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Hi :)
SInce all Advanced users post here I thought I'd ask for your help
I just got POVRAY windows version - I had the AMiga version a while back.
I need a 12 frame Povray Smoke Animation, that loops fairly smoothly given
the 12 frame animation limit. Its for a mod I'm doing for a game called
Combat Mission, for the burning tanks.
The animation needs to be a side profile and vertical rising, and look black
and oliy like that Pearl Harbour shot on the Povray main page.
Can anyone help, and send me a setup for Povray that will do this - I'm
churning out textures for this mod I'm doing so I havebn't got much time to
get really in deep with Povray within 2weeks.
If anyone is able and willing - then I thank you - can you email me please
ccj### [at] idx com au
My HomePage -----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj
Updated - 31/1/2000
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CoolColJ wrote:
> I need a 12 frame Povray Smoke Animation, that loops fairly smoothly given
> the 12 frame animation limit. Its for a mod I'm doing for a game called
> Combat Mission, for the burning tanks.
> If anyone is able and willing - then I thank you - can you email me please
There is a smoke generating include file that you might find useful for
this purpose. It was designed with animations in mind.
Ken Tyler - 1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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"CoolColJ" <ccj### [at] idx com au> writes:
> I need a 12 frame Povray Smoke Animation, that loops fairly smoothly given
> the 12 frame animation limit. Its for a mod I'm doing for a game called
> Combat Mission, for the burning tanks.
> The animation needs to be a side profile and vertical rising, and look black
> and oliy like that Pearl Harbour shot on the Povray main page.
Why not try to animate the smoke of this image? The source code is
available at http://www.irtc.org/stills/1998-12-31.html
http://thomas.willhalm.de/ (includes pgp key)
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Thomas Willhalm wrote in message ...
>"CoolColJ" <ccj### [at] idx com au> writes:
>> I need a 12 frame Povray Smoke Animation, that loops fairly smoothly
>> the 12 frame animation limit. Its for a mod I'm doing for a game called
>> Combat Mission, for the burning tanks.
>> The animation needs to be a side profile and vertical rising, and look
>> and oliy like that Pearl Harbour shot on the Povray main page.
>Why not try to animate the smoke of this image? The source code is
>available at http://www.irtc.org/stills/1998-12-31.html
This might be practical if he has access to a high-end Cray. That smoke
takes about 12 hours to render on a 400Mhz AMD K6-2. It takes even longer
when using media method 3 (I stopped the render after five minutes on a
single pixel).
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In article <38bb5616@news.povray.org>, "Mark Wagner"
<mar### [at] gte net> wrote:
> This might be practical if he has access to a high-end Cray. That smoke
> takes about 12 hours to render on a 400Mhz AMD K6-2. It takes even longer
> when using media method 3 (I stopped the render after five minutes on a
> single pixel).
Using media method 3 will usually only speed things up if you adjust the
sampling parameters...using the same parameters for both doesn't work
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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Mark Wagner <mar### [at] gte net> wrote:
: It takes even longer
: when using media method 3
Using the method 3 would just destroy the grany-look of the smoke. I think
it would not be good.
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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"Mark Wagner" <mar### [at] gte net> writes:
> Thomas Willhalm wrote in message ...
> >"CoolColJ" <ccj### [at] idx com au> writes:
> >>
> >> I need a 12 frame Povray Smoke Animation, that loops fairly smoothly
> given
> >> the 12 frame animation limit. Its for a mod I'm doing for a game called
> >> Combat Mission, for the burning tanks.
> >>
> >> The animation needs to be a side profile and vertical rising, and look
> black
> >> and oliy like that Pearl Harbour shot on the Povray main page.
> >
> >Why not try to animate the smoke of this image? The source code is
> >available at http://www.irtc.org/stills/1998-12-31.html
> This might be practical if he has access to a high-end Cray. That smoke
> takes about 12 hours to render on a 400Mhz AMD K6-2.
12 hours times 12 frames makes 144 hours or 6 days. I consider this as
an acceptable time for a final rendition. If you have several computers
available, you can distribute the calculations. I'm a bit amazed about
your comment, since you know this, too.
Designing a scene with such a long render time is a pain. I know this,
because I did it myself by modifying this smoke for a scene (see
http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/algo/amore/) and I didn't have a Cray
handy. Render time has been around 10 hours.
http://thomas.willhalm.de/ (includes pgp key)
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