POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Meshes : Re: Meshes Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:06:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: Meshes  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 3 Oct 1999 20:18:53
Message: <37f7f26d@news.povray.org>
I'm clueless about the PCM and mesh stuff, but can't you just enclose the
sphere in a 'blob' statement and add the 'strength' float into the 'sphere'
statement?  If the "sphere' you mention is in actuality a mesh of triangles
or something and you are wanting a "blob" type of shape instead I have no
idea. I'm thinking of individual parts made up of spheres or blobs, in which
case I don't see why it couldn't be done.


Peter Cracknell <pc### [at] lineonenet> wrote in message
> I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
> things possible.  I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
> cameras and got a bit on animation.  Moray is quite easy too, only things
> left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc.  I've been playing with Chris
> Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
> it is by far the best around that I have seen.  Though it uses meshes, and
> I've been using the sphere that came with it.  Is there anyway to convert
> blobs to meshes?  This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna
> to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that
> make it really slow.  Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
> answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.
> Thanks
> P3TE
> --
> www.p3te.freeuk.com

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