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How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance traveled
along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
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"Tony[B]" wrote:
> How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance traveled
> along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> MegaPOV.
You could try using Chris Colefax's spline macros instead, I believe they are
capable of finding the (approximate) length of a cubic spline.
Finding the exact length is an exceedingly hairy problem, or so I gather.
Margus Ramst
Personal e-mail: mar### [at] peak edu ee
TAG (Team Assistance Group) e-mail: mar### [at] tag povray org
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Tony[B] <ben### [at] panama c-com net> wrote:
> How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance
> along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> MegaPOV.
Due to the maths involved, there is no known way to calculate the exact
length of a cubic spline. The best method is usually to sum the linear
distances between a number of steps along the spline - obviously, the more
steps, the more accurate the result (at the cost of speed). In MegaPOV you
should be able to do this quite simply using a while loop (the following
presumes your spline clock ranges from 0 to 1):
#declare MySpline = spline {cubic_spline ..... }
#declare Length = 0;
#declare C = 0; #while (C <= 100)
#declare P1 = MySpline(C/100);
#if (C > 0) #declare Length = Length + vlength(P1 - P0); #end
#declare P0 = P1;
#declare C = C + 1; #end
Also, a very rough approximation can be calculated if know the bezier hull
points of the spline. My own Spline Macro file uses a combination of both
methods, so you can return the total length of a spline, return a point at a
specified distance along a spline, or even specify a list of points and a
length, and have the macro tension the spline through the points to fit the
desired length.
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OK. Thank you both very much. I will try this code later tonight. I want to
figure the length so I can get my car chase animation working within the
realm of reality. I want to make the car go at specific speeds along the
path. If I don't know how long the path is, I won't know which speed is
appropriate. I think... anyway, thanks.
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If you know the exact form of the function (the spline) you
can calculate the length of the spline, this involve a simple integrale.
Actually this is what you do approximately by using straight line
between point.
> Tony[B] <ben### [at] panama c-com net> wrote:
> > How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance
> traveled
> > along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> > MegaPOV.
> Due to the maths involved, there is no known way to calculate the exact
> length of a cubic spline. The best method is usually to sum the linear
> distances between a number of steps along the spline - obviously, the more
> steps, the more accurate the result (at the cost of speed). In MegaPOV you
> should be able to do this quite simply using a while loop (the following
> presumes your spline clock ranges from 0 to 1):
> #declare MySpline = spline {cubic_spline ..... }
> #declare Length = 0;
> #declare C = 0; #while (C <= 100)
> #declare P1 = MySpline(C/100);
> #if (C > 0) #declare Length = Length + vlength(P1 - P0); #end
> #declare P0 = P1;
> #declare C = C + 1; #end
> Also, a very rough approximation can be calculated if know the bezier hull
> points of the spline. My own Spline Macro file uses a combination of both
> methods, so you can return the total length of a spline, return a point at a
> specified distance along a spline, or even specify a list of points and a
> length, and have the macro tension the spline through the points to fit the
> desired length.
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I wrote:
> Due to the maths involved, there is no known way to calculate the exact
> length of a cubic spline. The best method is usually to sum the linear
> distances between a number of steps along the spline - obviously, the more
> steps, the more accurate the result (at the cost of speed)...
Fabian BRAU <Fab### [at] umh ac be> wrote:
> If you know the exact form of the function (the spline) you
> can calculate the length of the spline, this involve a simple integrale.
> Actually this is what you do approximately by using straight line
> between point.
Yes, it seems obvious that you could integrate the spline function to find
the exact length. But like I said, there is simply no known way *to*
integrate the function. To create my Spline Macro File I searched and
re-searched the web for the right formulas, and also started from first
principals to derive the functions myself, before attempting (without
success) the necessary integration in MathCAD. I guess it shows that there
are limits to our knowledge of mathematics....
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Isn't it a propertie of a cubic-Spline, to be 3-Times
differentiable and also (at every-Point) integratable ???
An Cubic Spline consists of several cubic-functions (every going
through 4 Points) and having at every Point the same
2nd-derivations ....
