POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Spherical Heightfields : Re: Spherical Heightfields Server Time
14 Mar 2025 07:12:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Spherical Heightfields  
From: Maetes
Date: 25 Feb 2025 21:50:00
Message: <web.67be801b6a47dfbb40074f6e30225ff5@news.povray.org>
Sorry for the long response-time, was a "strange" week here in Germany.

Thanks for the answers so far, but still I dont get it.

>Do you get any messages about a max gradient and/or your isosurface may have

=> no, none.

> and yes, your contained by object needs to be large enough to hold the entire
displaced surface, else it will get clipped.

=> I tried with various diameters, with strange effects and new errors

> (just curious: try adding the sqrt() around the x y z parts and see if that
helps any)

=> no effect


=> hard stuff, but I will try to understand it.

> The moon... very good subject. Have you looked at LUNEX ?

=> Good tip, thanks for that. I didn't know it before, I played around a bit.
Maybe I can learn something from that, because the results look better and
error-free after the first tests.

I will set up a new test environment in the next days/weeks, try to incorporate
Lunex's approach there. Maybe I'll get ahead with it. I can't use Lunex
completely for my purposes, but maybe I can learn from it.


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