*x}pigment{rgb 1}}light_source{-9red 1rotate 60
*z}light_source{-9rgb y rotate-z*60}light_source{9-z*18rgb z}text{ttf"arial.ttf"
"RP".01,0translate-<.6,.4,.02>pigment{bozo}}light_source{-z*3rgb-.2}//Ron Parker
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You can specify two different colors for the angle-dependant reflection,
but that will only give you two colors and will only affect reflection.
What's needed is an angle-dependant pattern, like slope but relative to
the incoming ray. I think someone once implemented this...
Another possibility, which would also be much more flexible, would be to
make the intersection and ray information available to functions...you
could then implement your own custom angle-dependant pattern.
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
POV-Ray TAG e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
TAG web site: http://tag.povray.org/
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in news:3c638a59@news.povray.org Pabs wrote:
> For a while now I have been seeing cars* with paint jobs such that if
> you look at them from one angle & then from another the colour
> changes.
What if you give your object a very fine (high frequency) but relative
steep triangular normal and match the pigment with it, to have both sides
of the angle another colour.
red / \ blue
/ \
/ \
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"Simon Adameit" <gom### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> > It can be done, about like you said but use a two layer texture
> > reflections that have opposing min, max values with different color
> vectors.
> You can do it with one texture:
> reflection{red 1, blue 1 }
Ah, thrifty :-)
Although, without metallic all you'd see is reflection of the surrounding
environment. In other words if nothing in the scene is red or blue, or only
vaguely colored so, you can't see those colors. Only way I can figure then
to get both to show for certain is by using two textures containing two
different colors with metallic, to be sure to show them.
bob h
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"ingo" wrote:
> What if you give your object a very fine (high frequency) but relative
> steep triangular normal and match the pigment with it, to have both sides
> of the angle another colour.
> /\
> red / \ blue
> / \
> / \
This would only work if normals actually displaced surfaces, which they
don't. You will see equally much of both sides, regardless of from which
angle you see the object. It would work with an isosurface in theory, but I
don't know of any car-shaped functions.
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Pabs <pab### [at] NOzSiPpA Mto> wrote in message news:3c638a59@news.povray.org...
> For a while now I have been seeing cars* with paint jobs such that if you
> look at them from one angle & then from another the colour changes. The
> I have seen are purple at the front, fading to orange around the sides
> sure if this the best way to describe this). It is like the colour is
> dependent on the difference between the angle of the observer and the
> surface normal?
> Anyone else seen these cars/know how they do it?
> Maybe something similar to iridescence?
> I'm thinking that in POV u might be able to get this effect by some
> combination of fresnel & metallic & metallic reflection.
> Bye,
> Pabs
> *in fact one of my neighbours has one in their driveway
> either ford or commodore - not sure & not big on cars
It's made by Dupont and it's called Chromalusion Paint
As you can see from this page.. it's spendy stuff.
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