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  Isosurface sea (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Marc Jacquier
Subject: Isosurface sea
Date: 5 Mar 2003 05:33:12
Message: <3e65d268@news.povray.org>
Hi Morayers

Here is an isosurface sea made with Stephen's Isosurface plugin.
You'll have to set the correct path for "functions.inc" in scene settings
"includes" tab.
Usually it is in the include folder of POV installation folder.
I put an alternative fast material (no interior, no transparency) for the
sea to be rendered faster.
I used  -as many-  f_ridged_mf  function.
The function parameters you find in #declare A thru G are:
Scale_x and Scale_y... self explain
"Damp" is relative attenuation for small waves and ripples.
"Lacunarity" is like Lambda for turbulence: factor between "octaves"
"Octave" like octave in turbulence
"Offset" is relative smoothness of lower zones
"Gain" sharpens ridges
The cylinder is there to test interior properties.
I'm still not quite satisfied with absorption and scattering behaviour: I'd
like a color from fully transparent at the surface to black at great depth
via well saturated emerald green for average depht as we can see here in
Brittany while sailing by open sea but I can't achieve that :(.
Sky is a media sky but it renders not too slow and I like the blueish haze
it gives :)

Advices and comments are welcome


jac### [at] wanadoofr

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Download 'Iso_Sea.mdl.dat' (47 KB) Download 'test_mer_M_water.jpg' (17 KB)

Preview of image 'test_mer_M_water.jpg'


From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Isosurface sea
Date: 8 Mar 2003 09:37:36
Message: <3e6a0030@news.povray.org>
I have not yet tried your isosurface, but I send my own trial at this too.
The texture is based on the color of the North Sea. I am still not satisfied
with the isosurface. But it is a trial
 Also: advices and suggestions are welcome too!



"Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> schreef in bericht
> Hi Morayers
> Here is an isosurface sea made with Stephen's Isosurface plugin.
> You'll have to set the correct path for "functions.inc" in scene settings
> "includes" tab.
> Usually it is in the include folder of POV installation folder.
> I put an alternative fast material (no interior, no transparency) for the
> sea to be rendered faster.
> I used  -as many-  f_ridged_mf  function.
> The function parameters you find in #declare A thru G are:
> Scale_x and Scale_y... self explain
> "Damp" is relative attenuation for small waves and ripples.
> "Lacunarity" is like Lambda for turbulence: factor between "octaves"
> "Octave" like octave in turbulence
> "Offset" is relative smoothness of lower zones
> "Gain" sharpens ridges
> The cylinder is there to test interior properties.
> I'm still not quite satisfied with absorption and scattering behaviour:
> like a color from fully transparent at the surface to black at great depth
> via well saturated emerald green for average depht as we can see here in
> Brittany while sailing by open sea but I can't achieve that :(.
> Sky is a media sky but it renders not too slow and I like the blueish haze
> it gives :)
> Advices and comments are welcome
> Cheers
> Marc
> jac### [at] wanadoofr
> http://www.marcjacquier.fr.st/

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Download 'IsosurfaceSea2.mdl.dat' (51 KB)

From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Isosurface sea
Date: 9 Mar 2003 03:32:25
Message: <3e6afc19@news.povray.org>
Hi Marc,
There are three comments I would like to make concerning you isosurface sea:
1. It is good, structurally.
2. Why do you make the isosurface 'hollow'? A water body is solid, although
somewhat transparent.
3. To be sure that the depths are dark, I usually add a black box
(literally!) at the base of the water, to be sure no light comes from below.
It is quite effective I found.

I have experimented with white foam at the crests of the waves, by using a
slope/altitude parameter in the material, but I found that quite tricky to
do and not entirely satisfactory. Have you tried?

That's it for now


"Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> schreef in bericht
> Hi Morayers
> Here is an isosurface sea made with Stephen's Isosurface plugin.
> You'll have to set the correct path for "functions.inc" in scene settings
> "includes" tab.
> Usually it is in the include folder of POV installation folder.
> I put an alternative fast material (no interior, no transparency) for the
> sea to be rendered faster.
> I used  -as many-  f_ridged_mf  function.
> The function parameters you find in #declare A thru G are:
> Scale_x and Scale_y... self explain
> "Damp" is relative attenuation for small waves and ripples.
> "Lacunarity" is like Lambda for turbulence: factor between "octaves"
> "Octave" like octave in turbulence
> "Offset" is relative smoothness of lower zones
> "Gain" sharpens ridges
> The cylinder is there to test interior properties.
> I'm still not quite satisfied with absorption and scattering behaviour:
> like a color from fully transparent at the surface to black at great depth
> via well saturated emerald green for average depht as we can see here in
> Brittany while sailing by open sea but I can't achieve that :(.
> Sky is a media sky but it renders not too slow and I like the blueish haze
> it gives :)
> Advices and comments are welcome
> Cheers
> Marc
> jac### [at] wanadoofr
> http://www.marcjacquier.fr.st/

