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  Stacking stones without overlapping (Message 35 to 44 of 64)  
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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 08:00:01
Message: <web.594a5f5ad8d105e9c437ac910@news.povray.org>
Without really knowing exactly what I was doing, and just plugging some stuff
into the editor and changing some values, I got this in 5 min:
(many thanks to Mike Williams   http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/isotut/
and David Wagner   http://wiki.waggy.org/dokuwiki/povray/stainedglass)

#version 3.71;

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
 location  <0.0, 0, -5.0>
 right    x*image_width/image_height
 look_at   <0, 0, 0>}

light_source {<10, 10, -30> White}

#declare Packing = 1.3; //(increase to make more tightly packed)

#declare F =
function {
 pigment {
  form < -1, Packing, 0>
  metric 3
  offset 0
  turbulence 0.1
  color_map { [0 rgb 1] [0.99 rgb 0] [1 rgb 0] }
  scale 0.25

isosurface {
        function { F(x,y,z).red - 0.5 }
        max_gradient 5.5
        pigment {rgb 0.9}

Just needs some tweaking, colors and textures.
NO idea how to get the parts sliced smooth by the container removed, but I
supposed doing a difference or intersection with a highly textured box or
something might be a good way to fake it.

Sorry officer, there was no posted speed limit.

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 10:06:43
Message: <594a7d73$1@news.povray.org>
On 6/21/2017 12:58 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Just needs some tweaking, colors and textures.

Not nitpicking, it is looking good. Is it possible to texture individual 

> NO idea how to get the parts sliced smooth by the container removed, but I
> supposed doing a difference or intersection with a highly textured box or
> something might be a good way to fake it.
> Sorry officer, there was no posted speed limit.

Sorry BE that excuse would not hold in the UK. Each type of road here 
has its own maximum speed limit.

Built-up areas mph (km/h)	30 (48)
Single carriageways mph (km/h)	60 (96)
Dual carriageways mph (km/h)	70 (112)
Motorways mph(km/h) 		70 (112
That is for Cars, motorcycles, car-derived vans and dual-purpose 
vehicles. Other types of vehicles have different (lower) limits.


Of course stretches of road can have lower limits.



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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 12:20:00
Message: <web.594a9c2ed8d105e9c437ac910@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:

> Not nitpicking, it is looking good. Is it possible to texture individual
> components?
> > NO idea how to get the parts sliced smooth by the container removed, but I
> > supposed doing a difference or intersection with a highly textured box or
> > something might be a good way to fake it.

I think it _might_ be possible to do individual coloration, given that crackle
is based upon unit cells --- and I would imagine that if I give it some
additional thought, then the crackle function could be used to evaluate an rgb
color in the same way it's used to generate the F=0 for the isosurface...

I'm sure that Christoph L. or Mike H. might be able to chime in here, since they
seem to have a lot of practice in coloring isosurfaces with rgb functions.

I think the real point was that - there's _no math[s]_ in that there SDL.

> Sorry BE that excuse would not hold in the UK. Each type of road here
> has its own maximum speed limit.

That is The Road to Serfdom.
This is the Information Superhighway.  ;)

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 13:08:55
Message: <594aa827@news.povray.org>
On 6/21/2017 5:17 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I think the real point was that - there's _no math[s]_ in that there SDL.

True but it is not layers of rocks and there are a lot of open spaces.
I don't think that it really fits the question. Although the true 
problem is not properly defined.

>> >Sorry BE that excuse would not hold in the UK. Each type of road here
>> >has its own maximum speed limit.
> That is The Road to Serfdom.

No. The road *from* serfdom. We sent our serfs to the colonies. :P

> This is the Information Superhighway.;)

At least our cops don't shoot you for traffic violations. ;)



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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 15:10:01
Message: <web.594ac3dbd8d105e9c437ac910@news.povray.org>
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:

> True but it is not layers of rocks and there are a lot of open spaces.

OK, NOW you're nitpicking.   ;)

> I don't think that it really fits the question. Although the true
> problem is not properly defined.

