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Here I want to share my small collection of plants obtained from
L-Studio: http://algorithmicbotany.org/virtual_laboratory/
The reason I started using L-studo is because of difficulties in
producing such detailed and complicated objects by native POV methods.
I will fill it out from time to time as creating new species.
Some of them has no color due to bug in L-studio export module.
Btw, now I am looking for methods of coloring automation, based, say on
normals, mesh density or similar.
Have anyone ideas about such methods ?
Download: https://github.com/syanenko/pov-plants
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Op 20-2-2023 om 15:34 schreef yesbird:
> Here I want to share my small collection of plants obtained from
> L-Studio: http://algorithmicbotany.org/virtual_laboratory/
> The reason I started using L-studo is because of difficulties in
> producing such detailed and complicated objects by native POV methods.
> I will fill it out from time to time as creating new species.
> Some of them has no color due to bug in L-studio export module.
> Btw, now I am looking for methods of coloring automation, based, say on
> normals, mesh density or similar.
> Have anyone ideas about such methods ?
> Download: https://github.com/syanenko/pov-plants
> --
> YB
At first approximation (I would need to see one of the models more in
detail) I guess that each element has its own geometry: stem, branch,
leaf, flower petals, etc. Normally, each geometry can get its own
texturing, maybe even uv_mapped if L-Studio supports that feature. Using
Poseray could be your friend then for what you want to do.
Alternatively, you may need a modelling program first, but that is
another matter.
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I guess that each element has its own geometry: stem, branch,
> leaf, flower petals, etc.
Unfortunately, no, after export to OBJ, I have a list of
triangles, without grouping. I can colorize it manually in Z-Brush
and sometimes it's fun, but in most cases too boring :)
Despite the L-Studio export problem, I find auto-colorization task
interesting from an algorithmic perspective.
Ideally, I would like to have an auto-colorization method for meshes
with subsequent manual color correction and detalization.
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Got a closer look at /Gaillardia_pulchella/. I opened the corresponding
plant.obj file into Silo (my modeller) and must say that texturing the
plant would not be impossible but a lot of work manually.
"group0 - group208" for instance, represent one complete flower,
starting with the leaves, then the flower s.s., finally the stem
(group208). Forgive me if I mention things you probably know quite well
but I am kind of thinking aloud here. ;-)
A couple of options present themselves:
1) create the different colours: stem, leaves, petals, heart.
2) select together all the groupxxxx representing one element, for
instance leaves, and assign the leaf colour.
3) repeat procedure for each plant element group.
alternatively, you could group together all similar elements (if you can
recognise them easily) and colour the group in the same manner as above.
Frankly, I do not see any other method to do this at the moment.
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Just wanted to add: the meshes are very fine and well-built. I have seen
far, far worse for some proprietary ones...
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On 20/02/2023 19:45, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> Just wanted to add: the meshes are very fine and well-built. I have seen
> far, far worse for some proprietary ones...
Agree with you - this is the reason why I don't leave L-studio.
Despite it being a little bit raw, it's potential is huge and it is FREE.
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Thanks, Thomas, you give me a good idea about reducing manual work,
analysis of groups and regrouping can help to do it.
May be I will write script to assign different materials to groups
and then merge them. I need to know more about OBJ format for that.
But autocolorizing still interesting to me. For example, what if I want
to highlight edges or peaks of the complex mesh with selected color ?
Will try to dig into this problem ...
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As you can see here groups are not exactly reflects plant's structure.
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yesbird <sya### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Some of them has no color due to bug in L-studio export module.
> Btw, now I am looking for methods of coloring automation, based, say on
> normals, mesh density or similar.
> Have anyone ideas about such methods ?
What i would be tempted to do is use the software to create the plant, and then
dissect it into its component pieces.
Then you could have a reasonably manageable assortment of stems, leaves, flower
centers, flower petals, etc that you could store as objects in an array.
Then you could just write a macro to choose random parts and reassemble the
Once you had all of the pieces, it would probably be fairly straightforward to
fit a standard texture or a uv-map to each part type. Always try to break down
a complex task into a series of smaller, simpler tasks.
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> What i would be tempted to do is use the software to create the plant, and then
> dissect it into its component pieces.
You are right - this is the main task, unfortunately I have no access to
sources of LS to make export properly and do grouping by plant parts,
so some manual work should be done, I'm only trying to minimize it.
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