POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Late website update? Server Time
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From: The Mad Hatter
Subject: Late website update?
Date: 26 Mar 2005 23:45:01
Message: <web.42463978336e7d51721eaaf60@news.povray.org>
I thought the votes were due a while ago by now?  Or were they extended?
The main site still shows them accepting when I thought the results would
be posted by now.

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From: Tim Nikias
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 27 Mar 2005 06:55:29
Message: <42469f31@news.povray.org>
> I thought the votes were due a while ago by now?  Or were they extended?
> The main site still shows them accepting when I thought the results would
> be posted by now.

It's the usual delay. The IRTC is run "by hand", and someone needs to have
the spare time to update the site. Just be patient. :-)

"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>

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From: Derrick J Houy
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 4 Apr 2005 03:08:11
Message: <4250e7db@news.povray.org>
Tim Nikias wrote:
>>I thought the votes were due a while ago by now?  Or were they extended?
>>The main site still shows them accepting when I thought the results would
>>be posted by now.
> It's the usual delay. The IRTC is run "by hand", and someone needs to have
> the spare time to update the site. Just be patient. :-)

Then they shouldn't place statements like, "Winners will be announced on 
26 March 2005." on the website. If there is no intention of running 
things on time, then that is what should be stated.
Hanging around while everything just wallows in a black hole somewhere, 
with zero feedback, really takes all the fun and enjoyment out of the 

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From: James D
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 4 Apr 2005 04:10:46
Message: <4250f686$1@news.povray.org>
I used to check every day but that eventualy came to a hault.  On the one
hand the irtc is free so I guess we should not complain.  On the other, I
think it hurts the look of the organization and doesn't do much to stop the
volume of traffic dropping off.

I will be very curious to see if this 100$ prize for pov users will bring
the traffic back.

> Then they shouldn't place statements like, "Winners will be announced on
> 26 March 2005." on the website. If there is no intention of running
> things on time, then that is what should be stated.
> Hanging around while everything just wallows in a black hole somewhere,
> with zero feedback, really takes all the fun and enjoyment out of the
> competition.

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From: Mienai
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 4 Apr 2005 20:25:00
Message: <web.4251da34a245294ed83678c00@news.povray.org>
It'd be interesting if they didn't post the results before the end of the
current round.

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From: JC (Exether)
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 5 Apr 2005 00:57:39
Message: <42521ac3$1@news.povray.org>
You're right, but on the other hand, when so many people participate in 
a competition and spend so much time on it, one is supposed to feel some 
sense of responsability, it is a question of respecting other's work.

Obviously, these guys don't have the time to run the competition, the 
web site design hasn't changed since 96 (!!) and nothing seems to be 
automated in processing the entries. I'm not saying they should sacrify 
their personal life, but they should request for help, for people 
wanting to take their tasks, help design a new site, whatever, but 
nothing happens and they just chase away people that are willing to help.


James D wrote:
> I used to check every day but that eventualy came to a hault.  On the one
> hand the irtc is free so I guess we should not complain.  On the other, I
> think it hurts the look of the organization and doesn't do much to stop the
> volume of traffic dropping off.
> I will be very curious to see if this 100$ prize for pov users will bring
> the traffic back.
>>Then they shouldn't place statements like, "Winners will be announced on
>>26 March 2005." on the website. If there is no intention of running
>>things on time, then that is what should be stated.
>>Hanging around while everything just wallows in a black hole somewhere,
>>with zero feedback, really takes all the fun and enjoyment out of the

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From: The Mad Hatter
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 5 Apr 2005 01:50:01
Message: <web.4252266da245294e721eaaf60@news.povray.org>
I did not enter the last competition, but I would like to at least see the
results.  I enjoy seeing how different images were rated.  Also people's
comments are interesting.  Well, they WERE interesting at least years ago
when the IRTC was huge.  Maybe if there is such a time problem with web
updates the length for submissions should be changed after all.  Maybe make
Stills 3 month's in turn around, like the CGTALK challenges.  The entrists
are growing there at a geometric rate still, so they must be doing
SOMETHING right :P  This way the web admins will not have to contribut as
much work for the update.

That aside, I will definitely try to enter the Catastrophy competition.  Not
sure if it will make much difference in our total count, but I admit time
flys and I was surprised to see how long I went without adding any new
work.  One of the first contests I ever found when new to CG was the IRTC.
I am glad to see it's still going on.  However when the current contest is
over half completed, and the web site informs all new members here that it
is still doing voting for the last contest, people start getting suspicious
and confused.

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From: Derrick J Houy
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 6 Apr 2005 03:13:03
Message: <42538bff@news.povray.org>
The Mad Hatter wrote:
> I did not enter the last competition, but I would like to at least see the
> results.  I enjoy seeing how different images were rated.  Also people's
> comments are interesting.  Well, they WERE interesting at least years ago
> when the IRTC was huge.  Maybe if there is such a time problem with web
> updates the length for submissions should be changed after all.  Maybe make
> Stills 3 month's in turn around, like the CGTALK challenges.  The entrists
> are growing there at a geometric rate still, so they must be doing
> SOMETHING right :P  This way the web admins will not have to contribut as
> much work for the update.
> That aside, I will definitely try to enter the Catastrophy competition.  Not
> sure if it will make much difference in our total count, but I admit time
> flys and I was surprised to see how long I went without adding any new
> work.  One of the first contests I ever found when new to CG was the IRTC.
> I am glad to see it's still going on.  However when the current contest is
> over half completed, and the web site informs all new members here that it
> is still doing voting for the last contest, people start getting suspicious
> and confused.

*sigh* and still nothing--not even a word to say, "hey, we hear you, 
we're working on it". Sadly, this has taken the wind out of my sails, 
and taken away my interest in the next round. Time to go sniff around 
CGTALK I think...

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From: Jane
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 6 Apr 2005 05:19:29
Message: <4253a9a1$1@news.povray.org>
If this 100 dollar prize for Povray users does not bring back the populace,
will the cash prize still be continued?

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From: Renderdog
Subject: Re: Late website update?
Date: 6 Apr 2005 12:40:00
Message: <web.4254104aa245294eb8a63dd50@news.povray.org>
"Jane" <j### [at] janecom> wrote:
> If this 100 dollar prize for Povray users does not bring back the
> populace, will the cash prize still be continued?

I'll continue the bonus at least through the end of this year,
then re-evaluate. Numbers are not as important to me as
the level of sharing, tutorials, and quality. The bonus will
begin for the March-April round; maybe I should delay the
bonus announcement until a few days after the official
winners are announced?

I haven't talked to them about this but I believe the IRTC
admins have been worn out for some time, just going
through the motions, but finding someone reliable to do
the work is difficult and also requires some work.

I've always felt a 3-month cycle would be better and made
that suggestion some time ago, but others preferred
the 2-month competition.

Mark Slone

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