POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Looking for a interactive viewer Server Time
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  Looking for a interactive viewer (Message 6 to 15 of 35)  
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From: lelama
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 05:10:00
Message: <web.57e39f654ca2376721263ef70@news.povray.org>
Ok, thank you guys for the answer. I prefer not to start with something which is
already outdated, spending minutes or hours to bypass the problems that will
eventually happen.

Bishop 3D is unfortunatly only for windows as far as I understand.


Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> On 9/22/2016 9:08 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> >
> > There was Moray http://www.stmuc.com/moray/index.html which was a
> > dedicated modeller to POV-Ray 3.5. It was discontinued for all kind of
> > reasons and may be revived in a distant future (speculation). In the
> > meantime and if you are curious, I recommend to play a bit with it. It
> > can still be very useful in different ways.
> >
> > Otherwise, there is Bishop3D but I do not know much about it. Stephen is
> > the expert.
> >
> In a way you are right but it is StephenS who is the real expert. :-D
> I get by with it.
> I would recommend against Moray, unless you prefer a coordinate system
> with the Z-axis set as up. (In PovRay the default is Y-axis: up.)
> Both Moray and Bishop3D render with older versions of PovRay. Versions
> 3.5 and 3.62 respectively. But the files can be manually run in the
> latest version of PovRay, without modification, taking advantage of your
> machine's multi cores . I cannot overstate how important that is. :)
> {Actually I think I just did. ;-) }
> --
> Regards
>      Stephen

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From: lelama
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 05:20:01
Message: <web.57e3a1104ca2376721263ef70@news.povray.org>
Tried to read .pov in Blender without success.

First, I tried on Ubuntu studio, latest version. I was not able to activate the
add-on because of some inexistant file or directory.

Then I downloaded the latest binary blender version on the blender server. I
checked that the fileI was rendered correctly using povray directly. But it was
not correctly rendered in Blender Only a grey plane appeared, whereas it was
supposed to show a person on a bike.


"Mr" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "lelama" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am looking for an interactive viewer "a la Blender".
> >
> > Something very simple would be sufficient. Starting from a .pov, I would like to
> > render the file and click on some buttons to change the camera position and
> > camera.angle in real time and that's all.
> >
> > Is there something out of the box for Ubuntu ? All modelers I have seen seem
> > dead.
> Do you know that Blender features a POV importer and exporter? Could you tell us
> why you don't like it, so we can keep improving it?
> https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Render/POV-Ray

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From: Mr
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 06:55:00
Message: <web.57e3b80b4ca2376716086ed00@news.povray.org>
"lelama" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Tried to read .pov in Blender without success.
> First, I tried on Ubuntu studio, latest version. I was not able to activate the
> add-on because of some inexistant file or directory.
> Then I downloaded the latest binary blender version on the blender server. I
> checked that the fileI was rendered correctly using povray directly. But it was
> not correctly rendered in Blender Only a grey plane appeared, whereas it was
> supposed to show a person on a bike.
> Laurent.
> "Mr" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > "lelama" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am looking for an interactive viewer "a la Blender".
> > >
> > > Something very simple would be sufficient. Starting from a .pov, I would like to
> > > render the file and click on some buttons to change the camera position and
> > > camera.angle in real time and that's all.
> > >
> > > Is there something out of the box for Ubuntu ? All modelers I have seen seem
> > > dead.
> >
> > Do you know that Blender features a POV importer and exporter? Could you tell us
> > why you don't like it, so we can keep improving it?
> >
> > https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Render/POV-Ray

POV importer is new.  could you share the pov file for some bug fixing attempt?

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 07:05:20
Message: <57e3baf0$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/22/2016 10:14 AM, lelama wrote:
> Tried to read .pov in Blender without success.
> First, I tried on Ubuntu studio, latest version. I was not able to activate the
> add-on because of some inexistant file or directory.
> Then I downloaded the latest binary blender version on the blender server. I
> checked that the fileI was rendered correctly using povray directly. But it was
> not correctly rendered in Blender Only a grey plane appeared, whereas it was
> supposed to show a person on a bike.
> Laurent.

I had the same problem when I tried it yesterday.
I have not read the documentation on it. So that goes on the todo list.
Once I have finished a project I am working on. I am going to have a 
look to see what I did wrong or not do right.
After the import there was only a plane called: PovInfinitePlane



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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 07:14:45
Message: <57e3bd25$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/22/2016 11:52 AM, Mr wrote:
> POV importer is new.  could you share the pov file for some bug fixing attempt?

No sooner said than done.
I have just tried to import this file.

