POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Meshes : Meshes Server Time
5 Nov 2024 11:18:46 EST (-0500)
From: Peter Cracknell
Date: 3 Oct 1999 10:09:49
Message: <37f763ad@news.povray.org>
I've been using POV a little while now and I'm getting through all the
things possible.  I've learnt most of the code understood lighting and
cameras and got a bit on animation.  Moray is quite easy too, only things
left media and meshes/bicubic patches etc.  I've been playing with Chris
Colefex's hair, which I must say is amazing, there are so many options and
it is by far the best around that I have seen.  Though it uses meshes, and
I've been using the sphere that came with it.  Is there anyway to convert
blobs to meshes?  This would be absolutely ideal as otherwise I'm gonna have
to redo the blobs using the sphere PCM file that came with it and that would
make it really slow.  Basically any help/links or info on meshes and an
answer to my question would be very highly appreciated to help me out.



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