I'm thinking of writing a ray tracer, able to read POV-Ray files, using
Ada or maybe some other language. Before I get going, does anyone know
of any ray-tracing projects using any up-to-date languages, including
Ada, Oberon, Sather, or others? Anything but C/C++?
(I once heard about a raytracer written in Postscript. Now there's a
strange choice!)
Daren Scot Wilson
Member, ACM
dar### [at] pipelinecom
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fighting in the Operating System Wars!
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> I'm thinking of writing a ray tracer, able to read POV-Ray files, using
> Ada or maybe some other language. Before I get going, does anyone know
> of any ray-tracing projects using any up-to-date languages, including
> Ada, Oberon, Sather, or others? Anything but C/C++?
Well, I made one in Lisp once if that counts. Unfortunalty my lispsystem
had to allocate a conscell for every floatingpoint operations... so you
can guess how often it had to do a garbage collection.
/ Mathias Broxvall
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For the month+ since posting my question, I have been installing and
playing with several new compilers. My language choices are:
1) Sather-K, which I can't explain why, but I like it
2) Modula-3, except I can't get any compilers to work yet
3) Oberon-2, for which I have two working compilers, but
certain aspects of the language bother me,
4) Stick to good ol' C++. Nah. It has been referred
to as "The COBOL of the '90s".
5) Ada is out - lack of freeware (or Open Source) compilers
that actually work.
If anyone has experience with any of these languages besides C++, let me
know. Of course, I want speed-optimized executables, but I also want
to cut coding and debugging time. Any succes stories or failure stories
to tell?
I have a whole bunch of ideas to try, and didn't want to try them on
POV-Ray which is already huge with features. Among my ideas are
improved optical calculations, greater variety of primitive shapes, some
clever extent-testing algorithms, and calculating for human eye
responses and use of scientific color models. Of course, I'll have my
favorite feature - color dispersion, which I had added to POV-Ray with
pleasing results, but POV-Ray still couldn't do what I wanted. Most of
all, I just want the joy of starting a new raytracer from scratch, even
if a dozen others have already started their own.
Any features that really kick butt, I'll add into the
soon-to-be-officially-released POV-Ray 3.1.
Daren Scot Wilson
Member, ACM
dar### [at] pipelinecom
"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"
-- unknown
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