// Created with Bishop3D for Windows
// Bishop3D Version
// 22/09/2016 - 12:10:10
// +BS8

#version 3.7;  // or 3.6

background { color rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000> }

// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration begin

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Bot =
pigment {
color_map {
[0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
[0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
[0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]

rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
scale     <1.000,6.000,6.000>
rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
translate <0.000,-0.150,0.000>
turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
octaves 6
lambda 2.000
omega 0.700

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Mid =
pigment {
color_map {
[0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
[0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
[0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]

rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
scale     <1.000,6.000,6.000>
rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
octaves 6
lambda 2.000
omega 0.700

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Top =
pigment {
color rgbft <0.196,0.600,0.800,0.000,0.000>

#declare Polished_Brass0 =
texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <0.578,0.422,0.195,0.000,0.000>

finish {
ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance  6.000
crand       0.000
diffuse     0.800
metallic    1.000
phong       0.800
phong_size  120.000
specular    0.000
roughness   0.050
reflection {
rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>, rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>
fresnel   0
falloff   0.000
exponent  1.000
metallic  0.000


#declare Grey_White_Tiles2 =
texture {
texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,0.000>

normal {
bozo, 1.000
scale     <0.050,0.050,0.050>

finish {
ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance  1.000
crand       0.000
diffuse     0.600
metallic    0.000
phong       0.000
phong_size  40.000
specular    0.000
roughness   0.249
reflection {
rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
fresnel   0
falloff   0.000
exponent  1.000
metallic  0.000


texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <0.502,0.502,0.502,0.000,0.000>

normal {
bozo, 1.000
scale     <0.050,0.050,0.050>

finish {
ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance  1.000
crand       0.000
diffuse     0.600
metallic    0.000
phong       0.000
phong_size  40.000
specular    0.000
roughness   0.249
reflection {
rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
fresnel   0
falloff   0.000
exponent  1.000
metallic  0.000


scale     <10.000,10.000,10.000>

#declare Camera0 =
camera {
location <-4.671,96.889,-178.017>
up y
right 1.333*x
angle 33.000
sky <0.012,0.894,0.448>
look_at < 0.000, 7.500, 0.000 >

// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration end

union {
light_source {
< 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
fade_power 0.000
fade_distance 100.000
media_attenuation off
media_interaction on
translate <15.811000,100.000000,-200.977356>

light_source {
< 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
fade_power 0.000
fade_distance 100.000
media_attenuation off
media_interaction on
translate <-24.636320,55.859425,-195.075000>


sky_sphere {
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Top }
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Mid }
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Bot }


plane {
y , 0
texture{ Grey_White_Tiles2 }

sphere {
0.0, 1.000000
texture{ Polished_Brass0 }
scale     <10.000000,10.000000,10.000000>
translate <0.000000,10.000000,0.000000>

camera{ Camera0 }



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From: Mr
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 08:20:00
Message: <web.57e3cb884ca2376716086ed00@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> On 9/22/2016 11:52 AM, Mr wrote:
> > POV importer is new.  could you share the pov file for some bug fixing attempt?
> No sooner said than done.
> I have just tried to import this file.
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> // Created with Bishop3D for Windows
> // Bishop3D Version
> // 22/09/2016 - 12:10:10
> // +BS8
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> #version 3.7;  // or 3.6
> background { color rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000> }
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> // referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration begin
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> #declare Shadow_Clouds_Bot =
> pigment {
> bozo
> color_map {
> [0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
> [0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
> [0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]
> }
> rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
> rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
> scale     <1.000,6.000,6.000>
> rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
> translate <0.000,-0.150,0.000>
> turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
> octaves 6
> lambda 2.000
> omega 0.700
> }
> #declare Shadow_Clouds_Mid =
> pigment {
> bozo
> color_map {
> [0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
> [0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
> [0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]
> }
> rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
> rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
> scale     <1.000,6.000,6.000>
> rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
> turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
> octaves 6
> lambda 2.000
> omega 0.700
> }
> #declare Shadow_Clouds_Top =
> pigment {
> color rgbft <0.196,0.600,0.800,0.000,0.000>
> }
> #declare Polished_Brass0 =
> texture {
> pigment {
> color rgbft <0.578,0.422,0.195,0.000,0.000>
> }
> finish {
> ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
> brilliance  6.000
> crand       0.000
> diffuse     0.800
> metallic    1.000
> phong       0.800
> phong_size  120.000
> specular    0.000
> roughness   0.050
> reflection {
> rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>, rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>
> fresnel   0
> falloff   0.000
> exponent  1.000
> metallic  0.000
> }
> }
> }
> #declare Grey_White_Tiles2 =
> texture {
> checker
> texture {
> pigment {
> color rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,0.000>
> }
> normal {
> bozo, 1.000
> scale     <0.050,0.050,0.050>
> }
> finish {
> ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
> brilliance  1.000
> crand       0.000
> diffuse     0.600
> metallic    0.000
> phong       0.000
> phong_size  40.000
> specular    0.000
> roughness   0.249
> reflection {
> rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
> fresnel   0
> falloff   0.000
> exponent  1.000
> metallic  0.000
> }
> }
> }
> texture {
> pigment {
> color rgbft <0.502,0.502,0.502,0.000,0.000>
> }
> normal {
> bozo, 1.000
> scale     <0.050,0.050,0.050>
> }
> finish {
> ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
> brilliance  1.000
> crand       0.000
> diffuse     0.600
> metallic    0.000
> phong       0.000
> phong_size  40.000
> specular    0.000
> roughness   0.249
> reflection {
> rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
> fresnel   0
> falloff   0.000
> exponent  1.000
> metallic  0.000
> }
> }
> }
> scale     <10.000,10.000,10.000>
> }
> #declare Camera0 =
> camera {
> perspective
> location <-4.671,96.889,-178.017>
> up y
> right 1.333*x
> angle 33.000
> sky <0.012,0.894,0.448>
> look_at < 0.000, 7.500, 0.000 >
> }
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> // referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration end
> //
> ****************************************************************************
> union {
> light_source {
> < 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
> fade_power 0.000
> fade_distance 100.000
> media_attenuation off
> media_interaction on
> translate <15.811000,100.000000,-200.977356>
> }
> light_source {
> < 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
> fade_power 0.000
> fade_distance 100.000
> media_attenuation off
> media_interaction on
> shadowless
> translate <-24.636320,55.859425,-195.075000>
> }
> }
> sky_sphere {
> pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Top }
> pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Mid }
> pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Bot }
> }
> plane {
> y , 0
> texture{ Grey_White_Tiles2 }
> }
> sphere {
> 0.0, 1.000000
> texture{ Polished_Brass0 }
> scale     <10.000000,10.000000,10.000000>
> translate <0.000000,10.000000,0.000000>
> }
> camera{ Camera0 }
> --
> Regards
>      Stephen

