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Hi !
XPE v0.9.4 has been released (source tarball, various linux distros,
It contains some bugs corrections and new tools to make coding easiest.
The website : http://nextpe.sf.net
Download : http://nextpe.sourceforge.net/?id=3
Documentation : http://nextpe.wiki.sourceforge.net/Configuration
Have fun !
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LLAGT - Looks Like A Good Thing!
I guess I'll try it out these weeks. Still need a POV editor with syntax
highlighting for quick changes on Linux anyway. Looks like here is something to
get even more than I was hoping for...
Does the image file preview happen to do HDR images, too?
A color picker to directly insert POV-style rgb[t][f] colors? (Including proper
gamma "un-correction" of course, so that "what you pick is what you get"!)
If not, consider these suggestions for future releases ;)
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From: Thierry CHARLES
Subject: Re: neXtgen Povray Editor (XPE) v0.9.4
Date: 23 Jan 2009 13:01:05
Message: <497a05e1@news.povray.org>
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Hello !
Thanks for your enthusiasm, it's always good and motivating ;)
I fear tha XPE is not so much good as what you hope, but I'll take your
suggestions into account for future releases.
Actualy, the only thing you're mentionning and which exists is the color
picker (yes, take a look at the toolbar), but without transmit / filter
parameters and of course, and without the gamma managment of course ;)
I hope XPE will satisfy you :)
> LLAGT - Looks Like A Good Thing!
> I guess I'll try it out these weeks. Still need a POV editor with synta
> highlighting for quick changes on Linux anyway. Looks like here is some
thing to
> get even more than I was hoping for...
> Does the image file preview happen to do HDR images, too?
> A color picker to directly insert POV-style rgb[t][f] colors? (Includin
g proper
> gamma "un-correction" of course, so that "what you pick is what you get
> If not, consider these suggestions for future releases ;)
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Thierry CHARLES <thierry@_no_spam_les-charles.net> wrote:
> Actualy, the only thing you're mentionning and which exists is the color
> picker (yes, take a look at the toolbar), but without transmit / filter
> parameters and of course, and without the gamma managment of course ;)
....which is indeed a pity, because that's exactly what makes color picking a
problem, given that POV assumes it's not gamma corrected, while you'll probably
automatically pick a color gamma-corrected for your 2.2 display gamma (or
whatever gamma you have)...
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"clipka" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Still need a POV editor with syntax
> highlighting for quick changes on Linux anyway.
Vim, Emacs, Kate and SciTE all do the job (the last 2 even in notepad fashion),
plus macros, textual completion, code folding, text markers and quick
navigation with jump stacks (not sure about this one for the last 2).
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"nemesis" <nam### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> "clipka" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Still need a POV editor with syntax
> > highlighting for quick changes on Linux anyway.
> Vim, Emacs, Kate and SciTE all do the job (the last 2 even in notepad fashion),
> plus macros, textual completion, code folding, text markers and quick
> navigation with jump stacks (not sure about this one for the last 2).
Yeah, I bet. I guess there are *tons* of editors out there that do the job, or
can me made to do it.
Had to learn how to exit vi several years ago, and used emacs as well, but...
you know, I'm really not a Linux jockey, so I bet *any* typical Linux tool is
*not* what I want.
I'm happy with a bit of shell scripting, getting POV to utilize all four cores,
and knowing how to compile POV beta to regression-test my code changes. That,
plus maybe a few tools so that I can do quick changes to POV scenes on the
Linux machine directly.
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"clipka" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Had to learn how to exit vi several years ago, and used emacs as well, but...
> you know, I'm really not a Linux jockey, so I bet *any* typical Linux tool is
> *not* what I want.
> I'm happy with a bit of shell scripting, getting POV to utilize all four cores,
> and knowing how to compile POV beta to regression-test my code changes. That,
> plus maybe a few tools so that I can do quick changes to POV scenes on the
> Linux machine directly.
Kate and SciTe are almost quite as powerful as vim and emacs and still are
nothing like any *nix tool (they follow the notepad way of life). SciTe is
also cross-platform and I regularly resort to using it on Windows.
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: neXtgen Povray Editor (XPE) v0.9.4
Date: 25 Jan 2009 03:52:50
Message: <497c2862@news.povray.org>
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> Kate and SciTe are almost quite as powerful as vim and emacs and still are
> nothing like any *nix tool (they follow the notepad way of life). SciTe is
> also cross-platform and I regularly resort to using it on Windows.
SciTe is just great for large files with endless lines. I started to use
it for editing exported meshes, as other editors tend to do strange things
when dealing with such files, and ended using it for everything... well,
almost, as I still resort to vi when I want to automate the editing with
some macros... :)
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