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  Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone? (Message 3 to 12 of 22)  
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From: greytery
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 13:25:01
Message: <web.5dee8f4acce2d5d5dfb0950@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> hi,
> ....
> > ini file works, don't use the switch (only used with scene files, aiui).  eg:
> >   $ povray myini
> ...
> regards, jr.

Thanks for quick reply.  Made me go back and check.  No it doesn't!!! - Oh. Yes
it does???

I have two scene files (part of the Anton Raves LEGO library). One works as
expected, just as you say - perfectly, beautifully - while another just does not
like the call without the +I switch, and even then ignores the .ini file.

At the moment I'm baffled - perhaps a version incompatibility. But cant do more
this week. Will update when I've got further.  Meanwhile..:

a) ignore this.

b) go play with the LEGO models at https://www.virtualbricks.nl/downloads.php
and be a kid this Christmas.


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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 14:05:00
Message: <web.5dee99dccce2d5d4eec112d0@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> if you use sections in the ini, you'll have to use quotes:
>   $ povray 'myini[hires]'


Well... huh.
Learned something new.   I don't really use ini files except for animations so,


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From: jr
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 17:05:02
Message: <web.5deec4b8cce2d5dfeeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

"greytery" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > ....
> Thanks for quick reply.  Made me go back and check.  No it doesn't!!! - Oh. Yes
> it does???
> I have two scene files (part of the Anton Raves LEGO library). One works as
> expected, just as you say - perfectly, beautifully - while another just does not
> like the call without the +I switch, and even then ignores the .ini file.

sorry, am getting .. lost in translation.  :-)  is this the same library as
available on the link below?  if yes, which file(s)?

> At the moment I'm baffled - perhaps a version incompatibility. But cant do more
> this week. Will update when I've got further.  Meanwhile..:
> a) ignore this.
> b) go play with the LEGO models at ...
> and be a kid this Christmas.

nice site, thanks.  I looked at the lego library posted here, recently, but
found that to be in .. a not-useful state.  the one from the Dutch site is much
better, even has documentation!

regards, jr.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 17:05:02
Message: <web.5deec4d1cce2d5dfeeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > if you use sections in the ini, you'll have to use quotes:
> >   $ povray 'myini[hires]'
> ...
> Well... huh.


> Learned something new.   I don't really use ini files except for animations so,
> ....

without ini files we'd have to (ab)use 'Makefile's.  :-)  I use them mostly for
animations too, but (now) find it convenient, when "developing" a scene, to have
an ini with an unnamed section, with the "lo" quality settings for quick render,
and a named section with settings for "final" render.  (laziness, I guess.
forget command-line options, just 'pov38 myini')

btw, you did ask for a reminder re tangents/pulleys.  here's another.  ;-)

regards, jr.

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 18:35:00
Message: <web.5deed852cce2d5d4eec112d0@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> ...when "developing" a scene, to have
> an ini with an unnamed section, with the "lo" quality settings for quick render,
> and a named section with settings for "final" render.

Yes, that of course makes sense.  There are all of the other options one can
write into the SDL as well (quick_color, etc)

> (laziness, I guess. forget command-line options, just 'pov38 myini')

I'm still transitioning from Win to Linux via QtPOV-Ray (gui).
Maybe at some point if I have enough uninterrupted free time _with_ peace of
mind, I'll get some of the proper command line stuff learned with official or hg
or WP's branch(es)

> btw, you did ask for a reminder re tangents/pulleys.  here's another.  ;-)

Why yes - and I didn't forget - just busy with - December.

I'm just gonna throw the extant file over in the other thread and you can see
what you can make of it.   Ping me with questions comments improvements, etc.
And make something.  :)

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 20:25:00
Message: <web.5deef225cce2d5dfeeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > ...when "developing" a scene, to have
> > an ini with an unnamed section, with the "lo" quality settings for quick render,
> > and a named section with settings for "final" render.
> Yes, that of course makes sense.  There are all of the other options one can
> write into the SDL as well (quick_color, etc)

and those.  (have never actually used quick colours)  (inis make using multiple
declare=xyz=off type controls easy, I prefer it over having to '#switch' in the

> > (laziness, I guess. forget command-line options, just 'pov38 myini')
> I'm still transitioning from Win to Linux via QtPOV-Ray (gui).
> Maybe at some point if I have enough uninterrupted free time _with_ peace of
> mind, I'll get some of the proper command line stuff learned with official or hg
> or WP's branch(es)

I don't want to sound .. disparaging, but, ime, that's not how it works, you
just have to have no alternative (initially, at least).  so, exercise: do a
Ctrl-Alt-F2 and you should see a console login prompt.  login, then add an alias
to your .bashrc, something like:
alias nicepov='nice -n 19 povray'

using 'vi[m]' or like.  logout.  to get back to your desktop should be Alt-F7.
set yourself small tasks and switch to a console to carry them out, then the
"feel" for command-lines will just happen.

for instance, self, all 'root'[*] stuff is done on the console, lo-tech.
tedious, yes, but forces the .. presence of mind needed when using "the

[*] I use 'sudo' only for a few specific tasks (time server syncing and such).

> > btw, you did ask for a reminder re tangents/pulleys.  here's another.  ;-)
> Why yes - and I didn't forget - just busy with - December.
> I'm just gonna throw the extant file over in the other thread and you can see
> what you can make of it.   Ping me with questions comments improvements, etc.

thank you v much.  it'll be a few days before I can get to playing with it.