Well, I was thinking just that.
Here's a rock-wall building app that spits out a rock wall with the click of a
(no, wait, that's so 2000's)
with the tap of a screen...
(no, wait, that's so 2010's)
with as request to Alexa...
(although 'they' probably have your whole psycho-social profile stored in the
cloud and know what your professor wants already ...

.... and so what have you really learned / accomplished.

In any event, the parameters of the project need to be communicated more clearly
and accurately.
Otherwise some wise-guy will post how to do it in 12 characters with a program
written in 'Jelly'.
Or Haskell :D

> No. The road *from* serfdom. We sent our serfs to the colonies. :P

Yep, and we partied like it was 1775.  :)

> At least our cops don't shoot you for traffic violations. ;)

(though I could really read into that on so many levels)

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 21 Jun 2017 16:03:06
Message: <594ad0fa$1@news.povray.org>
On 6/21/2017 8:07 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
>> True but it is not layers of rocks and there are a lot of open spaces.
> OK, NOW you're nitpicking.   ;)
>> I don't think that it really fits the question. Although the true
>> problem is not properly defined.
> Well, I was thinking just that.
> Here's a rock-wall building app that spits out a rock wall with the click of a
> button...
> (no, wait, that's so 2000's)
> with the tap of a screen...
> (no, wait, that's so 2010's)
> with as request to Alexa...
> (although 'they' probably have your whole psycho-social profile stored in the
> cloud and know what your professor wants already ...
> ..... and so what have you really learned / accomplished.

Exactly! But here we would only give hints or techniques or maybe 
pointers where some code was wrong.
ATM I've spent half a day trying to replicate it in Blender. I have 
learned that its particle system won't do it. It will need to be a 
ridged body system. But first I have to learn how to break a big stone 
into little stones.

In this heat it is like:

 > In any event, the parameters of the project need to be communicated 
more clearly
> and accurately.
> Otherwise some wise-guy will post how to do it in 12 characters with a program
> written in 'Jelly'.
> Or Haskell :D
>> No. The road *from* serfdom. We sent our serfs to the colonies. :P
> Yep, and we partied like it was 1775.  :)

I'll give you that one even though it took you long enough to start it. ;)

To make sure I was thinking about the right date. I googled 1775 and the 
whole front page was about a computer game. Sad the state the world has 
come to.

>> At least our cops don't shoot you for traffic violations. ;)
> Seriously.
> (though I could really read into that on so many levels)

Indeed you could. But if you are the right complexion it seems you can 
get away with murder.



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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 22 Jun 2017 03:49:01
Message: <594b766d@news.povray.org>
On 21-6-2017 13:58, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Without really knowing exactly what I was doing, and just plugging some stuff
> into the editor and changing some values, I got this in 5 min:
> (many thanks to Mike Williams   http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/isotut/
> and David Wagner   http://wiki.waggy.org/dokuwiki/povray/stainedglass)
> #version 3.71;
> global_settings {
>    assumed_gamma 1.0
> }
> #include "colors.inc"
> camera {
>   location  <0.0, 0, -5.0>
>   right    x*image_width/image_height
>   look_at   <0, 0, 0>}
> light_source {<10, 10, -30> White}
> #declare Packing = 1.3; //(increase to make more tightly packed)
> #declare F =
> function {
>   pigment {
>    crackle
>    form < -1, Packing, 0>
>    metric 3
>    offset 0
>    turbulence 0.1
>    color_map { [0 rgb 1] [0.99 rgb 0] [1 rgb 0] }
>    scale 0.25
>   }
> }
> isosurface {
>          function { F(x,y,z).red - 0.5 }
>          max_gradient 5.5
>          contained_by{box{-1,1}}
>          pigment {rgb 0.9}
> }
> Just needs some tweaking, colors and textures.
> NO idea how to get the parts sliced smooth by the container removed, but I
> supposed doing a difference or intersection with a highly textured box or
> something might be a good way to fake it.

