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I recall a discussion sometime last year about a bug in the random number
that resulted in 'flat' areas in the bozo and spotted patterns.
I've just run across and example and my question is: Is there a
workaround/solution for this. I'm working on a scene where I need most of
the objects covered with soot and the flat areas really look bad. The
texture I'm working with is :
pigment {
color_map {
[0.0 rgbt<0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2>]
[0.8 rgbt<0.3,0.3,0.3,0.4>]
[0.85 rgbt<0.4,0.4,0.4,0.5>]
[1.0 rgbt<0.5,0.5,0.5,0.6>]
turbulence 0.4
translate x*5
scale 0.1
Thanks for any help
* gsh### [at] monotix co za * ERROR: COFFEE.COM not found *
* http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~gail/ * Insert cup and press any key *
* Definition of an upgrade: Take the old bugs out, put new ones in*
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In article <38743b32@news.povray.org>, "Gail Shaw"
<gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote:
> I recall a discussion sometime last year about a bug in the random number
> generator
> that resulted in 'flat' areas in the bozo and spotted patterns.
> I've just run across and example and my question is: Is there a
> workaround/solution for this.
There are no workarounds that I know of. Apparently the problem can be
fixed, but it would change the pattern. It would still look like bozo or
spotted(minus the big flat areas), but scenes rendered with the new
version would appear slightly different.
This doesn't matter for the vast majority of scenes(only for those where
a specific portion of the pattern was focused on), and I think the
benefits outweigh this slight incompatibility. But I don't know how to
fix it, I just know that there is a fix.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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Chris Huff wrote in message ...
>There are no workarounds that I know of. Apparently the problem can be
>fixed, but it would change the pattern. It would still look like bozo or
>spotted(minus the big flat areas), but scenes rendered with the new
>version would appear slightly different.
>This doesn't matter for the vast majority of scenes(only for those where
>a specific portion of the pattern was focused on), and I think the
>benefits outweigh this slight incompatibility. But I don't know how to
>fix it, I just know that there is a fix.
Guess I'll have to wait until someone gets around to fixing it. For my
image, it turns out that wrinkles looks better, and it doesn't seem to be
by the flat area bug.
* gsh### [at] monotix co za * ERROR: COFFEE.COM not found *
* http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~gail/ * Insert cup and press any key *
* Definition of an upgrade: Take the old bugs out, put new ones in*
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Wasn't sure exactly which way you were arguing.
I would clarify:
The benefits [of changing the unorthodoxy noise definition would] outweight
this slight incompatibility.
Chris Huff wrote:
> This doesn't matter for the vast majority of scenes(only for those where
> a specific portion of the pattern was focused on), and I think the
> benefits outweigh this slight incompatibility. But I don't know how to
> fix it, I just know that there is a fix.
> --
> Chris Huff
> e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
> Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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In article <387A0962.EA59760B@my-dejanews.com>,
gre### [at] my-dejanews com wrote:
> Wasn't sure exactly which way you were arguing.
> I would clarify:
> The benefits [of changing the unorthodoxy noise definition would]
> outweight this slight incompatibility.
Yes, that is what I meant. It would also allow using bozo for height
fields, which it currently is not useful for(because of the plateus).
The only place I can think of which could be a problem is with height
fields generated with POV using a pattern based on the noise
function(like wrinkles or several others, or anything with turbulence).
And this only applies in some of those cases.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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All you have to do is fix it, and toss in a "version" thingy to get it to
work like it used to. Simple as that.
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