POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Experimental Server Time
27 Dec 2024 23:41:16 EST (-0500)
  Experimental (Message 11 to 13 of 13)  
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From: Doctor John
Subject: Re: Experimental
Date: 5 Mar 2014 09:19:05
Message: <53173259$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/03/14 13:54, Francois Labreque wrote:

>> On 04/03/2014 11:20 PM, Stephen wrote:
>>> WTF!
>>> If you are worried about a clause in your lease that says that you
>>> cannot make any noise. And if it specifically mentions singing. You have
>>> no worries. It is (IMO) unenforceable.
>>> As long as you don't make continuous loud noise after 10 pm (earlier if
>>> they have babies). You should not have a problem.
>> The lease says I may not play a musical instrument,
> So I guess getting a pipe organ in the living room is out of the
> question.  Bummer.
>> sing,
> Define singing.  "Your honour, I wasn't singing... I was merely
> practicing my Italian."  Is rapping allowed?  Humming?  Tuvan thorat
> singing?
>> or operate a TV or radio.
> Does it mention MP3 player?  Streaming audio from the PC?  I smell a
> loophole...

Forget the loopholes. As Stephen has said, the clause is almost
certainly unenforceable. Which raises the question, why didn't Andrew's
solicitors read the lease and point out the clause, if only to let the
other party's solicitors know that it should have been struck out.

Protect the Earth
It was not given to you by your parents
You hold it in trust for your children

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From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Re: Experimental
Date: 4 May 2014 16:20:54
Message: <5366a126$1@news.povray.org>
On 04/03/2014 08:03 PM, Nekar Xenos wrote:
> You will probably get a more stable pitch if you sing louder. But if it
> doesn't work you may have a problem with your neighbors ;>

Well, my mum is out of the county for a few days, so I spent all of 
today sitting in my old bedroom, singing my lungs out.

You wouldn't believe it could take 5 hours to record 5 minutes of 
vocals, would you? (Or... perhaps you would... IDK.)

Now I'm trying to mix them nicely. Trouble is, if I apply an aggressive 
compander, it makes all the harmonies the same loudness, but every time 
I stop singing, it amplifies the hell out of the background hiss! I 
wonder if there's some way I can cut out all the noise...

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Experimental
Date: 27 May 2014 15:56:19
Message: <5384ede3$1@news.povray.org>
Am 04.05.2014 22:20, schrieb Orchid Win7 v1:

> Now I'm trying to mix them nicely. Trouble is, if I apply an aggressive
> compander, it makes all the harmonies the same loudness, but every time
> I stop singing, it amplifies the hell out of the background hiss! I
> wonder if there's some way I can cut out all the noise...

There is. It is called a "noise gate" or simply "gate".

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