I suppose the problem comes from implicit coordinates: your sphere is declared
at 0.0 whereas the importer expects tuples cordinates made of 3 axes like

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 09:15:49
Message: <57e3d985$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/22/2016 1:16 PM, Mr wrote:
> I suppose the problem comes from implicit coordinates: your sphere is declared
> at 0.0 whereas the importer expects tuples cordinates made of 3 axes like
> <0,0,0>

Yes changing that allows the importer to work.
Can you do anything about it?
In Bishop3D only spheres are made like that. That includes sphere 
components in sphere sweeps.

The project Thomas and I are working on. I think we have broken it's 
back. (All the hard and problematic things are done, until the next one 
crops up.) So I will have some time.
I really want to help with this as a tester. I think it is important.
I will drop you a line and you can tell me how I can help.



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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 11:05:17
Message: <57e3f32d$1@news.povray.org>
Am 22.09.2016 um 14:16 schrieb Mr:

> I suppose the problem comes from implicit coordinates: your sphere is declared
> at 0.0 whereas the importer expects tuples cordinates made of 3 axes like
> <0,0,0>

You'll certainly need to fix this in the importer. Making use of
POV-Ray's auto-promotion of floats to vectors is a very common idiom in
POV-Ray scenes.

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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 11:30:00
Message: <web.57e3f8c34ca237677a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> On 9/22/2016 1:16 PM, Mr wrote:
> > I suppose the problem comes from implicit coordinates: your sphere is declared
> > at 0.0 whereas the importer expects tuples cordinates made of 3 axes like
> > <0,0,0>
> Yes changing that allows the importer to work.
> Can you do anything about it?
> In Bishop3D only spheres are made like that. That includes sphere
> components in sphere sweeps.
> The project Thomas and I are working on. I think we have broken it's
> back. (All the hard and problematic things are done, until the next one
> crops up.) So I will have some time.
> I really want to help with this as a tester. I think it is important.
> I will drop you a line and you can tell me how I can help.
> --
> Regards
>      Stephen

Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:

> ****************************************************************************
> // Created with Bishop3D for Windows
> // Bishop3D Version
> // 22/09/2016 - 12:10:10
> // +BS8
> //
> ****************************************************************************

> phong       0.000
> phong_size  40.000
> specular    0.000
> roughness   0.249
> sphere {
> 0.0, 1.000000

Excellent export! 4 unnecessary quantities transferred, but the tuple formatted.

We will need the sample files from all types of objects that can be created on
Bishop export. All modifiers, media{}, photons{}, interior{} and so on.
We need to learn how to Bishop writes the text: where to put spaces and line

Thanks! :)

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Looking for a interactive viewer
Date: 22 Sep 2016 12:56:56
Message: <57e40d58@news.povray.org>
On 9/22/2016 4:29 PM, LanuHum wrote:
> Excellent export! 4 unnecessary quantities transferred, but the tuple formatted.
> Oh,oh.

Do not blame me. I am only an usurer. [pun]


> We will need the sample files from all types of objects that can be created on
> Bishop export. All modifiers, media{}, photons{}, interior{} and so on.
> We need to learn how to Bishop writes the text: where to put spaces and line
> transfers.
> Thanks!:)

No, thank you for offering to write an importer/converter.

Dr John. See how I slipped that into the small print?


I have written to Maurice offering my assistance. He has my contact 
details. Which he can share.

There are just over 20 objects that B3D (Bishop3D) uses. So that bit 
should be simple.
Materials are a bit more complicated for me as I generally use simple 
ones. But we can work through it.
It also has a couple of plugins. One is based on Giles Tan's make grass. 
The other one is for exporting Pov code but should be easy to find as it 
is delimited like:
//------- Sphere0 Raw Script Begin -------
#include "colors.inc"
//------- Sphere0 Raw Script End ---------

I think we should start an new thread and not hijack this one any more.



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