POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Development plans public? Server Time
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  Development plans public? (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: NathanPBell
Subject: Development plans public?
Date: 28 Oct 2003 23:25:01
Message: <web.3f9f40f5acd7bbc53488abf00@news.povray.org>
Hi there!

I've spent the last couple hours meandering around the newsgroups and POV
websites searching for a kind of 'development plan' of what features/areas
of POV the development team is working on right now, what's planned for the
future, and where the team needs help.  I failed miserably. :o)  Is there
such a document?  How public is the dev-team with their plans?

Hope I didn't miss something really blatant!

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From: Bonsai
Subject: Re: Development plans public?
Date: 29 Oct 2003 02:16:13
Message: <3f9f693d@news.povray.org>
NathanPBell schrieb:
> I've spent the last couple hours meandering around the newsgroups and POV
> websites searching for a kind of 'development plan' of what features/areas
> of POV the development team is working on right now, what's planned for the
> future, and where the team needs help.  I failed miserably. :o)  Is there
> such a document? How public is the dev-team with their plans?

AFAIK they're working on a bugfix release of POV-Ray 3.5. After this 
they'll work on a complete rewrite of POV-Ray that will become POV-Ray 
4. You'll never find any timetables for the releases. You have to be 
patient. But for one doing raytracing it's not so hard to be patient, 
isn't it? ;-)

So long,


    ___ __ __  _ ___ ___  _
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From: NathanPBell
Subject: Re: Development plans public?
Date: 30 Nov 2003 19:20:01
Message: <web.3fca8922564a31393488abf00@news.povray.org>
What about a list of current bugs/features that need to be added?  Say I'm a
developer that's got some extra time... how could I most effectively help
the POV Ray team?  Or does the team prefer working on their own?

I understand POV is open source, but does the dev team welcome help like
many other open source projects?

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: Development plans public?
Date: 30 Nov 2003 19:43:22
Message: <3FCA8EBC.D38AA4D5@pacbell.net>
NathanPBell wrote:
> What about a list of current bugs/features that need to be added?  Say I'm a
> developer that's got some extra time... how could I most effectively help
> the POV Ray team?  Or does the team prefer working on their own?
> I understand POV is open source, but does the dev team welcome help like
> many other open source projects?

Not much has really changed since this announcement... (except POV-Ray v3.5 has been
released and a bug fix release is in the works)

see -

Ken Tyler

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From: Thorsten
Subject: Re: Development plans public?
Date: 30 Nov 2003 20:30:01
Message: <web.3fca9853564a3139208210c40@news.povray.org>
NathanPBell wrote:
>What about a list of current bugs/features that need to be added?


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From: ABX
Subject: Re: Development plans public?
Date: 1 Dec 2003 07:59:11
Message: <hqcmsvop8ril4ncf8nf0olt2rulmncme3s@4ax.com>
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:19:46 EST, "NathanPBell" <nathanpbell ; yahoo com>
> What about a list of current bugs/features that need to be added?  Say I'm a
> developer that's got some extra time...

It's not enough to say "I'm a developer" to be useful :-) Personally I think
that playing (not only rendering) with POV-Ray yourself and digging a little
here and there on this server (for weeks, months or even years) is the best
way to gather knowledge what needs fixing bugs or adding features. Then (after
some experience) it should be fairly clear what places needs improvements:
slowest statges in rendering, editor goodies, wishes expressed in posts, etc.

> How could I most effectively help the POV Ray team?

I'm not POV-Ray Team member but from my experience they like every help as
long as it is donated in wise way. Knowing person from POV-Ray Community
activity could only help cooperation on more advanced issues. Additionally I
imagine starting cooperation with the person who has unknown experience and
future plans, could potentialy lead to more problems than neccessary. For
example solving copyright issues for the future releases. Seeking
http://www.google.com/search?q=NathanPBell does not help to recognize your
skills, so I would like to encourage you first to create some freely available
patch with feature you can find useful yourself. It will give you some
background what's going on here and other developers could get some background
about your person.


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