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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: passing of variables through commandline ???
Date: 17 Jul 2000 16:31:40
Message: <39736d2c@news.povray.org>
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Is there a way, to pass some values from the commandline to some
variables ???
I know it is possible for "clock", but wouldn't it be a good idea
to make this available for all variable you use uninitialized ???
maybe a "-V(variable=<x,y,z>)"-switch ... (if it is still
It could help on tweaking images, or even if you're debugging
your scripts, wouldn't it ???
If not: possbly a feature request ???
,', Jan Walzer \V/ http://wa.lzer.net ,',
',',' student of >|< mailto:jan### [at] lzer net ',','
' ComputerScience /A\ +49-177-7403863 '
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Jan Walzer wrote:
> Is there a way, to pass some values from the commandline to some
> variables ???
Not that I'm aware of, no.
> I know it is possible for "clock", but wouldn't it be a good idea
> to make this available for all variable you use uninitialized ???
What do you mean, uninitalized? In POV, a variable always has to be #declared,
and thus initialized, before you can use it. Clock is just a special variable,
initialized automatically.
I don't see much merit in what you suggest, since variable has to be initialized
(declared) in the scipt anyway. Why not change it there? You just have to
structure your code for easy access to important variables.
Margus Ramst
Personal e-mail: mar### [at] peak edu ee
TAG (Team Assistance Group) e-mail: mar### [at] tag povray org
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From: Chris Colefax
Subject: Re: passing of variables through commandline ???
Date: 17 Jul 2000 19:36:19
Message: <39739873@news.povray.org>
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Jan Walzer <wal### [at] informatik uni-halle de> wrote:
> Is there a way, to pass some values from the commandline to some
> variables ???
> I know it is possible for "clock", but wouldn't it be a good idea
> to make this available for all variable you use uninitialized ???
> maybe a "-V(variable=<x,y,z>)"-switch ... (if it is still
> available)
> It could help on tweaking images, or even if you're debugging
> your scripts, wouldn't it ???
> If not: possbly a feature request ???
For people using a GUI version of POV-Ray, having the actual file open in
the editor (and making changes directly to it) is probably quicker and
easier than using command line arguments. Personally I use the DOS
command-line version of POV, and even so I find it quicker to edit the file
directly (using a set of custom batch files to give me an interface between
the editor and POV-Ray).
Therefore, I think the ability to pass variables through the command-line is
fairly redundant - even with a large scene, you can create a small POV file
that lists the variable declarations you want and includes the larger
file(s) as needed.
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What I want, is to use in on our' UNIX-System in a script for a
render over some nights ...
Of course, I could get aroud this by creating a temporary file
with the variables and include it but I think it would be easier
to pass them directly to POV ...
Now, it was only a question ...
,', Jan Walzer \V/ http://wa.lzer.net ,',
',',' student of >|< mailto:jan### [at] lzer net ',','
' ComputerScience /A\ +49-177-7403863 '
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: passing of variables through commandline ???
Date: 21 Jul 2000 05:10:35
Message: <3978138a@news.povray.org>
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Jan Walzer <wal### [at] informatik uni-halle de> wrote:
: Of course, I could get aroud this by creating a temporary file
: with the variables and include it but I think it would be easier
: to pass them directly to POV ...
Why should it be easier? Ok, it will save some lines of shell script, but
I don't think it would be any harder to write something like:
echo "#declare VAR1=123;" > vars.inc
echo "#declare VAR2=456;" >> vars.inc
echo "#declare VAR3=789;" >> vars.inc
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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