So there MUST be a way to integrate them ...
or am I completely wrong ???
I just though to have heard this last semester in the
"aproximation-theorie"-lecture ...
I just fear you can not use the pov-Spline to do this for you,
but you have to calculate the Spline yourself, with all its
matrices and so on ...
You know what I mean ???
Chris Colefax <chr### [at] tag povray org> schrieb in im
Newsbeitrag: 39f6a040@news.povray.org...
> I wrote:
> > Due to the maths involved, there is no known way to calculate
the exact
> > length of a cubic spline. The best method is usually to sum
the linear
> > distances between a number of steps along the spline -
obviously, the more
> > steps, the more accurate the result (at the cost of speed)...
> Fabian BRAU <Fab### [at] umh ac be> wrote:
> > If you know the exact form of the function (the spline) you
> > can calculate the length of the spline, this involve a simple
> > Actually this is what you do approximately by using straight
> > between point.
> Yes, it seems obvious that you could integrate the spline
function to find
> the exact length. But like I said, there is simply no known
way *to*
> integrate the function. To create my Spline Macro File I
searched and
> re-searched the web for the right formulas, and also started
from first
> principals to derive the functions myself, before attempting
> success) the necessary integration in MathCAD. I guess it
shows that there
> are limits to our knowledge of mathematics....
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Exact length of a cubic f(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d:
assuming you have x=0 and x=1 as the bounds of the segment (and maybe a=1) it
would become SLIGHTly simpler, but I still doubt whether there would be any
practical use for this mess.
Andrew C
"Tony[B]" wrote:
> How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance traveled
> along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> MegaPOV.
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Hi Andrew,
This is the length of a simple parametric spline where a, b, c and d are
scalars, yes?
The problem is that it would usually be used to produce a spline in 3d,
so a, b, c and d would be 3-component vectors. This would probably add a
whole new level of complexity, something like
f_x := a_x * t^3 + b_x * t^2 + c_x * t + d_x ;
f_y := a_y * t^3 + ... ;
f_z := ... ;
int(sqrt(diff(f_x,t)^2 + diff(f_y,t)^2 + diff(f_z,t)^2),t) ;
Try feeding that to Maple and see if it chokes :-)
Bye for now,
Mike Andrews.
Andrew Clinton wrote:
> Exact length of a cubic f(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d:
> http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~ajclinto/test.html
> assuming you have x=0 and x=1 as the bounds of the segment (and maybe a=1) it
> would become SLIGHTly simpler, but I still doubt whether there would be any
> practical use for this mess.
> Andrew C
> "Tony[B]" wrote:
> > How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance traveled
> > along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> > MegaPOV.
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Ahh, I was thinking of this, but thought that maybe one could take the magnitude of
the vector returned by that (terribly ugly) formula to get the distance traveled. I
understand how this is done with vectors now (there is a good page at
Thanks for clarifying
Andrew C
Michael Andrews wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> This is the length of a simple parametric spline where a, b, c and d are
> scalars, yes?
> The problem is that it would usually be used to produce a spline in 3d,
> so a, b, c and d would be 3-component vectors. This would probably add a
> whole new level of complexity, something like
> f_x := a_x * t^3 + b_x * t^2 + c_x * t + d_x ;
> f_y := a_y * t^3 + ... ;
> f_z := ... ;
> int(sqrt(diff(f_x,t)^2 + diff(f_y,t)^2 + diff(f_z,t)^2),t) ;
> Try feeding that to Maple and see if it chokes :-)
> Bye for now,
> Mike Andrews.
> Andrew Clinton wrote:
> >
> > Exact length of a cubic f(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d:
> > http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~ajclinto/test.html
> >
> > assuming you have x=0 and x=1 as the bounds of the segment (and maybe a=1) it
> > would become SLIGHTly simpler, but I still doubt whether there would be any
> > practical use for this mess.
> >
> > Andrew C
> >
> > "Tony[B]" wrote:
> >
> > > How can I get an exact/closely approximated measure of the distance traveled
> > > along a spline and the total length of it? I am using a cubic_spline in
> > > MegaPOV.
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