On 9/22/2016 11:52 AM, Mr wrote:
> POV importer is new. could you share the pov file for some bug fixing attempt?
No sooner said than done.
I have just tried to import this file.
// Created with Bishop3D for Windows
// Bishop3D Version
// 22/09/2016 - 12:10:10
// +BS8
#version 3.7; // or 3.6
background { color rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000> }
// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration begin
#declare Shadow_Clouds_Bot =
pigment {
color_map {
[0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
[0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
[0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]
rotate <0.0,0.0,90.000>
rotate <180.000,0.0,0.0>
scale <1.000,6.000,6.000>
rotate <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
translate <0.000,-0.150,0.000>
turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
octaves 6
lambda 2.000
omega 0.700
#declare Shadow_Clouds_Mid =
pigment {
color_map {
[0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
[0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
[0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]
rotate <0.0,0.0,90.000>
rotate <180.000,0.0,0.0>
scale <1.000,6.000,6.000>
rotate <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
octaves 6
lambda 2.000
omega 0.700
#declare Shadow_Clouds_Top =
pigment {
color rgbft <0.196,0.600,0.800,0.000,0.000>
#declare Polished_Brass0 =
texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <0.578,0.422,0.195,0.000,0.000>
finish {
ambient rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance 6.000
crand 0.000
diffuse 0.800
metallic 1.000
phong 0.800
phong_size 120.000
specular 0.000
roughness 0.050
reflection {
rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>, rgb <0.400,0.400,0.400>
fresnel 0
falloff 0.000
exponent 1.000
metallic 0.000
#declare Grey_White_Tiles2 =
texture {
texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,0.000>
normal {
bozo, 1.000
scale <0.050,0.050,0.050>
finish {
ambient rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance 1.000
crand 0.000
diffuse 0.600
metallic 0.000
phong 0.000
phong_size 40.000
specular 0.000
roughness 0.249
reflection {
rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
fresnel 0
falloff 0.000
exponent 1.000
metallic 0.000
texture {
pigment {
color rgbft <0.502,0.502,0.502,0.000,0.000>
normal {
bozo, 1.000
scale <0.050,0.050,0.050>
finish {
ambient rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance 1.000
crand 0.000
diffuse 0.600
metallic 0.000
phong 0.000
phong_size 40.000
specular 0.000
roughness 0.249
reflection {
rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>, rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
fresnel 0
falloff 0.000
exponent 1.000
metallic 0.000
scale <10.000,10.000,10.000>
#declare Camera0 =
camera {
location <-4.671,96.889,-178.017>
up y
right 1.333*x
angle 33.000
sky <0.012,0.894,0.448>
look_at < 0.000, 7.500, 0.000 >
// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration end
union {
light_source {
< 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
fade_power 0.000
fade_distance 100.000
media_attenuation off
media_interaction on
translate <15.811000,100.000000,-200.977356>
light_source {
< 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, color rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
fade_power 0.000
fade_distance 100.000
media_attenuation off
media_interaction on
translate <-24.636320,55.859425,-195.075000>
sky_sphere {
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Top }
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Mid }
pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Bot }
plane {
y , 0
texture{ Grey_White_Tiles2 }
sphere {
0.0, 1.000000
texture{ Polished_Brass0 }
scale <10.000000,10.000000,10.000000>
translate <0.000000,10.000000,0.000000>
camera{ Camera0 }
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