POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : a program, that calculates camera position and look_at/direction ? Server Time
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  a program, that calculates camera position and look_at/direction ? (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Benjamin
Subject: a program, that calculates camera position and look_at/direction ?
Date: 29 Jul 2007 04:17:04
Message: <46ac4d00$1@news.povray.org>
I am searching for a program that is able to find the exact or even close camera
(and look_at or direction) of a real video I record with my camera. Then I want to use
exported values(txt) in a pov-ray file and render some objects onto the videoimages.

I don't know if there is a program, but I think there could be one, that compares the
of the video and find some points/lines to create a location for the camrea in 3d


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From: Jim Henderson
Subject: Re: a program, that calculates camera position and look_at/direction ?
Date: 29 Jul 2007 07:22:59
Message: <46ac7893$1@news.povray.org>
There are programs to do this - I ran across Rune's description of a few 
(he used a free one that is now not free) at http://runevision.com/3d/

The video is quite impressive.


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From: Grassblade
Subject: Re: a program, that calculates camera position and look_at/direction ?
Date: 30 Jul 2007 04:30:01
Message: <web.46ada08090b756184052ab510@news.povray.org>
Benjamin <nan### [at] webde> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am searching for a program that is able to find the exact or even close camera
> (and look_at or direction) of a real video I record with my camera.
If you are familiar with math you can do it without a program, see for
example this lecture, note that it takes quite a bit of computer vision
jargon for granted:
If whatever you want to calibrate is a planar object and you are using
Windows, you can use the following program
I'm pretty sure there are (or there used to be :-( ) other free programs for
camera calibration, just google it.

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From: Benjamin
Subject: i found a free one - digi lab voodoo
Date: 6 Aug 2007 02:22:57
Message: <46b6be41@news.povray.org>

thanks for your awnsers. i found a non-commercial camera tracker and that one seems to
very powerfull. you can find it here:


the program can export the camera settings and points to some formats: 3D Studio Max, 
Blender, Lightwave, Maya, and Softimage and txt.

i didn't made a simple converter (to translate the txt into a pov-readable format) yet
but i 
think it should be possible to user these numbers in pov-ray.


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From: Günther Dietrich
Subject: Re: i found a free one - digi lab voodoo
Date: 6 Aug 2007 04:25:09
Message: <qr1jo4-kno.ln1@520042650687.t-online.de>
Benjamin <nan### [at] webde> wrote:

>thanks for your awnsers. i found a non-commercial camera tracker and that one 
>seems to be 
>very powerfull. you can find it here:

I was also looking for a camera tracker, but even didn't know, how it's 
My only clue was 'photogrammetry' and 'remote sensing'. Based on this, I 
found Grass GIS, which -- among _many_ other things -- does 
photogrammetry. But I don't think, that it is really suited to the task 
of camera tracking in video sequences.

So, many thanks for the hint, it may be very helpful.

Best regards,

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From: Grassblade
Subject: Re: i found a free one - digi lab voodoo
Date: 8 Aug 2007 06:40:00
Message: <web.46b99d64f6a183939bcd10c80@news.povray.org>
Benjamin <nan### [at] webde> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your awnsers. i found a non-commercial camera tracker and that one seems
to be
> very powerfull. you can find it here:
> http://www.digilab.uni-hannover.de/docs/manual.html
> the program can export the camera settings and points to some formats: 3D Studio
> Blender, Lightwave, Maya, and Softimage and txt.
> i didn't made a simple converter (to translate the txt into a pov-readable format)
yet but i
> think it should be possible to user these numbers in pov-ray.
> Benjamin
Wow!!!!! That's a million times better than any free program I have been
able to find! Thanks for the link.

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