> And make something.  :)

when (_if_) I get to the point where I can understand and make your code "my
own", I plan to replicate the pulleys depicted on the cover of this book:

regards, jr.

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 21:10:01
Message: <web.5deefdeccce2d5d4eec112d0@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> and those.  (have never actually used quick colours)  (inis make using multiple
> declare=xyz=off type controls easy, I prefer it over having to '#switch' in the
> scene)

Not immediately apparent to me - maybe you can post an illustrative example
somewhere at some point.

> I don't want to sound .. disparaging, but, ime, that's not how it works, you
> just have to have no alternative (initially, at least).

Sound as disparaging as you want.  I have an ex-wife.  You'd need to struggle to
register on that logarithmic scale.  ;)  :D

> when (_if_) I get to the point where I can understand and make your code "my
> own", I plan to replicate the pulleys depicted on the cover of this book:
> <www.amazon.com/POSIX-4-Programmers-Guide-Programming-World/dp/1565920740>

Well that ought to be easy, though I'll have to see how well-suited what I have
is for the hanging weight-to-pulley parts.  Most of what I was aiming for was
drawing "closed" curves, not the "open" or loose-end parts of block and tackle.

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 9 Dec 2019 22:50:52
Message: <5def161c$1@news.povray.org>
Am 12/9/19 8:20 PM, also sprach jr:

> alias nicepov='nice -n 19 povray'
just fyi, "nice" really doesn't do anything, at least not since the 
invention of multicore CPUs.  The scheduler just picks stuff and goes.

This is an improvement, over where for several years cores could remain 
idle with tasks pending.  Say you've got a normal priority task running 
one thread. It gets dispatched and since there are no other normal 
priority tasks pending, the scheduler is done, even though there are 3 
idle cores and several "low" priority tasks pending.

There is a compile in replacement for the scheduler that fixes the 
current behavior, but the author recommends not using it and waiting for 
his new scheduler, which hopefully Linus will accept into the kernel.

I got no answers to this question
but further research led me to the statements above.

Rendered 49,882,521,600 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (100%)

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 10 Dec 2019 01:20:01
Message: <web.5def382acce2d5dfeeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > and those.  (have never actually used quick colours)  (inis make using multiple
> > declare=xyz=off type controls easy, I prefer it over having to '#switch' in the
> > scene)
> Not immediately apparent to me - maybe you can post an illustrative example
> somewhere at some point.

first off, don't know why I wrote 'xyz=off' which wouldn't work, numbers only,
afaik.  also poorly written, sorry.

off the top of head, any scene which can be used with different sets of constant
values to get corresponding results, like Bruno Cabasson changing the sun's
angle to get differently lit clouds.  these parameter sets, in the scene, are
likely to be inside a '#switch' or an '#if .. #elseif .. #end'.  instead, they
can be placed in an ini, not bloating the scene, and no more editing the scene
if just one value needs adjusting, or a new set of parameters needs adding.

not much of a case but works for me.  (perhaps just some "faulty" wiring in my
brain  ;-))

> > I don't want to sound .. disparaging, but, ime, that's not how it works, you
> > just have to have no alternative (initially, at least).
> Sound as disparaging as you want.  I have an ex-wife.  You'd need to struggle to
> register on that logarithmic scale.  ;)  :D


> > when (_if_) I get to the point where I can understand and make your code "my
> > own", I plan to replicate the pulleys depicted on the cover of this book:
> > <www.amazon.com/POSIX-4-Programmers-Guide-Programming-World/dp/1565920740>
> Well that ought to be easy, though I'll have to see how well-suited what I have
> is for the hanging weight-to-pulley parts.  Most of what I was aiming for was
> drawing "closed" curves, not the "open" or loose-end parts of block and tackle.

yes, I appreciate that.  hence the idea that there should be two distinct
frontend (prisms and pulleys) macros, utilising the existing more or less as
they are.

wrt moving parts, my guess is that the "trick" will be working with (and from
the perspective of?) the full length of the rope/cable, since it needs to look
reasonably realistic when animated.

regards, jr.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?
Date: 10 Dec 2019 01:20:01
Message: <web.5def389bcce2d5dfeeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:
> Am 12/9/19 8:20 PM, also sprach jr:
> > alias nicepov='nice -n 19 povray'
> >
> just fyi, "nice" really doesn't do anything, at least not since the
> invention of multicore CPUs.  The scheduler just picks stuff and goes.
> This is an improvement, over where for several years cores could remain
> idle with tasks pending.  Say you've got a normal priority task running
> one thread. It gets dispatched and since there are no other normal
> priority tasks pending, the scheduler is done, even though there are 3
> idle cores and several "low" priority tasks pending.
> There is a compile in replacement for the scheduler that fixes the
> current behavior, but the author recommends not using it and waiting for
> his new scheduler, which hopefully Linus will accept into the kernel.
> I got no answers to this question ...
> but further research led me to the statements above.

interesting, thanks, and new to me.  I suspect I will simply continue to use it
in aliases and scripts though.

wrt the problem in the question, have you read 'man 7 cpuset'?  no personal
experience, but the reading suggests it should be possible to sort of partition
the system resources and then set up to get the benefit of the "Scheduler load

btw, re 'qtpovmodeler', what's with the baseinsertrules.xml file not found?
(same for the docmap xml).  also, and that may be my window manager to blame
(WindowMaker 0.95.7), main menu accelerator key bindings do not work for me.

regards, jr.

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