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I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only things
left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes, and
I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to convert
blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna have
to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that would
make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
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What on earth were you doing playing with Chris Colefex's hair?! Keep your
hands to yourself, boy! :)
This message brought to you by:
-=< Ian (the### [at] hotmail com >=-
Please visit my site at http://spectere2000.cjb.net! :)
Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only things
> left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
> Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
> it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes, and
> I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to convert
> blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> Thanks
> P3TE
> --
> www.p3te.freeuk.com
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Yeah thanks for that, his hair does have that fresh clean feel, no honestly
an answer would be nice.
Ian Burgmyer <the### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> What on earth were you doing playing with Chris Colefex's hair?! Keep
> hands to yourself, boy! :)
> --
> This message brought to you by:
> -=< Ian (the### [at] hotmail com >=-
> Please visit my site at http://spectere2000.cjb.net! :)
> Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> news:37f763ad@news.povray.org...
> > I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> > things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> > cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only
> > left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
> > Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options
> > it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes,
> > I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to
> > blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> have
> > to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> would
> > make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> > answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> > Thanks
> >
> > P3TE
> >
> > --
> > www.p3te.freeuk.com
> >
> >
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Heh. Sorry, I don't really have an answer for this.
Sorry for, how to say. . .decieving you.
This message brought to you by:
-=< Ian (the### [at] hotmail com >=-
Please visit my site at http://spectere2000.cjb.net! :)
Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> Yeah thanks for that, his hair does have that fresh clean feel, no
> an answer would be nice.
> P3TE
> Ian Burgmyer <the### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> news:37f7c66e@news.povray.org...
> > What on earth were you doing playing with Chris Colefex's hair?! Keep
> your
> > hands to yourself, boy! :)
> >
> > --
> > This message brought to you by:
> > -=< Ian (the### [at] hotmail com >=-
> >
> > Please visit my site at http://spectere2000.cjb.net! :)
> >
> > Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> > news:37f763ad@news.povray.org...
> > > I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> > > things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> > > cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only
> things
> > > left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with
> > > Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options
> and
> > > it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes,
> and
> > > I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to
> convert
> > > blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm
> > have
> > > to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> > would
> > > make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and
> > > answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > P3TE
> > >
> > > --
> > > www.p3te.freeuk.com
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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I'm clueless about the PCM and mesh stuff, but can't you just enclose the
sphere in a 'blob' statement and add the 'strength' float into the 'sphere'
statement? If the "sphere' you mention is in actuality a mesh of triangles
or something and you are wanting a "blob" type of shape instead I have no
idea. I'm thinking of individual parts made up of spheres or blobs, in which
case I don't see why it couldn't be done.
Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only things
> left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
> Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
> it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes, and
> I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to convert
> blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> Thanks
> P3TE
> --
> www.p3te.freeuk.com
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Arne Haglund <arn### [at] tninet se> has done some work on a blob-to-mesh
patch for POV-Ray. Maybe you can get some code from him. See message
thread titled "Blob to mesh patch!" in the povray.programming newsgroup.
-Nathan Kopp
Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only things
> left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
> Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
> it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes, and
> I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to convert
> blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> Thanks
> P3TE
> --
> www.p3te.freeuk.com
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I'm clueless too funnily enough, I was just hoping there was some way of
converting a POV scene into one large mesh. I was thinking, convert the POv
into a DXF then to a mesh, ie you're actually simplifying things. No I dont
think your idea will work sorry, the spheres as a statement are not classed
with polygons (ie triangles) but as perfect spheres making blobs possible,
well I think thats it making a mesh not work. Any ideas? On whats going on
here and/or what I am talking about?
Bob Hughes <inv### [at] aol com> wrote in message
> I'm clueless about the PCM and mesh stuff, but can't you just enclose the
> sphere in a 'blob' statement and add the 'strength' float into the
> statement? If the "sphere' you mention is in actuality a mesh of
> or something and you are wanting a "blob" type of shape instead I have no
> idea. I'm thinking of individual parts made up of spheres or blobs, in
> case I don't see why it couldn't be done.
> Bob
> Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
> news:37f763ad@news.povray.org...
> > I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> > things possible. I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> > cameras and got a bit on animation. Moray is quite easy too, only
> > left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc. I've been playing with Chris
> > Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options
> > it is by far the best around that I have seen. Though it uses meshes,
> > I've been using the sphere that came with it. Is there anyway to
> > blobs to meshes? This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> have
> > to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> would
> > make it really slow. Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> > answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> > Thanks
> >
> > P3TE
> >
> > --
> > www.p3te.freeuk.com
> >
> >
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Peter Cracknell wrote:
> I'm clueless too funnily enough, I was just hoping there was some way of
> converting a POV scene into one large mesh. I was thinking, convert the POv
> into a DXF then to a mesh, ie you're actually simplifying things. No I dont
> think your idea will work sorry, the spheres as a statement are not classed
> with polygons (ie triangles) but as perfect spheres making blobs possible,
> well I think thats it making a mesh not work. Any ideas? On whats going on
> here and/or what I am talking about?
> P3TE
I was hoping for a way to make meshes out of blobs too, but nothing sofar
(except for the patch Bob already mentioned).
So you're stuck with a bald blob...
Here are two suggestions:
- If you just want to have the impression of a fur you could try it with a
- Since the bear isn't a very complicated object the amount of blobelements in
it will probably be modest. Try if you can create a copy of the bear with the
same elements but now as a CSG (union). You'll probably need to scale down all
elements and perhaps you can leave out some smaller, less important once (or
those at the paws, for bald patches). Now you have a collection of spheres
(perhaps cylinders) which aren't very hard to grow hair on. Put the hairy CSG
inside the blob and the hairs will stick out (you'll have some redundant hair on
the inside).
Good luck,
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On Sun, 3 Oct 1999 15:12:53 +0100, "Peter Cracknell" <pc### [at] lineone net>
> Is there anyway to convert blobs to meshes?
Try Softy3D. The program is designed for creating organic objects
through blobbing together spheres and sphere sweeps and it can export
directly to a POV mesh. The url is:
The program is not free but there is a beta version available for
download and there's no registered version available yet. It runs
under windoze.
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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Peter Popov wrote:
> Try Softy3D.
Er, um, Peter ? Isn't that the address for Elasticity ?
Ken Tyler
1100+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
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