This is a nice try but... it is not a /stacking/ of stones. It is a 
crackled volume. If you drop stones, they will behave differently from 
what you see here.


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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 22 Jun 2017 07:55:01
Message: <web.594baef5d8d105e9c437ac910@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:

> This is a nice try but... it is not a /stacking/ of stones. It is a
> crackled volume. If you drop stones, they will behave differently from
> what you see here.

Indeed - it wasn't really even supposed to be a "try" - it was just a blatant
cut&paste with a minor tweak or two to get it to run and close up the gaps a bit
- to show that with a wee bit of POV-Ray magic, a 3-dimensional Voronoi diagram
that gives the appearance of a pile of "stones" is THAT quick and easy - no
math, no (user-written) algorithms, no staying up late, pulling out one's
(remaining) hair, no crying in the corner because you're stoopid.

And to pick nits, if you drop stones, they will of course [sic] behave
differently than if you stack them.

AND the end result is going to be a product of however the user codes the scene
anyway, will will be a further layer of deviation from reality.

I'd say we're at a juncture where the parameters of the project need to be
defined.  But there still all sorts of fun variations on the theme that we can
play with - unconstrained by the prof.   :)
(which is what the _really_ good students ought to be doing along the way / in
addition to the stated project)

"So, I made that rock pile that you wanted - but I also did a few old Scottish
castles, the Great Wall of China, a cross-section of an archaeological
excavation site with some fossil meshes thrown in, an animated exploding Rice
Krispy treat, the rubble in the aftermath of a Kalifornia earthquake, and I've
begun a study on the kinetics of settling in a mixture of sand, aggregate, and
cement in pre-mixed concrete....... by the way is there any more coffee?"

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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 22 Jun 2017 15:55:00
Message: <web.594c2063d8d105e9883fb31c0@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Without really knowing exactly what I was doing, and just plugging some stuff
> into the editor and changing some values, I got this in 5 min:
> [code example]

Cool. I've been playing with it and animating some of the values, to see what
happens. Fun!

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Stacking stones without overlapping
Date: 22 Jun 2017 16:10:43
Message: <594c2443$1@news.povray.org>
Le 17-06-21 à 07:58, Bald Eagle a écrit :
> Without really knowing exactly what I was doing, and just plugging some stuff
> into the editor and changing some values, I got this in 5 min:
> (many thanks to Mike Williams   http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/isotut/
> and David Wagner   http://wiki.waggy.org/dokuwiki/povray/stainedglass)
> #version 3.71;
> global_settings {
>    assumed_gamma 1.0
> }
> #include "colors.inc"
> camera {
>   location  <0.0, 0, -5.0>
>   right    x*image_width/image_height
>   look_at   <0, 0, 0>}
> light_source {<10, 10, -30> White}
> #declare Packing = 1.3; //(increase to make more tightly packed)
> #declare F =
> function {
>   pigment {
>    crackle
>    form < -1, Packing, 0>
>    metric 3
>    offset 0
>    turbulence 0.1
>    color_map { [0 rgb 1] [0.99 rgb 0] [1 rgb 0] }
>    scale 0.25
>   }
> }
> isosurface {
>          function { F(x,y,z).red - 0.5 }
>          max_gradient 5.5
>          contained_by{box{-1,1}}
>          pigment {rgb 0.9}
> }
> Just needs some tweaking, colors and textures.
> NO idea how to get the parts sliced smooth by the container removed, but I
> supposed doing a difference or intersection with a highly textured box or
> something might be a good way to fake it.
> Sorry officer, there was no posted speed limit.

You can use multiple patterns. In this case, a boxed pattern may be 
usefull with a colour_map that stays to 1 untill close to the edges, 
then drops to zero over a relatively short distance. Something like this:

#declare F_Boxed = function{colour_map{[0 rgb 0][0.1 rgb 1]}}

Next, you multiply the two.
isosurface {
         function { F(x,y,z).red - 0.5 } * function{F_Boxed(x,y,z).red}
         max_gradient 5.5
         pigment {rgb 0.9}

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