On 2/17/2022 9:49 PM, Cousin Ricky wrote:
> On 2022-02-17 19:17 (-4), Cousin Ricky wrote:
>> It occurred to me that the reason for the snag /may/ be that I tagged
>> the repo in GitHub. I just discovered that tags are not a GitHub
>> feature, but are part of Git, so tagging it in GitHub probably threw it
>> out of sync with my local repo.
> No, that wasn't the reason. My other repos are pushing peacefully.
I think it was something like "git checkout <tag>" or "git branch <tag>"
I stuffed up a workspace recently and I can't recall what I did to
trigger it. But once you detach from head, you're screwed.
(Maybe it was "git stash ; git pull ; git stash pop" [ Warning, not
merged ])
It wasn't the repo that you stuffed, it was just that workspace.
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On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 21:57:05 -0500, Dick Balaska wrote:
> It wasn't the repo that you stuffed, it was just that workspace.
This is a really important point. Even if you push bad changes to the
repo, it's actually pretty hard to "break" the repo beyond repair,
because you can almost always check out a known good commit (the only
time you can't is when you've done something like a hard reset locally
and then pushed IIRC, but even then it may be recoverable).
That's one of the really nice things about using source code management
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and
besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
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