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if any one out there has used Povray for windows and for linux. then maybe
you can answer my question. if you have used the version of povray for
linux, you will probably if like me find it easy to uses as it lets you edit
the souce code with nice colours to help devide everything up and it will
also give you a window as you are rendering the image. basicly i want to
know if you can get the same kinda of program running for SuSE. preferably
in X-windows or some thing. i have downloaded the linux version of povray
fro the povray site. but when i insatll it all i get it the command line
version of povray-linux. maybe i am installing it wrong. As i am not very
gooda useing linux. please can some one provide me with some instructions on
installing povray for x-windows in linux. and then how i run the program.
any help would be grate.
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this page
contains some links to front-end programs for X11 on Linux.
I don't test any of them, but may be you find what you need.
Andreas Tillner
---> http://www.tabsnet.com/
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I recommend using Emacs or Xemacs as your editor for POV scenes. It's very
similar to the Windows editor in things like syntax coloring. There are a
couple of POV-Ray mode scripts for Emacs in the .binaries.utilities group.
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On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:51:42 -0000, "Adam Gibbons"
<Fie### [at] email com> wrote:
>if any one out there has used Povray for windows and for linux. then maybe
>you can answer my question. if you have used the version of povray for
>linux, you will probably if like me find it easy to uses as it lets you edit
>the souce code with nice colours to help devide everything up and it will
>also give you a window as you are rendering the image. basicly i want to
>know if you can get the same kinda of program running for SuSE. preferably
>in X-windows or some thing.
If you want X display, execute x-povray (X version) instead of
s-povray (shell version) or povray (generic Unix).
As of color syntax highlighting, get XEmacs and search the links on
povray.org for povmode, then install it (read the instructions before
mailing the author :) )
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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You mean something like this?
Emacs + povmode + x-povray (or xmegapov)
Needs quite lot of fine-tuning to get it working like you want (specially
Emacs is really hard to configure), but it's possible.
Emacs can be configured to work almost exactly as the Codemax editor in
winpov (that is, same features, same keys, same functionalities, etc), but
emacs has also many extra features. It's a lot harder to configure, though.
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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yes some thing exactly like that.
assuming i have no Emacs or povray on my linux machine.
what files do i need and how do i go abotu installing and cofigering it all
to work under SuSE linux.
also can i jsut download a copy of XMegaPov ?? and install that ? to get
what i want ?
"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> You mean something like this?
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~warp/snapshot.gif
> Emacs + povmode + x-povray (or xmegapov)
> Needs quite lot of fine-tuning to get it working like you want
> Emacs is really hard to configure), but it's possible.
> Emacs can be configured to work almost exactly as the Codemax editor in
> winpov (that is, same features, same keys, same functionalities, etc), but
> emacs has also many extra features. It's a lot harder to configure,
> --
> char*i="b[7FK@`3NB6>B:b3O6>:B:b3O6><`3:;8:6f733:>::b?7B>:>^B>C73;S1";
> main(_,c,m){for(m=32;c=*i++-49;c&m?puts(""):m)for(_=(
> c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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Adam Gibbons wrote:
> yes some thing exactly like that.
> assuming i have no Emacs or povray on my linux machine.
> what files do i need and how do i go abotu installing and cofigering it all
> to work under SuSE linux.
You need to install the Emacs packages that came with your distribution
(I am not familiar with SuSE, so I can't help). Emacs is an incredibly
versatile program (I have seen it auto-indent programs, automatically
close braces and parentheses, spell-check, mow your lawn,...) but also
incredibly complex to configure and very non-intuitive to someone who
comes from the world of Windows, there are whole books written only for
Emacs... Don't expect to have everything set up in half an hour.
On the other hand, I have found that the vi that comes with Caldera
OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4 has some generic syntax highlighting which is
enough for me.
You will also need to install Povray for Linux (which comes with a
xpovray binary).
> also can i jsut download a copy of XMegaPov ?? and install that ? to get
> what i want ?
No. The Unix version of povray (and megapov) does not have the built-in
editor and windows and buttons and what not. Even xpovray has to be
started by hand, but it will draw the output image in a windows (as in
Warp's screenshot)
Francois Labreque | Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a snooze
flabreque | button on a cat who wants breakfast.
@ | - Unattributed quote from rec.humor.funny
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Francois Labreque <fla### [at] videotron ca> wrote:
: Emacs is an incredibly versatile program
Actually Emacs is more a Lisp interpreter than a text editor :)
If you know Lisp then there's virtually no limit on what you can do with
: Even xpovray has to be started by hand
You can configure emacs to render the current file you are editing by
pressing a key combination (eg. alt-g as in WinPov).
I still haven't figured out how to configure Emacs to stop povray when
the key combination is pressed again while povray is rendering. Shouldn't
be impossible, but not trivial.
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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On 15 Jan 2001 03:58:11 -0500, Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> I still haven't figured out how to configure Emacs to stop povray when
>the key combination is pressed again while povray is rendering. Shouldn't
>be impossible, but not trivial.
Hmm... make it use ps x | grep povray to find if povray is running. If
it is, killall povray or kill it by pid (you know how to extract that
info :) ). If it does not, run povray.
Will this work?
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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Peter Popov <pet### [at] vip bg> wrote:
: Hmm... make it use ps x | grep povray to find if povray is running. If
: it is, killall povray or kill it by pid (you know how to extract that
: info :) ). If it does not, run povray.
: Will this work?
Perhaps, but it would be a good idea to send a SIGINT to povray instead
of SIGKILL (I think that's the default?), ie. "kill -s INT".
Povray caches SIGINT and saves the currently calculated image (which may
be in a buffer) before terminating.
(Well, actually I don't know if it also caches other signals...)
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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