POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 Server Time
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  TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 (Message 1 to 8 of 8)  
From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 10 Jan 2004 19:05:02
Message: <web.4000928dfbcf841ce36ef25c0@news.povray.org>
TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it from:

TesselSphere is an OpenGL spherical subdivision utility I wrote to generate
vertexia for pollen, radiolaria and virus forms.

It outputs POV-Ray and VRML. It has both particle and geodesic subdivsion
modules and uses live 'morphers' to split the vertexia of Delaunay and
Voronoi hulls into 'cells'. These cells can also be stellated.

You can see a screenshot of the program at the above url. The TesselSphere
website vanished for a while, but it should be back (somewhere) soon.

TesselSphere has been successfully compiled on Win-98 and Linux Mandrake-9.1

I hope the POV community finds it of use and I would like to thank all the
programmers who have shared their code with me over the past years. This is
my offering in return.

Long live POV-Ray,

Best wishes,

Nicholas Shea

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From: Dennis Miller
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 10 Jan 2004 21:53:52
Message: <4000bac0$1@news.povray.org>
Where might I find an executable for Windows?

"Nicholas Shea" <ome### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
> TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it
> http://www.members.aol.com/omega1746
> TesselSphere is an OpenGL spherical subdivision utility I wrote to
> vertexia for pollen, radiolaria and virus forms.
> It outputs POV-Ray and VRML. It has both particle and geodesic subdivsion
> modules and uses live 'morphers' to split the vertexia of Delaunay and
> Voronoi hulls into 'cells'. These cells can also be stellated.
> You can see a screenshot of the program at the above url. The TesselSphere
> website vanished for a while, but it should be back (somewhere) soon.
> TesselSphere has been successfully compiled on Win-98 and Linux
> I hope the POV community finds it of use and I would like to thank all the
> programmers who have shared their code with me over the past years. This
> my offering in return.
> Long live POV-Ray,
> Best wishes,
> Nicholas Shea

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From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 11 Jan 2004 11:25:01
Message: <web.400178465a938e4424f18f540@news.povray.org>
Dennis Miller wrote:
>Where might I find an executable for Windows?

I can compile a windows i686 binary for you. This comes in at around 3MB. I
have limited web space but will try and upload it to my web site within a
week or so. You can now access TesselSphere via my home page at this url:


I can only assure the binary will run on Win98. I have not tested it on ME,
200 or XP.

Best wishes


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From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 11 Jan 2004 11:30:02
Message: <web.400179055a938e4424f18f540@news.povray.org>
Nicholas Shea wrote:
>TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it >from:

My website is now up and TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc3 can be downloaded from there
instead. rc3 fixes a few bugs and inconsistencies. You can
access TesselSphere from my home page:


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From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 11 Jan 2004 16:35:02
Message: <web.4001c0795a938e44a6b2cd470@news.povray.org>
Nicholas Shea wrote:
>Dennis Miller wrote:
>>Where might I find an executable for Windows?
>I can compile a windows i686 binary for you. This comes in at around 3MB. I
>have limited web space but will try and upload it to my web site within a
>week or so. You can now access TesselSphere via my home page at this url:
>I can only assure the binary will run on Win98. I have not tested it on ME,
>200 or XP.
>Best wishes

I have just uploaded TesselSphere-110-rc3.zip windows binary.
I hope it runs on your system.


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From: Dennis Miller
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 11 Jan 2004 17:02:59
Message: <4001c813$1@news.povray.org>
Okay, looks like it is running okay under Win XP SP1.

So now I have to read the usage notes - when I exported a scene to POV and
tried to render it, I got the following error. Guess essel produces
includes, not povs?? Will check on that, but if you have a template scene
that will work with the default export files, please let me know.
Thanks much

#macro TS_Init_Cell_Arrays()
   #declare Cell0 = array[3] {} <---insufficient number of initializers

"Nicholas Shea" <ome### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
> Nicholas Shea wrote:
> >TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it
>from: http://www.members.aol.com/omega1746
> My website is now up and TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc3 can be downloaded from
> instead. rc3 fixes a few bugs and inconsistencies. You can
> access TesselSphere from my home page:
> http://www.geocities.com/nicholasshea1/

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From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 14 Jan 2004 07:50:01
Message: <web.400539775a938e449ac4c41d0@news.povray.org>
Dennis Miller wrote:
>Okay, looks like it is running okay under Win XP SP1.
>So now I have to read the usage notes - when I exported a scene to POV and
>tried to render it, I got the following error. Guess essel produces
>includes, not povs?? Will check on that, but if you have a template scene
>that will work with the default export files, please let me know.
>Thanks much

This was fixed in TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc5 which was uploaded on 13th Jan.
Sorry about that. The cell export bug was introduced after updating the
morph code but it seems to be working fine now. I have tested several inc
files from various TesselSphere morphs including split Delaunay /Voronoi
hulls as well as separated cells and get perfect renders.

The inc files TesselSphere produces are designed to be used with macros.
This means you can include several inc files in one POV and just use the
same macro interface to render the indexed cell data. Whenever an inc file
is included the _ts globals are reset for that inc file. You can write your
own macros to create splines, blobs or whatever you like. (Thats how I
created the work in my Galleries)

I will post some example macros of how to access the _ts globals on my
website soon. Eventually, these will be included in a samples folder when
TesselSphere is released.

By-the-way, what OS are you running TesselSphere on?


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From: Nicholas Shea
Subject: Re: TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2
Date: 14 Jan 2004 14:25:02
Message: <web.400597345a938e44954d99090@news.povray.org>
>Dennis Miller wrote:
>>Okay, looks like it is running okay under Win XP SP1.
Nicholas Shea wrote:
>By-the-way, what OS are you running TesselSphere on?

Sorry, I missed that. Thanks for the feedback.


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