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From: Marc Jacquier
Subject: Re: Isosurface sea
Date: 9 Mar 2003 04:29:15
Message: <3e6b096b$1@news.povray.org>


> 1. It is good, structurally.
Thanks, I hoped so :) though I forgot to say that it is made with and for
Moray 3.5 and can't be loaded in Moray 3.3 I think.
> 2. Why do you make the isosurface 'hollow'? A water body is solid,
> somewhat transparent.
The important word here is "somewhat". I want to have a media
(absorption+scattering) working in water.
For that I had to make the media container hollow. (see POV doc and
You can notice that my water surface has no active color (filter 0 transmit
1), just specular and fresnel reflection.
> 3. To be sure that the depths are dark, I usually add a black box
> (literally!) at the base of the water, to be sure no light comes from
> It is quite effective I found.
Yes, I use a plane for the same purpose :)
> I have experimented with white foam at the crests of the waves, by using a
> slope/altitude parameter in the material, but I found that quite tricky to
> do and not entirely satisfactory. Have you tried?
I had a try with the same results :(
I experimented biased slope vector to fake waves displacement (foam forms at
the lip of the wave but as this one progresses, the foam stays on the
backside of the wave) but it didn't work well.

I like your sea, I have a feeling of swelly water with a remote or fallen
For my own I prefer predeclaring f_ridged_mf parameter to have an easier
May be I use some of your sea features in my *maybe* IRTC entry for
"Achitecture" round: I'm working on a modelisation of Erasmus brug in
Rotterdam, so I'll could turn your North Sea into a Maas.

Tot ziens

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Isosurface sea
Date: 9 Mar 2003 09:23:15
Message: <3e6b4e53@news.povray.org>
Not to clutter up answers of answers, just some points here:
- media in water: You are right, I didn't think of that really...
- foam: Hmm, have to experiment some more I guess. Should be possible one
way or another.
- my sea: thanks :-) I was not entirely satisfied though. I think your use
of the declarations in much more neater, and for the swell I used the old
well-trodden path of scaling the whole isosurface. Ugly, in terms of
computing ;->  So, back to the drawing board for me...
- Erasmus: You're welcome! Use what you feel necessary to use. Exchange of
data is there to be used, isn't it? I think Maas waters are a little more
muddier than the North Sea, though. There is that much more gray silt in
suspension that makes the transparency almost disappear. In contrast, the
North Sea seems almost a greenish clear liquid. But much depends also on the
the reflection of the sky on the water.



"Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> schreef in bericht

> 3e6afc19@news.povray.org...
> > 1. It is good, structurally.
> Thanks, I hoped so :) though I forgot to say that it is made with and for
> Moray 3.5 and can't be loaded in Moray 3.3 I think.
> > 2. Why do you make the isosurface 'hollow'? A water body is solid,
> although
> > somewhat transparent.
> The important word here is "somewhat". I want to have a media
> (absorption+scattering) working in water.
> For that I had to make the media container hollow. (see POV doc
> 6.6.2)
> You can notice that my water surface has no active color (filter 0
> 1), just specular and fresnel reflection.
> > 3. To be sure that the depths are dark, I usually add a black box
> > (literally!) at the base of the water, to be sure no light comes from
> below.
> > It is quite effective I found.
> Yes, I use a plane for the same purpose :)
> >
> > I have experimented with white foam at the crests of the waves, by using
> > slope/altitude parameter in the material, but I found that quite tricky
> > do and not entirely satisfactory. Have you tried?
> I had a try with the same results :(
> I experimented biased slope vector to fake waves displacement (foam forms
> the lip of the wave but as this one progresses, the foam stays on the
> backside of the wave) but it didn't work well.
> I like your sea, I have a feeling of swelly water with a remote or fallen
> wind.
> For my own I prefer predeclaring f_ridged_mf parameter to have an easier
> access..
> May be I use some of your sea features in my *maybe* IRTC entry for
> "Achitecture" round: I'm working on a modelisation of Erasmus brug in
> Rotterdam, so I'll could turn your North Sea into a Maas.
> Tot ziens
> Marc

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